Monday, January 22, 2007


ok. so... it seems the vast majority of people were rooting against the Patriots yesterday. so many of them stated that it was because the Patriots have had their turn & they want to see someone new win for a change, that they felt for Peyton & wanted to see the "post season underdog" finally win one.

that being said...

why was it, then, that when the Red Sox finally won the World Series in 2004, so many people were rooting against *them*? shouldn't that, by application of that "root for the underdog rule," have meant that people were collectively cheering on the Red Sox?

i wonder what it is that makes so many people anti-Boston sports teams...

4 with their own thoughts:

Chele76 Monday, January 22, 2007 2:59:00 PM  

that's just because they are being dumb. They should know better then to root against new England teams!!!!

Dawn Monday, January 22, 2007 6:25:00 PM  

I personally have always rooted for the Boston they Yankees are another story :)

BTW I love your new background :)

take care,

Anonymous,  Monday, January 22, 2007 11:05:00 PM  

Why? Because as a general rule, people suck. :-P

marianne Monday, January 22, 2007 11:36:00 PM  

Sour grapes... you know how it is, losers don't like winners.

Loving your new winter look! Looks great!

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