Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tuesday Twosome: April 3, 2007


1. What two things are necessary for you to respect someone?
sincerity. kindness.
2. What two things do you think people respect you for?
my loyalty & my ability to listen well.
3. Who are two people you respect the most and why?
two people i respect a great deal are my friend, Alison, who has managed to defy all the stereotypes of single parenthood, and my friend, Nichole, who works so hard to achieve her goals, even when it's frustrating & demanding, and still somehow finds the time to be an awesome friend.
4. What two things can cause you to lose respect for someone?
betraying my trust. being intentionally cruel.
5. Is respect important to you? Why or why not?
it is, but maybe not in the ways that it might be for many people. the things that make me respect another person often have more to do with values & emotional qualities, rather than achievements. and these are the same qualities for which i would like to be respected, far more than any goals i may achieve.

2 with their own thoughts:

Debi Wednesday, April 04, 2007 10:49:00 AM  

Love those answers...couldn't agree more with #1!

Anonymous,  Wednesday, April 04, 2007 1:39:00 PM  

Awww... I'm *so* glad you think so, even when i'm crazy busy!!

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