from Blogdrive Insanity
Wednesday Mind Hump
April 18, 2006
Hi humpers! Ready for another mind hump? This week's theme is Cow Chip Day. I don't like that one, so I'll choose something else. I'm getting a brand new digital camera for my birthday this weekend, so today's theme will be photography!
1. Are you the photographer in the family, or is it someone else? it is mostly me! i do have a family full of photo-takers, though none as much as i do.
2. What kind of camera do you have? Digital or film? i actually have NO camera right now. but my wonderful friend Andie has let me borrow one of her digital cameras until i can save up enough to buy a new one--which will absolutely be digital!
3. Are you photogenic? Or do you run whenever someone breaks out the camera? i am by no means photogenic but i don't run from the camera like i used to. i've learned the value of being in the photos (when i'm not taking them) because i love looking back on old family photos & seeing the people i know & love long before i ever arrived on the scene.
4. If you could take a moment in your life, the best one you've ever had, and photograph it so that you could remember it forever, which moment would it be? i don't know how you would ever capture something like this but it would be the moment i recognized i was in love.
The rules are, there are no rules!!! All you need to do is copy and paste the above questions into your blog and add your responses. After you've finished, return here and leave us a comment so we'll know you've humped. Be sure your hump is linked back to so others can hump too.

::"I am the King of Wishful Thinking"::
April 13, 2006
Onesome: I am-- When you state "I am", what do you state that you are? "The Queen" of course!
Twosome: the King-- Are you the king (or queen) of something? The remote? The household? Or is there something else you master? i am The Queen of where i work.
Threesome: of Wishful Thinking-- What have you been wishful for lately? a Red Sox win
::"Hey, Good Lookin', whatcha got cookin'
How's about cookin' something up with me."::
April 20, 2006
Onesome- Hey, good lookin': Makeover time! What's the one thing about yourself you would change if you could? From your hair style to your nose to your weight, you name it. i am who i am...
Twosome- whatcha got cookin'?: Do you like to cook? What's your favorite meal that you cook yourself? Care to share the recipe? Zesty Chicken with Spring Vegetables over Pasta
Threesome- How's about cookin' something up with me?: If you like to cook, do you like to share the kitchen/grill? If you share, do you direct the goings on, or just let the other person do their thing? Or do you prefer to solo it, subscribing to the "too many cooks spoil the broth," theory? i need to be solo in the kitchen. i hate when i have too many people underfoot. grab & chair & keep me company but do *not* get in my path.

Feel Good
April 14, 2006
1. Have you ever ridden a camel? as a matter of a fact, i have! lol
2. When you are outside, what does the horizon look like? trees, some soft hills & a glimpse of lake
3. Who is the last person to leave you a message? my hairstylist--who claims i missed my appointment on the 20th but i have news for her--the card she filled out for me says the 27th...
4. How many hours did you sleep last night? 7
5. Chocolate: take it or leave it? leave it...all for me that is ;-)

Feast Eighty-Nine
April 14, 2006
What movie soundtracks do you own? "City of Angels"; "Grosse Pointe Blank"; "Phantom of the Opera" (the Broadway show, not the movie)
How much cash do you usually carry with you? roughly $10-$20 & some portion of a roll of quarters for the toll booth going to & from work
Are you more comfortable around men or women? Why? usually men. they are straight-shooters. if they are annoyed at you, they make it clear & tomorrow they are over it. they don't thrive on the gossip & pettiness & back-stabbing & false pretenses that a lot of women tend to. i've actually made a decent number of "girl" friends recently but i've noticed a common trend: we all prefer the "man mentality"! lol
Main Course
What is the most mischievous thing you remember doing as a child? peeking in the unwrapped Christmas presents when no one was around
Who is the funniest member of your family? my dad when you get him going
Feast Ninety
April 21, 2006
List 3 things you keep putting off. unpacking. ironing. ordering the free-standing cabinet for the kitchen because i'm afraid it will go on sale as soon as i buy it--exactly like my plane tickets to CT did for my trip in June. *sigh*
What do you feel is your greatest responsibility? to be true to myself & those i care for
If you could have starred in any movie, which one would you have wanted to be in and why? "Serendipity" -- because Kate Beckinsale's character finally gets her guy despite all the time & space & obstacles
Main Course
What is an expectation you had as a child about being an adult and, now that you are grown up, you realize you were wrong? that love makes any sense.
When was the last time you had your car serviced? 3 weeks ago

Friday Five for 04.14.06 --
A photograph's worth 1,000 words.
1. What is your favorite photo? one my brother rcently scanned & emailed me of my grandparents (that i plan to share here at some point)
2. Who took the photo? i have no idea, possibly my aunt
3. If you could photograph anything or anyone what/who would it be? The Man who avoids the camera like it's a death sentence
4. What makes a good photo? capturing the emotion going on at the time the photo was taken
5. Which do you prefer: digital or print? digital
Are you more...
01) Pure chocolate (either milk or dark) or chocolate mixed with stuff (peanuts, almonds, rice puffs, etc.)? any will do but i guess mixed with stuff takes a slight edge
02) Someone with a neat, beautiful signature or someone with a horrible chicken-scratch signature? actually a cross between the two: neat enough to be able to identify the signer but messy enough to make it both original & difficult to copy
03) Tolerant of phone solicitors because they might be offering something you want or intolerant of phone solicitors because they're annoying you at home? 100% intolerant--don't call me, i'll call you
04) Joysticks make for the better gaming overall or gamepads make for the better gaming overall? ummmm...huh?
05) A lover of fast automobiles or a lover of reliable, sturdy automobiles? reliable
06) The regular holidays should be kept as-is even if they have a religious background or all holidays should be completely secular? leave tradition & well-enough ALONE. if you don't believe in what someone's celebrating, just don't join in.
07) Expecting that there will be ETs walking freely on Earth within your lifetime or expecting that it will happen after you're dead if at all? ETs? heh...i'm a skeptic. period.
08) Needing of quiet when you work or enjoying noise (radio, tv, conversation) when you work? prefer quiet...or at least controlled noise
09) A karaoke singer or a karaoke critic? critic--which is messed up because NO WAY am i getting up there to do it myself!
10) One who thinks that you should honestly critique children's work (so they can improve) or one who thinks you should always praise children's work? i think that children need a healthy dose of both--one to encourage their true potential & the other to nurture their self-esteem. you can't praise idly or criticize too harshly. everything in moderation.
from Friday Fun
Famous Friday
April 21, 2006
This week, it is all about the rich and famous!!
1. Name one celebrity that you admire. Name one you that you absolutely DON’T admire! admire: Tom Brady. DON'T admire: T.O.
2. Have you ever met a celebrity? Was it a good experience? If not, who would you most like to meet? i met a WWE wrestler once. i was having a book signed as a Christmas gift. i think i was the only one there who didn't care who he was--and so we ended up having a good conversation.
3. Do you have a celebrity crush? If so, who? hmmmm...i've had a thing for Kiefer Sutherland lately...
4. Who is your favorite actor? Actress? actor: John Cusack. actress: Jennifer Aniston.
5. What is the best movie you have seen this year, new or old? "The Wedding Date"