Tuesday, March 14, 2006

in the most unlikely places

we talk about how we watch too much tv. or maybe we watch the wrong tv. or maybe we just talk about what we watch on tv. whatever the case, tonight i watched Boston Legal, like i do most Tuesday nights.

i've mentioned before that i don't watch reality tv. sometimes i do watch something of some substance but for the most part, i watch tv to escape reality. i watch it purely for the purpose of enjoyment. every once in a while though, i take away a gem, a little nugget that sticks in my brain & makes me think.

tonight's closing scene included one line that accomplished this.

"Love trumps all."

yep, it sure does. at the end of the day, no matter how tough we want to be. no matter how polished & professional we present ourselves. no matter what we tell ourselves. when love makes us its victim, it supercedes everything else. we can fight it. we can turn our back. we can hide behind the public face we wear each day. but when love gets hold of us, it's going to win. sometimes it sneaks up on us & other times it boldly announces its arrival; a lot of the time, i think it's against our will. but love doesn't care what we think it should be. it just is. we ultimately get no say because it arrives on its own terms & grabs tight hold. when we love someone, no matter what we do to shake it, it holds on. it just holds on. it decides who & where & when & how. it creeps into our thoughts & whispers reminders in our subconscious. it laughs at our attempts to escape. it watches amused as we try to ignore it. and when we finally submit, it's there in all its victorious glory.

we can be lawyers or factory workers. we can blend in with the everyday or be famous & well-known. we can struggle or be wealthy. we can be red, yellow, black, brown or white. we can be tender-hearted or sport a hard exterior. but if love wants in, it marches in like it owns the place. amazing how no matter what we do or who we are, love gets the upper hand.

"Love trumps all."

1 with their own thoughts:

k Wednesday, March 15, 2006 11:51:00 AM  

Yep-unfortunately, love DOES trump all - and that sucks if you ask me!

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