Saturday, May 27, 2006

pick your preference: parts 1-7

from This is me second blog

Part One
01..Long or short nails?
for me? long. but not *too* long. they used to be longer though when i had them done.
02..Early riser or night owl? both. which i know is weird. but i only sleep for 6 hours. that's it. then i am awake. i like the quiet of the late night & the early morning. it's being awake at 3pm that i do not so much like.
03..On the rocks or neat? on the rocks
04..Risk taker or worrier? worrier
05..Sleeptalker or sleepwalker? sleeptalker but only if someone is talking to me--and i will most likely not remember that we spoke at all
06..Coffee or Tea? coffee (if i must)
07..Skydiving or Swim with sharks? doesn't matter. i'd be dead from a heart attack either way.
08..Math or English? English. math is evil.
09..Body Piercing or Tattoo? body piercing. but all i have done is 1 hole in each ear.
10..Hot dog or Pogo? hot dog. what in the HELL is a Pogo?!

Part Two
11..Glass half full or half empty?
half full
12..Debater or peacekeeper? depeends on my mood really & who i am dealing with but i think that peacekeeper takes the edge.
13..Runner or walker? walker
14..Shop or clean? clean
15..Neat or messy? neat. but not *super* neat. i have my little clutter areas. *too* neat becomes sterile & un-cozy.
16..Short or Tall? tall
17..Bikini or one piece? bikini
18..Laundry or dishes? laundry
19..Dog or Cat? dog
20..Beer or wine? wine

Part Three
21..Sweet or salty?
oh man...sweet...
22..Europe or Australia? Eurpoe
23..Broken bone or surgery? surgery--at least this is planned and i can have pain management from moment one. a broken bone would require unmedicated suffering for at least a little while & i am a huge baby when it comes to pain.
24..Good speller or good map reader? good speller
25..Pizza or burgers? i cannot choose. you can't make me.
26..Birthday or Christmas? Christmas--it means *I* get to spoil others
27..Long hair or short hair? short
28..Pierced ear or gold chain on a man? gold chain
29..Crossword or sudoku? crossword. letters over numbers. every time.
30..American Idol or Survivor? if i must pick the lesser of the two evils, AI

Part Four
31..Backless or cleavage?
32..Sunrise or Sunset? another that i could not pick. they are both so beautiful in their own right...
33..Flossing or going to the dentist? flossing. i *hate* the dentist.
34..Find time or lose time? find time
35..Church or sleeping in? church
36..Elmo or Fozzie? elmo
37..Strawberries or Blueberries? strawberries
38.."Scrubs" or "The Office"? "Scrubs" though i haven't watched it in forever
39..Ballroom or Jive? ballroom
40..Surf or swim? not a water girl. i am much more a stay-on-dry-land-where-i-am-warm girl

Part Five
41..Raisins or grapes?
42..TV or music? no way. both.
43..SAHM (or SAHD) or work? now that i have a job i love? work
44..boating or hiking? boating as long as the water isn't rough
45..rap or punk? NO THANK YOU
46..Mushrooms or onions? ewwwwww!! onions. but not happily.
47..Going downtown or going uptown? going downtown
48..Truth or dare? truth
49..Monkeys or walruses? monkeys
50..chiropractor or physiotherapy? chiropractor i guess

Part Six
51..soup or salad?
52..boxers or briefs? boxers. or boxer briefs.
53..pushup bra or pull in the reinforcements? pushup or kicks? money or snooze? this is a hard choice. i love to blog. but i do have a mighty comfy couch for snoozing too...
56..escargots or frogs legs? *gag* i would eat calamari but not either of these purchase or last purchase? last purchase . the last one keeps the next one in check.
58..funny silly or funny smutty? silly
59..Christmas or Easter? there is no choosing. i need them both.
60..turkey or ham? turkey if we're talking about the real things. ham if we are making a sandwich.

Part Seven
61..smoked or barbequed? (For you Texans this may be difficult 'cause I think you think they're the same thing)
62..DVD or movie theatre? movie theater
63..thongs or bikini? thong if we are referring to underwear--panty lines are unacceptable. bikini if you mean bathing suit. or rock? both. my music taste is eclectic & i cannot have my choices limited.
65..honey or jam? jam or city? country
67..oral or anal (sex)? *raised eyebrow* this is not THAT kind of blog
68..Brangelina or TomKat? *Dawn runs screaming from the room*
69..fireworks or bumper cars? fireworks
70..Bush or Harper? Bush

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