after last week's episodes being low on the quoteworthy scale, they sure made up for them this week...
Dr. Alvin Azinabinikrov: I want to thank you very much for taking the time to see me.
Alan: I didn't take the time. You planted yourself in here like a squatter. Seeing you was unavoidable.
Dr. Azinabinikrov: This has been a major personal setback. It goes without saying.
Alan: And yet you say it.
i love Alan's super dry sarcasm.
Denny: But I'm a Christian and to Christians, temple is... a... a college.
Bethany: My faith is important to me.
Denny: As is mine to me!
Bethany: Please. What denomination are you?
Denny: I'm uhhh... Lutheran!
Bethany: I see. And what do Lutherans believe in, Denny?
Denny: We believe in many things, Bethany. But mostly, we believe... in uhhh... Luther!
::shakes head:: the things that come out of Denny's mouth. the writers must have so much fun with his character.
Hon. Robert Sanders: He saw aliens?
Alan: Uh, no, not aliens, your Honor. Just their mode of transportation. The point is it bears no reflection on his ability to perform as a cognitive therapist. To terminate --
Hon. Robert Sanders: Were they green with big eyes?
Alan: Your Honor, he did not see the occupants of the craft. Simply the --
Hon. Robert Sanders: Little antennae growing on their heads?
Hon. Robert Sanders: Why are the lawyers hugging?!
Alan: Your Honor, opposing counsel and I are good friends.
Hon. Robert Sanders: Stop it! I won't have happiness in my courtroom!
Hon. Robert Sanders: Silence! I get to decide! You two huggers don't get to make the rules. I'm the decider!
the scenes with this judge always kill me. he's nuts.
Denise: Do you really think it's appropriate, Brad? Getting one girl knocked up while you're dating another?
Brad: What?
Denise: Did you not hear me? Am I being too subtle?
Brad: No, Denise. You're being anything but subtle.
Denise: And bringing her into the office. That is *really* classy. You should parade her right into my office. You two could do a little Shawne Merriman sack dance, you insensitive pig.
i see the writers of this show still have a few digs in them when it comes to the Patriots-Chargers playoff game. ::smirk::
Brad: Ok, you're lost.
Denise: No. I'm scared. I am alone and I'm having a baby. I'm completely alone.
Alan: The thing about making love for the first time... It will happen when it's right. And when it's right, everything just happens naturally.
Jerry: I'm sorry. I'd like to point out for the court that counsel is very tricky. And I would ask, your Honor, that it be noted as such. He is a profound trickster. It must be said.
Alan: You will recall that I once advised you to flee the practice of law. It's an ugly occupation which calls upon its participants to do ugly things. I am very accomplished in the practice of law, Jerry.
Bethany: Are you saying that Israel doesn't deserve to defend itself?!
Denny: Of course they do. But don't blow up a whole country because you're mad. Only the United States enjoys that privilege. We're a super power.
::shakes head:: again with the Denny scenes.