Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday Threesome: April 26, 2007

brought to you by The Back Porch

::The Cola Wars?::

Onesome: The-- marketing of goods and services. ...and the things they do to try to get us to buy their products! Are there any advertisments or commercials that really stand out to you right now?
well... i like the two Sportscenter commercials they play on ESPN ("Hip hip Jorge!" and the one where Papi tried on Posada's cap & Wally sees him). i like the Chevy commercial that has the baseball theme ("What's a rally monkey?!). and the Budweiser commercial with Dale Jr ("For the last time. Just because it says Bud *on* the car doesn't mean there's Bud *in* the car.) cracks me up every time i see it. those are the only ones that are popping immediately into mind at the moment.

Twosome: Cola-- cola, cola: which cola do you drink? ...or do you? ...or the UnCola? (Do you remember that ad campaign?)
on the (extremely) rare occasion that i drink soda at all, it's usually a Pepsi for the sole purpose of a necessary caffeine boost. i don't like Coke. i think it leaves a weird aftertaste.

Threesome: Wars?-- Are there any good advertising wars going on in your area? Burgers, newspapers, ISPs?
i can't really think of any.

1 with their own thoughts:

Amy Friday, April 27, 2007 8:08:00 AM  

I have always loved SportsCenter commercials, although I think my favs were when they had Star Wars characters on them...those rocked. I used to love some of the NASCAR "How Bad Have You Got It" commercials, but they don't do those anymore.

(I had to explain to my son the "Jorge!" commercial. As it turns out, if you have to explain it, it isn't funny. At least it isn't funny to him. It's still way funny to me!)

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