Monday, April 30, 2007

Friday Fun: April 30, 2007

brought to you by Friday Fun

Friday Friends

1. Do you believe net friends can be as close as real life friends?

absolutely. but only if you would be great friends in real life as well. if that makes sense...

2. Do you have a best friend? Or several?
i am blessed enough to have several. i am a lucky girl.

3. Are you still close to those you went to high school with?
not really. i still keep in touch with Chele... and... that's about it.

4. Do you believe a man and a woman can truly be just friends?

3 with their own thoughts:

Bart Monday, April 30, 2007 10:56:00 AM's Monday...


Why haven't I burst on to your "blogs I visit" yet? I need all the extra help on traffic I can get.

~**Dawn**~ Monday, April 30, 2007 11:00:00 AM  

listen, smarty pants. that's the name of the meme. i didn't get to it on Friday, so you get it when i feel like playing along. =P

as for the linkage? i update my blogroll when i change themes. hang on... it's coming. ;-)

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