Monday, November 5, 2007

far be it from me to avoid a direct request

i was reading Melissa's blog just now -- sorry, can't link her up since her blog is password protected -- and she tagged anyone who read her latest entry. so since i read, i am tagged, and here we are.

Yourself: a work in progress. some days there is more progress than others. =P

Your partner: crime you mean? ;-) Alison & Heather are always up for that. it's a wonder we haven't been thrown out of anywhere yet...

Your hair: short. intentionally "messy." easy & quick to style. brown with blonde highlights. or you could just look at my photos in the sidebars. ;-)

Your mother: we sound exactly alike on the phone. we're not really very close. but it's better than it used to be.

Your father: survived a stroke & open heart surgery seven years ago. did (in my opinion) a darn fine job of being a single parent.

Your favorite item: i cannot be forced to choose. i love my camera. i love my cell (which i would have never thought i would say!). i love my computer. i love my DVR. i love my Sox jerseys. i don't have many "items" but the ones i have, i am grateful for.

Your dream last night: i can't remember exactly. i know that it had the character "Charlotte" in it from Sex & the City. and it was raining.

Your favorite drink: water. nice clear cold water.

Your dream car: one that is brand new but paid for in full. and gets good gas mileage. and doesn't cost a small fortune to insure.

Dream home: i don't know what it looks like, but i know that it is located where there are four distinct seasons (and i don't mean hot, HOT!!!, hurricane season and bring along a sweatshirt); there is snow for Christmas, but it never snows on the road or the driveway or your car, just on the lawn, house & trees; there are hills; and Disney World; and there is still orange blossom season.

The room you are in: the office at work. nothing special about that.

Your fear: making the wrong decision.

Where you want to be in 10 years: i don't even know where i want to be next week! part of the fun of being a work in progress. as long as i am happy & healthy where ever i am in ten years, that will be what matters. besides, i've learned the hard way not to plan too far down the path. those detours can pop up on you around the next corner.

Who you hung out with last night: John Madden, Al Michaels, the Cowboys & the Eagles. =P

You’re not: ever going to sky dive. or bungee jump. or ride a roller coaster.

One of your wish list items: that my camera holds out for a while longer...

The last thing you did: paged someone for a phone call before remembering that he's on vacation this week.

You are wearing: my favorite tan pants. my favorite brown boots. a tan tank top. and a navy blue striped, long sleeve, button down shirt. because it's actually starting to feel more like Autumn! hooray!

Your favorite weather: March in Florida. October in New England.

Your favorite book: "Phantom" by Susan Kay

Last thing you ate: pineapple yogurt

Your life: a journey. sometimes an adventure. sometimes feels like a very long walk. but it's not too bad really. i have a lot to be thankful for.

Your mood: relaxed. content. amused that no one is talking to me at work today because the Patriots won.

Your best friend: lucky enough to have that actually be best *friends* and they are, quite simply, the best. i'm a lucky lucky girl.

What are you thinking about right now: Krystyn. Michelle. Thanksgiving dinner. and they have nothing to do with one another. LOL!

Your car: 2002 Mitsubishi Galant. silver. don't get one.

What are you doing at the moment: emailing. answering the phone. dealing with people who come into the office. and answering this survey in between. been almost ninety minutes since i started it!

Relationship status: ::clears throat:: next question?

What is on your t.v: hopefully nothing since it wasn't on when i left the apartment this morning!

When is the last time you laughed: this morning. at a text Nichole sent me.

I am tagging: anyone who feels like playing along. or who hasn't posted on their in a the last few days because clearly they need a kick in the pants the inspiration.

5 with their own thoughts:

k Monday, November 05, 2007 1:23:00 PM  

Awwww..thanks for thinking of me. :-) Of course, I'm probably 1/2 the reason why it took you 90 minutes to complete this survey?

I think I'll play along, as I really have nothing else to blog about today.

~**Dawn**~ Monday, November 05, 2007 1:26:00 PM  

Awww, it's ok, Krystyn. =) It's not like this is of earth shattering importance. And you weren't waiting impatiently for me to post something new to entertain you. ;-)

Anonymous,  Monday, November 05, 2007 8:44:00 PM  

What did I say that was so funny?

~**Dawn**~ Tuesday, November 06, 2007 10:53:00 AM  

Nichole: We were talking about "the black list" & something about the way you said "oh you would know if you were" just cracked me the heck up.

Anonymous,  Friday, November 09, 2007 11:12:00 PM  

My answers are up! Yay! Oh, and the proper term is "blackball." ;-)

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