Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Fun: October 19, 2007

Your Future Friday

1. When you were in high school, how did you envision your future? Kids, college, marriage, professional, etc.?
oh yes... the good old days, filled with innocence & naivete... when i thought i would go to college & get my degree in teaching. get married at 24. work for a couple of years. have my first baby at 26 & become a stay-at-home mom. my second at 28. and my third at 31. and when the littlest was in school full time, i would go back to work, and have the perfect working mom career because i would be off when my kids were.

2. How does that compare to the reality of what was to come?
ok i think i'm done. i went to college. discovered that all the politics involved with teaching were not for me, so i majored in Child Development (with a side of English). turns out that no matter how much education you have, you will never be able to survive as a day care provider, which is a shame because i love kids. but after five years working with my babies, it just wasn't a financial possibility. so... here i am. not married. no kids. i've taken so many detours, i don't even know where i am anymore. they really should hand out navigational devices with high school diplomas. =P

3. What, if anything, would you change about your choices, had you had the benefit of knowing what was to come?
i wish i could say nothing. but that's not true. since i can't go back though, i just choose not to dwell on it.

4. Do you believe that the cliche about clouds and silver linings holds true, that out of bad can cause good?
absolutely. i don't think it just falls in your lap, as a rule. i think you need to keep your eyes open for it, recognize it and take the opportunity for it to happen. but silver linings often present themselves, sometimes in ways we never would have dreamed.

5. What about karma? Does what goes around come around?
i'm not sure if i believe in karma or not, but i think it's not the kind of thing you take your chances with. i think you should do your best to earn some good karma every day, just in case this karma thing is for real. (and admit it, you've seen enough scenarios where it looks like what goes around, comes around. at least i know *i* have.) and if karma is just another "myth" then what have you lost? you've lived a good life, tried to be the best person you could, and there is nothing at all wrong with that.

2 with their own thoughts:

k Friday, October 19, 2007 1:03:00 PM  

I need to get better @ not dwelling on the past. I waste too much energy there...any tips?

kreed Saturday, October 20, 2007 10:43:00 AM  

Boy, you really did have a plan! And you are so smart for not dwelling on the past - I can get caught up in that from time to time and it surely doesn't help things!

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