Friday, March 10, 2006

this just makes me MAD

Soldier's Wife Says 'Bring It On' As Board Votes For Sign's Removal

it's not like it was a big tacky sign that she put in her front yard. and her HUSBAND is serving in Iraq. since when have we become a country in which we can't support our own troops with a sign in our front yard without a $100 a DAY fine?? as far as i am concerned, you may not like why we're over there, but that's an issue between you & your elected officials. as for the men & women who are halfway around the world, they go where they are told. PERIOD. and they protect your ass whether you believe in their mission or not. they deserve our support & appreciation for putting their lives on the line everyday simply because they have been asked. and they do it with pride & courage. i just don't understand why a 2-foot tall "support our troops" sign is even an issue that needs to be discussed. i'd like to know what happened to my freedom of speech that every Tom, Dick & Harry cries out about having. apparently home owners associations now have the right to take it away.

*getting disgustedly down from my soapbox*

3 with their own thoughts:

Michelle W. Friday, March 10, 2006 9:08:00 AM  

you remember the thing when those home association had problem with this home because he had a baby Jesus on the year (for Christmas decoration). Yet all the other houses that have santa and snowman was ignored. Ugh! Can't stand those people!!!


k Friday, March 10, 2006 10:50:00 AM  

Yep-those neighborhood people need to find something else to waste their energies on than this lady's sign!!

marianne Friday, March 10, 2006 12:35:00 PM  

I live in a HOA community and the thing is, you know the 'rules' before you ever move in, so it's hard to claim ignorance after the fact. They sure can be problematic though - there's something about giving a minority group of people a little authority that makes them get power-hungry and lose any semblance of common sense!

I hope she wins her battle.

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