Monday, October 1, 2007

Friday's Feast: October 1, 2007

no, it isn't Friday. yes, i am catching up on my "other blogging" after being focused on the Division Race for the Red Sox, and being away this past weekend. ;-)

Feast One Hundred & Sixty Two

How are you today?

eh. i'd rather be back at WDW. but i'm doing all right. excited about watching the Patriots on Monday Night Football, especially since the Sox aren't playing so i can give them my complete & undivided attention for the first time this season. i am also *thrilled* that the Packers are 4-0 and hoping the Patriots will come out of tonight the same.

Name 3 television shows you watch on a regular basis.

baseball, football & ESPN not included: Grey's Anatomy. Boston Legal. Men In Trees.

What’s the scariest weather situation you’ve experienced?

the three hurricanes that came through Central Florida in 2004.

Main Course
If you could wake up tomorrow morning in another country, where would you want to be?

ummmm... Japan. in a room at the Tokyo Disney Resort. ;-)

What do you usually wear to sleep?

pj pants & a tank top

Feast One Hundred & Sixty One

What is your favorite type of art?

i love paintings of sunsets over landscapes. or of doorways or paths that lead out of view -- they set a story with a open ending, and i love wondering where they lead to. and photography. i love photography. and cuisine. ;-)

When was the last time you got a free lunch (or breakfast or dinner)? Who paid for it?

we had our employee lunch at work a couple of weeks ago.

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how emotional are you?

depends on the day. today? about a 5. pretty even-keeled. i run the gamut though. anywhere on the spectrum.

Main Course
Approximately how long do you spend each day responding to emails?

i don't think that can be timed. i am constantly bouncing emails back & forth with people. it makes the day go by.

To what temperature do you usually set your home’s thermostat?

79-81* (based on how cold i feel) -- unless i can have the windows open, and then i shut the air down!

1 with their own thoughts:

Mega Monday, October 01, 2007 12:58:00 PM  

I would watch Grey's but the main character has the most annoying voice of all time and can't act.

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