Friday, January 26, 2007

definitely the peacemaker

You Are 9: The Peacemaker

You are emotionally stable and willing to find common ground with others.

Your friends and family often look to you to be the mediator when there is conflict.

You are easy going and accepting. You take things as they come.

Avoding conflict at all costs, you're content when things are calm.

1 with their own thoughts:

Anonymous,  Friday, January 26, 2007 8:28:00 PM  

That's something that I would expect to read of a middle child. Interesting. Here's mine:

You are 7: the Enthusiast
You are outgoing and playful - always seeing the happy side to life.

You're enthusiastic and excitable. You love anything new.

Multi-talented, you do many things well... and find success easy.

You prefer to keep things light with others. Opening up is hard for you.

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