attempts at homicide prevention via Sox-blogging i find semi-amusing, that is.
1. i told you Pedroia Pocket is wee. 5'9" my ass.
2. from Papel-blog
Whether or not Manny plays left field in Fenway too shallow is on the verge of passing Derek Jeter's grapefruit-scented intangibles as my least favorite pointless topic of baseball-related conversation. WE GET IT. HE PLAYS SHALLOW. I know that Manny is an idiot savant and all, but he's been playing here for eight years. If anyone on the coaching staff actually thought he was playing too shallow, don't you think somebody would have drawn a chalk line out in left field for him to stand at or something?
We've previously discussed the Papelblog's suspicion that D'Angelo Ortiz is the result of an experiment conducted by Theo to combine Papi and Manny's DNA, but I didn't realize that D'Angelo is actually version 2.0.
3. from Basegirl
Mostly because we eventually starting talking about ways to get Julio Lugo off the team and replaced with a bucket of baseballs, operating, of course, on what I'm calling The Easter Basket Principle, (created by the genius ladies over at the Papel-Blog), which modification reads that a bucket of baseballs, turned sideways in the basepath would field more balls cleanly than Lugo, just based on probability.
4. from Yanksfan vs Soxfan
El Vacío
I hereby propose this as the new nickname for Julio Lugo. This roughly translates to "The Void", or "The Emptiness".
5. from Touching All the Bases
Julian Tavarez (5-6, 4.39, 1.40): He's a crazy SOB, but he's our crazy SOB. My impression of Tavarez before he came to Boston was that he was a selfish lunatic who didn't care about the team and usually wore out his welcome with an ill-timed temper tantrum or two. My impression now is that he's a lunatic because he almost cares too much about the team, and it drives him, well, looney to let his teammates down. While his numbers aren't much prettier than his headshot, he's been a stalwart as far as fifth starters go. The cat can pitch for my team anytime.
Jacoby Ellsbury: Yes, I know he would benefit from playing every day in Triple A. Know what? I do not care. With his speed and aggressiveness, he can help this team, right now, even if it's as a pinch-runner/sporadic starter. I say he stays. Incomplete, but itching to see more.
6. from Surviving Grady
The return of Wily Mo Pena. And by return I mean... sending him back from where he came, or anywhere else for that matter. Surely we've still got the receipt and original packaging.
A cloning machine for Youk and Lowell. Oh, like you wouldn't want an army of these guys running amuck in the field...
and something that just occurred to me: Julian pitched on Friday the Thirteenth. that's what i call entertainment. or Tito has a sense of humor. or they really do just enjoy messing with Yoyo.
ok. that's it. that's all i've got.
carry on.
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