Monday, December 31, 2007

in honor of counting down the final moments of 2007

Ten things I did today:
1. took a shower
2. organized my music playlist
3. uploaded some more of my photos to my Picasa Web Album
4. did three loads of laundry
5. cleaned the bathroom
6. tidied up my apartment
7. made a grilled cheese sandwich & some tomato soup for lunch
8. took out the garbage to the dumpster
9. packaged the pork, beef & chicken i bought yesterday into proper serving sizes & then into the freezer
10. put away some of my Christmas gifts

Nine people I talked with today:
1. my brother
2. Daniel
3. Michelle
4. and that's it. LOL! for now anyway.

Eight things I was grateful for today:
1. that my cold is almost gone, i can finally breathe again & i don't seem to be getting a cough
2. that Christmas doesn't end on December 25th for me
3. that the Patriots have a bye week this coming weekend so i can take a little mental break
4. that today is a paid holiday for me
5. and so is tomorrow
6. that so many people spoiled me silly for Christmas
7. that my neighbors have been quiet
8. that my cupboards, refrigerator & freezer are so full, i had to really think about what i want for dinner

Seven things I ate today:
1. a maple star cookie
2. a bowl of tomato soup
3. grilled cheese sandwich
4. water
5. cranberry juice
6. apple cider
7. a piece of chocolate

Six things I said today:
1. i can't believe i spent $7.50 to do three loads of laundry today
2. i feel better, thank you
3. OMG Wednesday's low is predicted to be 25*!!
4. is it baseball season yet?
5. (singing) Sweet Caroline, good times never seemed so good...
6. did i just see a little chocolate leftover from *Easter* in my pantry?!

Five things I should have done today that I didn’t get to yet:
1. wash my dishes from lunch
2. put away my clean laundry
3. put away my suitcases
4. answer some email
5. catch up on blogs from being away (you can see i have real pressing things on my to-do list today, huh? LOL! i was very productive already though, if you look at the ten things i did today though!)

Four things said to me today:
1. do you suppose he's eating his heart out? (about one of the fantasy football leagues i am in)
2. what are you doing tonight?
3. are your neighbors being quiet now?
4. you people do more laundry than anyone i know. (totally unwarranted! i haven't done laundry in two weeks!)

Three things that shocked me today:
1. it rained!
2. $7.50 on three loads of laundry. ::shaking my head::
3. i knew we had a cold front moving through tomorrow night, but a low of 25*?!

Two things that I’ve GOT to do tomorrow:
1. shower
2. eat

One thing I want to remember about this day:
how pretty my tree looks all lit up. it won't be up for much longer now. =(

4 with their own thoughts:

Anonymous,  Monday, December 31, 2007 6:39:00 PM  

I'm on the list now! :-)

Those cookies came out *so* good! I gave one to Gabe and he was sad he didn't pick that one for his party!

What else did you get for Christmas?

k Tuesday, January 01, 2008 8:21:00 AM  

Sounds like a busy day...good thing you were off of work...that's a lot to do on your day off.

Happy New Year!

gail@more than a song Tuesday, January 01, 2008 9:07:00 PM  

Now if you need about 10 more things to do, I've got a pretty wrecked house from 15+ people being in and out of for the last week or so!
And that first thing you wrote in a post a few days ago, on Saturday I think, about how a head can produce so much snot.......yeah, that would be me! We all got sick about Friday or Saturday and I'm still sniffling, coughing etc. My nose is raw from blowing! Sorry, tmi. I hope you're feeling much better!

~**Dawn**~ Wednesday, January 02, 2008 12:14:00 PM  

Nichole: What would he have traded out to get the Maple Stars?

Krystyn: I normally would have done all that on Saturday so I could enjoy the rest of my four-day weekend, but I was too miserable & just wanted to nap.

Gail: It can't possibly be TMI considering I posted the original snot comment. LOL! My poor nose was getting close. Good thing this cold got out of my system quickly. Hope you are all on the mend too.

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