Sunday, May 20, 2007

he's breathing on me!

so. i never got this infamous kid complaint. until yesterday. i went to Disney World for a dose of happy after last week's awful events. i was having a nice time. and then i stood in line at Pirates of the Caribbean. the guy behind me had zero concept of personal space. i know that there is only so much space that can be expected at some place like Disney. but there is no reason to stand literally so close to me that i can feel your breath on my skin. i tried to move forward but there was only so far i could go. and he kept closing the gap behind me when i did anyway. he was annoyed that he had to wait in line (hello? Disney World? there will be lines.) and kept huffing & puffing all over me to the point it was grossing me out. and his breath was... unpleasant to make matters worse.

but i hate when people are miserable at Disney so i tried to make the best of the 25 minute wait. even though i wanted to gag.

and then his little girl started putting the final straw on the camel's back. not to pat my own back but i've got more patience for children than your average bear, so when a kid gets on my last nerve, suffice to say that's no small task. but this little girl started kicking the bag i had in my hand. once. twice. three times. i silently switched the bag to my other hand. and that little brat switched sides & kicked it again! *and* i caught her father watching her do it & he never said a word to her.

arg. i really hate when people spit all over my happy.

4 with their own thoughts:

k Monday, May 21, 2007 12:48:00 AM  

That guy MUST be related to the new girl that just started at SB a few wks ago. Apparently, she finds it ok to stand literally OVER my shoulder to see what drink I'm making next. I told her it was annoying & that I value my personal space...I think she got the hint. :-)

Mega Monday, May 21, 2007 10:13:00 AM  

You could have turned around to the guy and said something like "excuse me but please don't stand so close to me, I have (insert highly contagious virus here)". That woulda backed him off.

As for the little girl, I too have the patience of a saint when it comes to kids. However I will not tolerate them misbehaving at my expense in public. There was this one time on a plane where the kid across the aisle from me kept throwing peanuts at my laptop. The parent looked at me and smiled as if it were cute. So I decided to just start chucking them back at the parent. She was really pissed but got the kid to stop doing it.

Amy Monday, May 21, 2007 10:35:00 AM  

Two occasions this weekend when I nearly yelled at someone else's kid. And I don't yell at my own. But I teach mine manners and respect and I about lost it this weekend with the lack of instruction parents were giving their children.

You are more tolerant than I. After three kicks and the child moving around to kick it again? I would have had stern words with her.

And the dad? yeah, um, it's DISNEY - it is safe to say you can expect lines.

Brian in Oxford Monday, May 21, 2007 10:59:00 AM  

If you'd placed your bag next to her HEAD at about 25 mph, that mighta stopped the kicking!

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