Wednesday, February 7, 2007

for those of you who just can't get enough Dawn...

saw this over on Krystyn's blog a few days ago & saved it so i could play along

1. Your name plus "ness"?
2. Two feelings at the moment?
calm. distracted.
3. What are you listening to right now?
various work-related sounds: some equipment running. a truck idling. typing. someone talking on the phone. a forklift backing up. the fish tank gurgling.
4. Done anything you regret so far this week?
no. but the week is young. give me time. =P
5. Describe where you are right now?
i am sitting at my desk at work & it's kind of chilly in here!
6. The highlight of your week?
hanging out with Nichole & Daniel on Sunday
7. What are you craving to have right now?
warmer weather!
8. What are you scared of?
getting hurt. hurting someone i love. something happening to my photos.
9. Last movie you watched?
ummm... i think it was the Lord of the Rings trilogy over Christmas...
10. Do you have feelings for someone?
i have feelings for lots of people! some i love. some i *really* don't.
11. What is your heritage?
German. French Canadian. possibly some Polish.
12. Are you thinking of someone right now?
13. Britney Spears is a skank. Agree or disagree?
i don't know. she might just be really dumb. i can't figure out if she intends to look skanky or if she just doesn't think things through before she does them & winds up looking skanky.
14. Last thing you downloaded on your computer?
actually, things are getting uploaded *off* my computer right now & then Windows needs to be reinstalled. when i get it back again, i will be downloading the usual programs i have on it: Picasa. AIM. Gmail Notifier. Google Toolbar. a few others.
15. Have you changed much this year?
a ton.
16. Say something about the person who posted this before you.
Krystyn was one of my very first blog buddies. =)
17. Do you like moms?
not as a rule. i have yet to have a good mom experience. wait. scratch that. one exception would be Michael's mom. that's it.
18. Hug or kiss?
yes, please.
19. Are you currently disappointed in anyone/thing?
mostly myself for not being stronger & handling things as gracefully as i should.
20. How many homes have you lived in?
::counts on fingers:: eleven. six of those have been in the last 15 months.
21. Who was the last person to text message you?
Nichole! =)
22. Where was the last place you went besides where you are?
assuming you don't mean home either, that would be California this past weekend.
23. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?
LOL! yeah. right.
24. Do you speak any other language other than English?
not fluently. i can understand a little French & German.
25. Last thing you watched on TV?
Boston Legal. last night. and there were not really any funny lines last night which is why there were no quotes from it this morning. the funny parts were actually more "visual" this time.
26. Name someone with the same b-day as you?
ummmm... no one. yet.
27. Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?
never even been to Mexico. and i don't really have any drunken nights in my past. don't really see that changing now.
28. Favorite color(s)?
deep rich red. navy blue. silver. chocolate brown.
29. What's your least favorite cereal character?
ummm... huh?
30. What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?
i cannot stand Michael Jackson.
31. Who are you crushing on right at this very moment?
no one. no crushes for me, thanks.
32. Drinking or drugs?
i will have an occasional drink or two, but only in moderation.
33. Any plans?
not at the moment.
34. What are your plans for tonight?
i know this will make you all *so* jealous, but tonight i get to do my laundry. =P
35. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
i live such an exciting life. tomorrow i am looking forward to a new episode of Grey's, which will hopefully live up to the hype of the previews.
36. Favorite teacher?
Ms Norton, my junior year high school English teacher
37. Last time you smiled - and meant it?
today when the guy came to clean our fish tank. we usually talk sports & neither of us like Peyton Manning.
38. If you were to find out you were pregnant tomorrow, how would you feel?
you would probably have to pick me up off the floor in a state of utter shock since i am pretty certain that it is NOT possible for me to *be* pregnant right at the moment. (edit to add that *very* important "not"! what a place to have a typo!)
39. Do you trust your friends?
yes, i do.
40. Would you move to another state or country to be with the person you love?
love is a rare gift. if the person i loved had to be somewhere i wasn't & it were possible for me to be there too, i would absolutely go.
41. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
i would like to think so. if this is true, though, i am still waiting for some of those reasons to be revealed.
42. Name two things you would NOT tolerate in a relationship.
being controlled. not being able to trust the other person with *everything*.
43. What's your favorite addiction?
See's chocolate would be right up there...
44. Can you deal with people who are too concerned with their relationship status?
yes. i lived with one of those people in Connecticut. everything & everyone had to be informed about her current "relationship status" & watch out if you didn't act like it was of all-consuming importance.
45. Are you afraid of falling in love?
may come as a shock to a bunch of you, but no.
46. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times throughout the day?
47. From your friends list, who can you call in the middle of the night if you need to talk?
lucky me, i have friends on the west coast. so the middle of the night my time is not really so late their time. =)
48. What qualities do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
sincerity. honesty. the ability to snuggle. a warm smile. expressive eyes.
49. Fill in the blank. I will NEVER again _______.
settle for less
50. What is your number one priority in life?
to make sure the people i love always know it
51. Most depressing time the past month?
=( let's not go there.
52. How many kids do you want to have?
however many i get. getting to even one seems like a bit of a challenge at the moment.
53. Would you make a good parent?
i like to think so. if we all have something we're good at, mine is kids.
54. Where was your default picture taken?
my default picture? for what? i am confused... i am going to assume this means here, on my blog. the one on the left sidebar was taken in the office of the house i lived in when i first moved to Florida. the one of the right sidebar was taken in California.
55. What is your middle name?
56. What is your current relationship status?
single. but so very much unavailable.
57. What is your current mood?
bright & shiny. or if you choose to go by my Punkymood: mischievous.
58. What do you love most?
there are several people i love very much.
59. What makes you most happy?
being at Disney World
60. Are you musically inclined?
i can play two instruments. but i only sing for people who are too little to laugh at me.
61. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would it be?
there isn't enough space here for me to get into *that* list.
62. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what would you be?
i think i could get by as a kitty. if i get to pick where i live.
63. Ever have a near death experience?
no, thank God.
64. Something you do a lot?
think too much
65. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
not one that *Nichole* is responsible for putting there! =P
66. Ever had a drunken night?
nope! never more than a slight pleasant buzz. i don't like feeling like i am not in control of myself.
67. What is your favorite TV show?
Grey's Anatomy & Boston Legal are in a dead tie for current shows. but my all-time favorite show is Friends.
68. Have you ever snuck out of your house to go to a party?
no. i never had to sneak out of the house for anything. i just went. i didn't have lots of rules growing up. and ya know what? i didn't get into much trouble either. strong sense of responsibility & accountability
69. Do you speak any other language?
didn't we answer this one already?
70. What's your favorite smell?
fresh evergreen. apple pie. vanilla.

9 with their own thoughts:

Anonymous,  Wednesday, February 07, 2007 11:15:00 AM  

6. That's the highlight of my week, too! :-)

14. Is your computer disease-free now?

38. You mean that it is IMpossible for you to be pregnant right now... right????!?!?!?!

65. Dick in a Box. It's been stuck in there since yesterday. :-P

k Wednesday, February 07, 2007 11:58:00 AM  

Good list!! So fun to read. :-)

~**Dawn**~ Wednesday, February 07, 2007 12:16:00 PM  

6. =)
14. i don't know! i haven't gotten an update yet!
38. corrected. oops. BIG oops.
65. ::runs away screaming::


thanks for letting me borrow it Krystyn! =)

Debi Wednesday, February 07, 2007 1:36:00 PM  

That was really fun to read, Dawn! But I have to admit that some of your answers left me quite intrigued/curious.

~**Dawn**~ Wednesday, February 07, 2007 1:45:00 PM  

debi: intrigued? curious? which ones?

Debi Wednesday, February 07, 2007 4:29:00 PM  

Well, first let me say I hope I'm not sounding nosy...really am just intrigued and curious. In other words, I'm not actually expecting you to say any more on any subject. Does that make sense? #17-does that mean you generally don't like women who have kids or that you haven't known many mother-figures who have amounted to much? (Geez-could I word that any worse?!!)
And #19-I obviously don't know you, but you sound like such a strong person, so I wonder why you feel this way...are you not as totally together as you sound or are you just way too hard on yourself.
And #20-Six places in 15 months! Wow...and why?
And I could go on, I'm sure.

But like I said...I'm truly not trying to be nosy. Honest. Just that it's hard not to wonder about people you find likeable and interesting.

~**Dawn**~ Wednesday, February 07, 2007 8:45:00 PM  

you're not being nosy! if there's something i *really* don't want to elaborate on, i will just say so. =) that being said:

17. i know some really great moms. i think i interpreted this question as mom-figures for *me*. my own mom... well... not so good at that. my Gram had to take over that role. and of all the guys i dated? their moms seemed to think i was the devil incarnate for "stealing" their baby boys. except for the one i mentioned. so as a result, i am perpetually scared of moms now.

19. i am told i hold myself to impossibly high standards. this may be one of those times. i just expect so much more of myself...

20. all in Florida. in November 2005, the house i was living in (#1) sold before the new house was ready so i had to move into a rental house (#2) for 7 weeks. new house still wasn't ready, so i had to move in with my boyfriend-at-the-time's parents' house (#3) for a week. *finally* the new house (#4) was ready. but then things were not going so well & eventually i moved out -- which is a much longer & more complicated story i won't elaborate on here -- so i was living in an apartment (#5) but that was a short-term fix until i moved into the apartment i am in now (#6), which is just a different apartment in the same complex. over that time i have lived in the following cities: Davenport, Winter Garden, Clermont, Auburndale & Lakeland.

Debi Thursday, February 08, 2007 6:08:00 AM  

I'm guessing you're probably ready to stay put for a while?

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