Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday Fiver: July 27, 2007

I'll always be there when you wake

1. Tea or coffee?
no thanks. cranberry juice?

2. Do you speak your mind?
sometimes. i will if it is important that i do so. i will if my hand is forced. i will to the people i trust the most. other than that, i tend to be more quiet than outspoken.

3. What is your escape?
locally: Disney World - you can escape just about anything by immersing yourself in some Magic. far-away: the OC - my sanctuary & possibly the most restful place i have ever been. no matter what my mood, it is impossible for me to be unhappy in those two places.

4. When is the last time you cried?
Saturday. just a little teary. don't really remember why now...

5. What are your bedtime rituals?
check my email one last time. shut off my monitor. check the locks on the door. set the air to a slightly cooler temperature. shut off the lights & the tv. wash my face. brush my teeth. set my alarm. plug in my cell to charge. climb into bed. arrange the pillows. take off my glasses. turn off the lamp. go to sleep.

1 with their own thoughts:

k Monday, July 30, 2007 10:19:00 AM  

Wow - that's a long BEDTIME RITUAL list...

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