Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Want Wednesday: March 31, 2010

**I Want to sniff the "Summer Vanillas" from Bath & Body Works! Maybe one of them could be my occasional Summer stand-in for my usual Vanilla Bean Noel, so that I can make my stash last til Christmas?

**I Want the orange blossoms to bloom already!! Where the heck *are* they?! -- edit to add: I finally smelled a hint of them while I walked tonight!!

**I Want to find a real farmers market to buy my produce, but they are all too far away (as in minimum an hour drive) or not truly locally grown. If I wanted it to come from Mexico or Guatemala, I can get *that* right at the grocery store. I miss that about Connecticut. There was an actual organization (my Gramp belonged to it) of farmers that sold produce grown *only* in Connecticut, and they had markets in about five different towns, each on a specific day of the week from June through October.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Right Now: March 30, 2010

I am thinking... that there seem to be an awful lot of cranky people today. Not me though!

I am thankful for... a slightly cooler than normal March. I don't mind if the Summer heat holds off a little longer.

From the kitchen... will be a *huge* baked potato. As soon as it's ready, I will be loading on some butter & sour cream. I'm going to steam some yellow summer squash as well, when the potato is almost done.

I am wearing... yoga pants and a Red Sox t-shirt.

I am creating... piles as I sort through a stack of papers that need to be properly filed away.

I am going... to have some homemade chocolate chip cookies for dessert tonight. I baked them on Sunday.

I am reading... the very last twelve pages in the "Bible in 90 Days" challenge! Tonight!

I am hoping... that the Red Sox are ready for Opening Day Night. Against the Yankees. Because my blood pressure? Not so much. I really could have used a series or two to get my mental fortitude ready for a Sox-Yankees clash.

I am hearing... squirrels barking in the trees, which means there must be a cat nearby.

Around the house... you can find evidence of my love of making lists.

One of my favorite things... is hanging out at home. I love my home.

A few plans for the rest of the week... are church on Thursday, Friday & Sunday. Holy Week is busy!

A picture to share...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday Stream of Consciousness: March 29, 2010

I think it's crazy that people will fish in the same water where there are gators. Just wade right in without a hesitation. WHEN I JUST TOOK A PHOTO OF AN ALLIGATOR SWIMMING IN THAT SAME WATER. There is not enough money in the world to get me to even stand *next* to that water. Heck, it took me about fifteen minutes just to work up enough nerve to get out of the truck. (Can you tell I'm looking at my photos from Saturday?) Not photographed on Saturday: while the strawberry transaction was taking place, a wasp flew in the open window of the truck...and landed on my, errr, chest area. I am not partial to stinging insects in that region, truth be told. In my haste to jump out of the truck & flick that thing OFF of me, I forgot that my camera was on my lap. It was unceremoniously dumped to the ground. Once the wasp had been removed from my person, it registered in my brain what had happened to my camera. I'm relatively certain it isn't healthy for one's heart to stop twice in that short a period of time. Thankfully, both the wasp's chosen landing pad and my camera escaped the ordeal unscathed. Scary few minutes though. I was pretty pleased to see a locked-in Josh Beckett pitching in tonight's game. I am equally relieved that most of the players who were in for the last couple innings won't be found on the 25-man roster. Yikes.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

20 Questions: March 28, 2010

1. What is your favorite salty snack?
Chips. Usually just regular flavor (sometimes sour cream & onion), the lightly salted version if possible. And if I'm really splurging? Some dip.

2. Mayo goes on:
On a tuna sandwich. And maybe a bit on a ham or turkey sandwich or my burger.

3. What is your local weather forecast?
It's very stormy today. It's supposed to clear up around mid-morning tomorrow, followed by a bit of a cool front. Then it's predicted to be sunny & in the upper 70s & low 80s for the rest of the week.

4. What is your favorite song whose title begins with the letter E?
Maybe "Everybody," by Keith Urban.

5. How many weddings have you been in?
Hmmmm... I was a flower girl in my Aunt Barbara & Uncle Peter's wedding when I was about 7, and also in my dad's cousin David's wedding when I was 4. I was in my mother's wedding when I was in high school. In my dad's wedding in 1990 & again in 1997. And most recently, I was in my friend Alison's wedding last July.

6. How many have you *attended*?
Oh wow... Ummmm... Those five for brother... and probably a half dozen or so various relatives along the way? So 20-25?

7. What color(s) is/are the towel(s) hanging in your bathroom right now?
My bath towels are a warm tan. My hand towel is pale yellow. And I have a decorative hand towel as well that is cream with band of brown, yellow and robin's egg blue stripes.

8. How do you remind yourself so you don't forget to do something?
I make all kinds of notes in my planner. I also employ random Post-it notes, and have been known to set reminder alerts on my cell phone. Sometimes I will email myself if I'm about to leave work & want to remember to do something when I get home.

9. How many times do you go to the beach during the Summer?
Most likely none. I haven't been to the beach in the entire eight years that I've lived in Florida thus far. And I bet I went a total of a dozen times, at most, when I lived in Connecticut.

10. What brand of peanut butter do you prefer?
Jif. I don't care if it's creamy or crunchy, but it must be Jif. I've recently switched to Simply Jif & I really like that.

11. What was the last thing you had to wait in line for?
To shake hands with Pastor P on my way out of church this morning. I actually didn't have to wait in line at Target *or* Publix, or even when I stopped for gas this morning!

12. Do you use a written list when you grocery shop or do you rely on your memory?
Unless I'm just running in for a couple of things, I use a written list. I would never remember all the items I need without it. I actually get some really good pre-printed ones that Publix supplies free of charge!

13. What is the secret to life?
Working hard to be someone you really like. If you can't like yourself, you aren't going to be happy. When you're happy & at peace with yourself, you can make the lives of the people around you better too...but you have to start with yourself. Also: learn when & how to say 'no.'

14. What's the worst mess you've ever had to clean up?
I worked in daycare. Use your imagination. And then know that what ever you came up with? Wasn't even close. ;-)

15. What was the last thing you highlighted?
A bunch of forms in a new hire packet for work.

16. What is the longest period of time you've gone without electricity?
About 18 hours I think. Which is actually pretty good when you consider that I was already living in Florida that year all the hurricanes came barreling through!

17. How do you feel about Tuesdays?
Tuesdays are ok. I'm usually back in the work groove by then.

18. Which pain reliever do you reach for first, when you find yourself in need of one?
Advil. A handful of jelly beans would be more effective than Tylenol for me.

19. Chinese takeout or pizza?
Pizza. I have to be in the right mood for Chinese.

20. How many windows are open on your computer right now?
One window (plus my Twitter widget). Six tabs: Gmail. Google Reader. Facebook. Blogger. A Google "Help" page, in an effort to help out a bloggy friend. ESPN Fantasy Baseball.


No tramp of soldiers' marching feet
With banners and with drums
No sound of music's martial beat:
"The King of glory comes!"
To greet what pomp of kingly pride
No bells in triumph ring
No city gates swing open wide:
"Behold, behold your King!"

And yet He comes, the children cheer
With palms His path is strown
With ev'ry step the cross draws near:
The King of glory's throne
Astride a colt He passes by
As loud hosannas ring
Or else the very stones would cry
"Behold, behold your King!"

from "No Tramp of Soldiers' Marching Feet," v. 1 & 2

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Slice of Life: March 27, 2010

I was going to try to pick one, like I usually do, but I just couldn't. So you get a bunch. Sometimes you just have to help yourself to a great big slice of life. =)

There was the bird who kept thinking he needed to come into my apartment:

And then in the afternoon, we went over to a local park, to see if we could spot any...

On the way back, we found some fresh local strawberries. They just had to come home, demanding to be eaten. What can I say? They were very persuasive.

And do you remember this photo from a month ago?

Well look at us now!

Spring is here! I love looking out my living room window over this view:


I saw the coolest post on the blog, "your wishcake," and thought it would be a lot of fun to incorporate it into my weekly Slice of Life posts. It's up to you, readers! What slice of my life would *you* like to see photographed & shared here in the future?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Memory Lane: March 25, 2010

I love that I have these old family photos. This one was taken in November 1942. My Gram & Gramp with my aunt, who was not quite two (I think). A month ago, I shared another old photo and mused about all the little bits & pieces of the photo that I didn't know. While I still don't know who held the camera or what the exact occasion was (though I am going to guess at maybe Thanksgiving, since taking photos was far more of a luxury for special occasions than for every day use, as it is now), I do know more about the details.

One that is obvious to me is the location. The house behind my family is the house where my grandfather was born--literally!--and grew up with his brother and seven sisters. It is the house he would later inherit. The house where I would grow up. The two windows on either side of the house corner were in the kitchen. The one on the left would later be removed. The one on the right would later allow light into what would be the pantry/storage area off my childhood kitchen. The one all the way on the far right would also later be missing, as it would have been blocked by the shower/tub where our bathroom would be; I am not sure what would have occupied that space when this photo was taken. Just beyond view of that far right window would be another window. One that would remain and would look into what would be my bedroom from 1980-1992. To the right would be the driveway, and to the left, the steps leading to the kitchen door. I don't know what color the house was painted at this time, but when I was young it was a lovely 1970s shade of golden yellow with brown trim. It would later be sided in a warm tan with bright white trim. I can look at that photo & immediately navigate through that house in my mind.

Something you can't see, but which I can determine based on the photo's date, is that someone else is "in" this picture. The fact is, even the people in this photo may have been unaware at this time. But my Gram was very early in her pregnancy for my dad. Mere weeks at most. He would be born in August 1943.

As I look at the photo, my Gram with her hair done up (that was her natural hair color; she was blonde for as long as I knew her), all dressed up and in heels, and my Gramp in his suit and hat (he always wore a hat when he was very dressed up), I smile. I smile at familiar people, familiar places, and all the details I *do* know about these photos. Memories and facts that I am taking care to record, so that my potential future family members can look back and wonder just a little less.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I Want Wednesday: March 24, 2010

**I read a post on another blog--Happy 29, Again--that inspired me. I Want to find a way to pay tribute to my Gram & my Gramp on their birthdays. A little something I can do every year that makes me smile & remember them. A little piece of them that will live on, as I celebrate the day these wonderful people came into this world.

**I Want some fresh flowers in my apartment. It's Spring. I feel like flowers. Good thing it's nearly Easter. I suspect an Easter lily is in my future.

**I Want something to eat but I have no clue *what* and it's driving me a little bit crazy.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Right Now: March 23, 2010

I am thinking... that giving in and spending the $40 on clippies at Pearle Vision was one of my smarter moves of late. I'd been trying all my favorite shopping spots, hoping to get another $15 pair but *no one* had any that would fit my frames. Pearle Vision sold me a pair that you would swear were actually made for my frames (they weren't) and now my eyes are happy. It's been a long three months without sunglasses.

I am thankful for... the arrival of Spring weather. I love having my windows open in the evening.

From the kitchen... comes chicken from the crockpot.

I am wearing... pajama pants (they are tan & have cream colored snowflakes on them & I do not care) and a tank top.

I am creating... a mess. I keep adding to a stack of papers that I really need to just take care of already.

I am going... to bed. As soon as I'm done here.

I am reading... the Bible. And I am almost done. Pretty soon, I will be able to say I read the whole thing, cover to cover.

I am hoping... the Sox remember how to play baseball before April 4.

I am hearing... nighttime outdoor sounds, someone moving around my neighbor's kitchen and the last scene of CSI:Miami.

Around the house... are strategically placed bottles of lotion. I like to have one within reach at all times.

One of my favorite things... is having a stash of candies that are only available at certain times of the year--like Robin Eggs, for example. They're such a fun little treat.

A few plans for the rest of the week... are church on Wednesday, and maybe an oil change on Saturday morning. If I find some ambition.

A picture to share... I don't have anything new to share, so I decided to dig into the archives for an old favorite. Today we go back to October 28, 2006. Hollywood Studios.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Stream of Consciousness: March 22, 2010

I am totally burned out on the topics of politics & celebrity infidelity. I am open to discussion on Easter candy, baseball & WDW. For instance, Peanut Butter M&Ms, with their happy speckled pastel shells. What is it about speckling the shells to resemble eggs that makes a candy that much happier? And Cadbury Mini Eggs. And Robin Eggs. Little handfuls of joy. Sometimes, a girl needs to bring out the big guns though: Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. I've been loving that there's baseball being played. Yes, it's Spring Training. But it's baseball. Even if it doesn't ultimately matter. Someone should tell the Rays announcers that though. Their glee over talking about the Rays being a game and a half up in the Grapefruit League is so over the top you'd think it was the post season, if you didn't know better. Sure, everyone likes their teams to win, but they understand that their standings in Spring Training don't actually come with any bonuses when regular season starts up in two weeks, right? It has come to my attention that I have not seen Mickey's Philharmagic in a very long time. Trip to Magic Kingdom is imminent. I've tried all kinds of mascaras, from the new formulas released on a bi-weekly basis to the more expensive department store varieties, only to keep coming back to my same old Maybelline Full & Soft--an inexpensive drug store purchase. Go figure. And this, my friends, is what we call a true stream of consciousness, no?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

20 Questions: March 21, 2010

1. What movie villain scared you as a child?
The Wicked Witch of the West. And her flying monkeys. And those trees that threw apples at Dorothy. (For real. My grandparents had these two maple trees just behind the house, between the immediate backyard and the rest of their property, and as a small child I would freeze, petrified, and refuse to pass by them for fear they would grab me.)

2. Name 3 things you can't do without lately:
A handful of Easter candy after dinner. Having my windows wide open. My Boston Legal DVDs.

3. Do you take vitamins?
Only on days that I feel my food intake hasn't provided me with a healthy balance of them naturally.

4. How much of your family history do you know?
Not as much as I wish I did. I should have paid better attention to all those old stories...

5. What everyday thing do you find utterly magical?
My DVR. How did I ever survive??

6. What color is your couch?
Blue with some green-ish thread woven in.

7. How many phone numbers do you still know by heart?
Ha. I know my work number (and fax). And my land line and cell numbers. That's about it. Unless you count my childhood home phone number and my grandparents' phone number, neither of which do me an ounce of good anymore.

8. What is the best way to beat the Summer heat?
Stay inside. Where it's air conditioned.

9. What website do you spend the most time on?
I almost always have the same three websites open in my browser tabs: my email, my Google Reader and Facebook.

10. How many songs are on your iPod?

11. Have you ever flown first class?
Never. You know what about it appeals to me the most? Not having to worry if there will be enough room to stow my luggage in the overhead compartments.

12. Do you read the comments others have left on a blog or Facebook post before you?
To a point. I mean, if there are forty comments there already, probably not.

13. What is the furthest trip you've ever taken by car?
Connecticut to Florida, the day I moved here. Seventeen hours and some odd minutes.

14. What is the oldest item in your freezer?
A package of chicken, I believe. It's about four months old.

15. When do you iron: all at once after doing your laundry? On an as-needed basis? Never?
As needed. I gave up ironing too far in advance, because it turns out I will likely need to press the item again before wearing it anyway.

16. What color are your toenails usually?
I like warmer, shimmery, semi-neutral tones most of the time. Which isn't to say that I don't sometimes opt for a more noticeable pop of color.

17. When did you last see fireworks?
January 30. At EPCOT. With Nichole and Daniel.

18. What do you love most about where you currently live?
"Winter." Orange blossoms (which have been holding out on me WHEREAREYOU???). Disney World.

19. What makes you follow a particular blog?
It needs to "draw me in." That might be through the writing or the photography or a common interest. It needs to make me laugh. Or feel. Or inspire me. And nothing is more disappointing than a really great post that ends up being nothing but an aberration.

20. Have you ever seen a Broadway show?
I've seen three, actually. Phantom of the Opera. Miss Saigon. The Scarlet Pimpernel.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Action Series: March 19, 2010


The last few years have taught me many things. Some, I suppose, I already knew, but needed to relearn. When you've forgotten something for so long, though, being struck with the realization still feels new, somehow. Anyway, suffice to say that I discovered and rediscovered so much about myself that had been lost, shuffled, neglected or left unnoticed for a long time.

I finally understood just *how* going to church truly benefits *me*, how it makes me a better person, one that I like and respect. I began to see myself as a worthwhile person, someone worth knowing, someone who deserved to be respected. I discovered my own sense of confidence, and a voice to ask for what I need. Or want. Or expect. I learned how to master the art of compromise, so that both parties find common ground, without it translating into compromising myself, again and again. I have seen that all the little things that made you fall short in the eyes of the wrong person are the very same little things that make you perfect for the right one.

I learned a lot of self-taught, hard-earned life lessons. And I realized, fairly recently, actually, that I kinda really like me. Not in an egotistical, self-absorbed way. But rather that I feel genuine and stable and happy, way down deep in my very core, at last. At long last.

I've finally dropped so much insecurity and come to the conclusion that not everyone will like me. Not everyone will respectfully disagree (respectfully being the operative word there) with me. Not everyone has something nice to say. And you know what? Who cares? I get to say who I share my time with. I get to determine the qualities that are deal-breakers, the actions I won't tolerate, and how I expect to be treated. And if someone values me so little that they would rather treat me in a hurtful way, then they don't need to clutter up my life with their negativity and toxicity.

For the longest time, I didn't think I was worth it. I didn't think it was ok to say "please don't treat me that way." I didn't want to risk hurting the feelings of...who? People who thought it was acceptable to hurt mine, intentionally and repeatedly?

I've realized. I've realized that I *am* worth it. That I do deserve to be treated well. That I cannot compromise in areas which hold immense value to me, and that anyone who would expect me to is not the right person to be in my life.

Realizing. Like a light coming on somewhere deep inside me. And with that realization comes a peace and a lightness, a feeling of deep contentment and positivity I had all but thought couldn't exist, from the other side of a dark tangle of uncertainty and self-doubt.

But now, now I see.

When I was contemplating the framework for The Broken Road, Version 2010, I decided to challenge myself with approaching my posts from a couple of new angles. Monday's Stream of Consciousness theme was one; Friday's "Action Series" was another. I created a long list of action words (I am open to suggestions if anyone has any!) and my plan was to choose one each week & see where my thoughts took me. I honestly have no idea how this will play out--maybe I'll hate it, maybe it will be a raging success, maybe it will flop--but I'm going to give it my best shot & see what happens with it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Memory Lane: March 18, 2010

I am.

I am her cooking and baking.

I am her sense of organization, each task with its own day.
I am her joy in decorating for each season and holiday.

I am his blue eyes, that he passed to his son, who passed them to me.

I am his appreciation for the miracle of the amazing world around me.
I am his quietness, sometimes with nothing to say, because I don't believe in talking just for the sake of breaking the silence.

I am his love of Autumn days, Red Sox baseball, taking photos, and hot apple cider.

I am the shape of his face and the smile lines around his mouth.
I am his need for everything to have a place, even when it occasionally isn't in its place, just to know that it has a home.

I am her facial features.

I am the sound of her voice.
I am her creativity

I am bits & pieces.
Parts of each of them.
Constructed into a whole.

I see them looking back at me, reflected in so many ways.

I am daughter.

I am me.

I am.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Want Wednesday: March 17, 2010

**I Want to add this Stained Glass Butterfly Tea Light Lantern to my collection of Spring decorations.

**I Want curtains on my windows. I only have two windows in my apartment & they have blinds on them. I've been ok with just the blinds for more than three years now, especially because I do not want to lose even a smidgen of my precious natural light. But for some reason, I've really been wanting to put up some curtains lately.

**I Want to feel organized again. I felt scattered last week. I don't like to feel scattered. The inherent Libra in me thrives on balance & I can tell the minute it's off. I am mostly back to normal now, but still not quite in perfect balance yet.

**I Want to like dresses more. Because I do really like this dress. I'm just not much of a dress-wearing girl anymore though...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Right Now: March 16, 2010

I am thinking... that men are just as gossipy as women, but women get blamed for it more. =P

I am thankful for... good health.

From the kitchen... comes the smell of meatloaf patties. They will be served with mashed potatoes (I make mine with sour cream--mmmmm...) and some French-cut string beans.

I am wearing... jeans with a long-sleeve red tee that has some lacy edging along the bottom and my new necklace that Andie surprised me with recently! It makes me smile every time I hear it jingle.

I am creating... smiles & sunshine, where ever I can.

I am going... to make a new to-do list tomorrow. My current one needs some revisions.

I am reading... the book of John, for the "Bible in 90 Days" goal. (Is it awful to admit that I am so glad the Old Testament is behind me?)

I am hoping... that the rest of the week goes as smoothly as it's started. I am all about my life being "boring." Because boring leads to drama-free.

I am hearing... the news on the tv, some laughter, the quiet roar of water heating to a boil & the pop-sizzle of the meatloaf patties in the oven.

Around the house... is a bit of clutter, but it's not stressful clutter. Just the clutter that shows a home well lived in.

One of my favorite things... is the cheerfulness of the color red.

A few plans for the rest of the week... midweek Lent service on Wednesday evening, a trim and some highlights on Saturday morning, and swapping out my Winter decorations for some Spring happies on Sunday. I'm all about a low-key weekend, with no one ill.

A picture to share... I can't say for certain, but I *think* this might be my favorite photo of E from when K was at WDW. Seriously, look at that expression on his face!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Stream of Consciousness: March 15, 2010

The last week was all over the board for me. Every time I thought I had it under control again, it wriggled free, kicked me in the shins and ran away laughing. I hate weeks like that, but they offer perspective too. At one point, today, after feeling particularly "Monday" in attitude, it occurred to me how much better this Monday is than the last one. It was while I was playing (eternal) catch-up on some blog reading. I was reading Cass Just Curious. Her blog is special. Something about the way she writes--and the photos, oh the photos!--just...speaks to me. I felt lighter. Perspective is a funny thing. We're so entrenched in what's happening Right Now, that sometimes we forget how much and how often things can change. A bad day today doesn't *have* to mean a bad day tomorrow. Or a bad week as the case may be. Last week is in the books. This week, I'm going back to being sunshiny.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

20 Questions: March 14, 2010

1. First movie quote to pop into your head right now:
Reporter at Spring Training: Where do the Sox rank in terms of importance in your life?
Ben: I say the Red Sox... sex... and breathing.
(Fever Pitch)

2. What was your fourth grade teacher's name?
Mrs. Raap.

3. Have you ever been to Denver?
Only if being in the airport counts. And that was also one pain-in-the-rear airport. It's one long strip, which means if your gate numbers are far apart, they are *really* far apart.

4. What is your favorite movie whose title begins with the letter C?
Maybe "Coyote Ugly"?

5. What do you think is one of the worst television shows ever created?
Not counting reality shows... (I'm sure I will be crucified for this) LOST. I hate tv shows that hurt my brain to watch them.

6. What do you recommend?
Not catching the Norovirus. And if someone does catch it, bleach everything you own. If you can't bleach it, Lysol III it. Take my word for it. And if you don't take mine, take Troy's.

7. What is your favorite kind of nut to snack on?
Cashews. Unless I'm at a ball game, then peanuts. *In* the shell. (But not boiled peanuts. Yuck.)

8. What kind of wedding did you have--or if you've never been married, what kind of wedding do you dream of having?
I used to want the fairy tale. Now? ::shrugs:: I want the one that means it's real. I guess that means I grew up...?

9. What is the most beautiful place you have ever seen?
The Catskill Mountains in the Autumn. Or Fenway Park.

10. What color are your toenails painted?
::hangs head in shame:: They aren't. It's not sandal weather for me quite yet. I promise they are properly groomed though!

11. What's the last thing you ordered online?
Daniel's birthday gift. I got him a "official" Belichick hoodie.

12. By noon, I’m usually:
Half-starved. I eat breakfast early so I am always very ready for lunch.

13. What is your favorite kind of gum?
Extra Wintergreen.

14. What color "grass" in the Easter basket?
Green! Preferably made of pale green paper. That plastic stuff is maddening. And I have always hated all the random colors. Who ever heard of bright pink grass??

15. What's for dinner tonight?
I had some pasta & some broccoli. I didn't feel much like cooking, so I went easy.

16. What is the last spice you used when cooking?
Ummm... I didn't cook much last week, what with the getting over The Ick & all. And what I did make wasn't very spicy. I'm going to guess it was Montreal Steak Seasoning some time the week before last.

17. How many varieties of mustard are in your refrigerator right now?
Just one. Grey Poupon Dijon. There will likely be a second coarse grain variety in there later this week. I need that one specifically for a recipe on the menu.

18. Zoo or museum?
I love a good museum...but I get to feed giraffes at the zoo! I can't choose. It's just too hard. You're going to have to pick for me.

19. Favorite cracker?
Anything wheat really. I like the flavor of it with cheese.

20. Which item from your wardrobe do you wear most often?
My jeans. I wear a pair almost every day.

Friday, March 12, 2010


yeah. so. ahem.

first, i had some...stuff going on.

then, i was at WDW with K. and again, adding Brandi.

*then*, i had The Ick. (i'll spare you the details. i'm nice like that.) (sorry, if you "really" know me, because you didn't end up so lucky on the sparing of the details.)

somehow that took over a little better than a week (??) and..., i'm playing catch up. and apparently neglecting the blog in the process.

i'm going to get my act together soon. cross my heart.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Snapshot from Along the Broken Road: February 2010

photo of me

courtesy of Brandi. we fed giraffes at the Lowry Park Zoo! yay zoo!

1) candle scents i burned this month:
Sparkling Pine. Balsam & Cedar. Mistletoe. Creme Brulee. Mountain Pine. Sparkling Cinnamon. Red Apple Wreath. Sparkling Angel. Hazelnut Coffee. Lakeside Birch.

2) what i am reading this month:
i've had to put my other books on hold for the moment, while i focus on this whole "Bible in 90 Days" project. i am determined to succeed and i have to be honest, sometimes it takes a lot of brain power to get through twelve pages. (hello, books of Numbers, Deuteronomy and Leviticus!) i'm on track though!

3) top three songs i was drawn to:
"Edge of Desire," John Mayer. "I'd Rather Be With You," Joshua Radin. "Some People," LeAnn Rimes.

4) movies i saw:
Edge of Darkness. (not to be confused with "Edge of Desire" from number three. NOT.EVEN.CLOSE.)

5) favorite tv moments of the month:
hearing The Star Spangled Banner play every time the U.S. won a gold medal. watching Evan Lysacek skate in the Men's Figure Skating competition with the same passion i love to see in my favorite baseball & football athletes. the "Jacksonville" episode of Fringe: holy jaw-dropping wow. "Valentine's Day Massacre" (Grey's Anatomy): i'm loving the MerDer storyline this season.

6) something yummy i made:
i've been baking fresh muffins for my mid-morning snack at work. apple spice. triple chocolate chunk. blueberry streusel. *yummy*.

7) restaurants where i ate:
Rainforest Cafe. Longhorn Steakhouse. Macaroni Grill. Wine Exchange.

8) something that made me cry:
that Canadian figure skater, Joannie Rochette, when she skated her short program a few days after her mother's sudden death. so much emotion and strength. i'm pretty sure it was impossible to watch her skate that program & not at least blink hard a couple of times.

9) a goal i had for this month:
to start walking again after work. the weather has not cooperated with this goal. i *want* to walk, but i refuse to do so in the cold rain, so it didn't happen consistently.

10) this month i looked forward to:
pitchers & catchers reporting to Ft Myers. it's a long cold lonely three weeks between the Super Bowl and the start of Spring Training.

11) something that made me laugh:
giraffe tongues. seriously. feed a giraffe some time & you'll see what i mean!

12) a photo i took this month:

and a bonus photo, because i just couldn't choose!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Right Now: March 2, 2010

I am thinking... that this week is going to take forever.

I am thankful for... flannel sheets.

From the kitchen... will come roasted red potatoes and green beans with a rosemary butter sauce. the chicken will be from the grill. ;-)

I am wearing... jeans and a navy blue button-down shirt. and my brown heeled boots.

I am creating... a plan for the Disney parks this weekend!

I am going... to meet K in FOUR DAYS!!

I am reading... the Bible. in 90 days. it's challenging!

I am hoping... i'm right. (sorry. no elaboration.)

I am hearing... snickers from the office behind me. working with boys makes me shake my head. a lot.

Around the house... is a big empty spot where Brandi's Christmas gift was hanging out until Sunday when i saw her. i had to DUST.IT.OFF before i put it in my car. that's just sad. and really funny.

One of my favorite things... is chatting with a wonderful friend & being completely baffled how long you've actually been friends, because even though it feels like you always have been, you know that isn't the case! (this doesn't count for Heather because we've known each other since we were three, which is easy to remember because we met in nursery school. i really have known her forever!) i think it's a sign you truly click with another person when it just feels like you've always been friends.

A few plans for the rest of the week...
going out to dinner for Troy's birthday on Friday. and then WDW! with K all weekend (and Brandi too on Sunday)!!!

A picture to share...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Stream of Consciousness: March 1, 2010

Brandi and i went to the zoo on Sunday. we fed giraffes. giraffes have *really* long tongues. they can chase you with them if you have a cracker that they want! this leads to laughter. a LOT of laughter. they also don't like to take turns. they will try to swipe the cracker you are attempting to feed to another giraffe. and they can be sneaky about it since their tongue allows them to do this from like a half mile away! we also watched some storks of some sort bullying some pelicans. pelicans make this really loud honking sound. it's startling if you don't know this in advance! and the storks click their beaks really loudly. you wouldn't think this was terribly intimidating, but the pelicans would disagree with you. then again, i'm pretty sure i wouldn't hang around if a stork was clicking at me either. that beak is pointy! ;-) animals entertain me a great deal, in case this was not obvious to you. yay zoo!


adding some photos from the zoo post-stream-of-consciousness.

this orangutan was so funny. he was trying to nap but the sun was too bright!

this little series goes hand in hand with my stream of consciousness!

i had to share this one just to ask what the HECK is going on with my hair here??

i couldn't catch it in action, but these sting rays were actually coming up out of the water, begging for food! (it's an interactive tank.)

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