Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday's Feast: May 25, 2007

Feast One Hundred & Forty Three

Name a sound you like to hear.

"Sweet Caroline" and baseball noise at Fenway Park

What is your favorite kind of cheese?

mmmmm... cheese... (just not feta)

Do you sleep late on Saturday mornings? Why or why not?

i never sleep in. sleeping late for me translates to about 7.

Main Course
When was the last time you forgot something? What was it, and how long did it take to remember it?

i forget stuff all the time. which is why i make lists, write things down, program it into my phone, send myself email. the last thing i remember forgetting (ha!) was to put toothpaste on my grocery list. i remembered the very next time i brushed my teeth. i was worried i might not make it through the week with what was left, but it looks like i will. and no, i have not been rationing. =P

Fill in the blank: I notice ____________ when _____________.
i notice that cars start falling apart when you pay the stupid things off.

3 with their own thoughts:

Anonymous,  Friday, May 25, 2007 1:30:00 PM  

I love Neil Diamond too :) Happy Friday

*krystyn* Friday, May 25, 2007 4:55:00 PM  

Oh no - I sure hope my car doesn't start falling apart when I pay it off -but I think you are right.

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