Thursday, March 29, 2007

tag, i was it three days ago!

way back on Monday, Jennifer tagged me. the idea is to share five things about yourself that you have not already revealed in your blog. this proved tougher than it would seem. i've been blogging for a while now & have shared quite a bit here. i was able to think of lots of things i *haven't* shared, but that i was unwilling to disclose to the internet at large, you know? so it took me a few days to play along. even then, i had to seek out a little assistance, because i had been staring at the screen for a really long time & had nothing for number five. (of course, as soon as i post this, i will think of fourteen more bits of Dawn-trivia i could have shared. maybe i ought to start a draft for when i think of these things so the next time, i will be prepared!) anyway, here we go:

1. my handwriting never looks the same twice. it has multiple personalities. if i am writing without thinking about it, i will often write in both print & cursive -- in the same word! -- but even words used more than once in a sentence look different from each other. i am not sure if that makes it easier to forge my writing or more difficult. if i concentrate on writing though, i have excellent penmanship & actually really like my handwriting.

2. i absolutely positively cannot stand the feeling of peach fuzz or raw potatoes.

3. no matter when or where i see it, the color yellow *always* makes me think of my Gram.

4. the first baseball player i ever remember admiring was not a member of the Red Sox. it was Cal Ripken Jr., career Baltimore Oriole.

5. as many times as i have said i can navigate the parks at Walt Disney World with my eyes closed, put me in *Disneyland* & i cannot figure out where i am. i am totally disoriented. nothing is where it belongs. good thing i have personal tour guides! ;-)

now that i have shared my five previously-unblogged pieces of me, i am supposed to tag five more people. as much as i love getting tagged & playing along, i never know who might not *want* to get tagged or who has already been tagged, so i am going to cop out with: if you haven't been tagged yet, you are now, so hop to it & then let me know you played. and if you've been tagged before, played along & want to play again, go for it. =)

9 with their own thoughts:

Anonymous,  Thursday, March 29, 2007 12:50:00 PM  

What if someone cuts up a tree-ripend peach, puts it in a bowl and hands you a fork? Could you eat it?

~**Dawn**~ Thursday, March 29, 2007 12:54:00 PM  

as long as they peel it too! it's the fuzz... i think it's weird to eat something fuzzy & it makes my lips itch.

Tracy S Thursday, March 29, 2007 2:15:00 PM  

hey very cool meme although it would prove very hard for me as well. I have done so many about me memes....I may give this one a try though. I love challenges.... and I too hate peach fuzz.... ewwww it wigs

Thanks for stopping by today :)

Bart Thursday, March 29, 2007 3:03:00 PM  

4. the first baseball player i ever remember admiring was not a member of the Red Sox. it was Cal Ripken Jr., career Baltimore Oriole.

You damn right.

Though, he almost wasn't a career O.

~**Dawn**~ Thursday, March 29, 2007 3:06:00 PM  

Bart: almost doesn't count. he is an Oriole. period. he is easily my all-yime favorite SS -- even as i am in awe of A-Gon's defensive skills in that position.

Bart Thursday, March 29, 2007 3:23:00 PM  

He did marshal in this new age of offensive minded SS's, but people tend to forget that he did so because he could actually field the position so well. Granted it was because he was such a study that he'd be in good position more often than not, but still.

But it really still amazes me that he stayed an O. I'm not sure any real fan around here would have begrudged him if he decided to leave after the Senior debacle.

Mega Thursday, March 29, 2007 3:36:00 PM  

so wait...because I read that I am tagged? I'm so confused =P

Jennifer Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:42:00 PM  

It was hard eh! I too have been blogging a long time. And while I wasn't really prepared to think about my answers.. I spit out the first five things that came to my mind.

Thanks for playing though!

Peach fuzz eh? Hahaha I like to gently rub that on my lips :)

Anonymous,  Monday, April 02, 2007 2:53:00 AM  

I played. Finally. That was pretty hard. I mean, I could think of a lot of things, but most of them didn't make me sound like a very nice person. :-P

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