Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ten on Tuesday: March 10, 2009

10 Things You Won't Really Miss About Winter

you know... i'm not really in a place where i have many complaints about Winter. it's one of my favorite seasons here so my list would be limited to things like "having so many snowbirds on the road" and "lack of baseball season." i think i will modify my list to...

10 Things You Don't Really Miss About Living in Real Winter

1. stepping out of your car onto, what *looks* like snowcovered ground. only to discover that it was, in fact, a think layer of snow masquerading a slush puddle waiting to ambush the unsuspecting foot with a flood of icy slush pouring into your shoe.

2. having to wake up in the middle of the night to start your car & clean off the snow that already covers it so that you're "halfway there" when you get up in the morning.

3. having to wake up an hour earlier than usual so you can biuld extra drive time into your commute.

4. icy roads. enough said.

5. tired dirty snow lining the roads.

6. raw red chapped hands. and lips. and itchy dry skin.

7. the way heat smells. and the way it dries out your nose & eyes.

8. when you're trying to park your car in a full parking lot & a third of the parking lot is unavailable because a giant mountain of snow is filling it up.

9. it's cold outside, so you need to wear approximately fourteen layers of clothing. but because it's cold outside, everywhere you go, they are blasting the heat. which means you either melt inside your fourteen layers or you take half of them off & are stuck schlepping them around with you. and never mind trying to drive when you're bundled up like Ralphie's little brother Randy in A Christmas Story.

10. trying to figure out how to shovel your car out of the snowbank it is now buried under because your apartment management decided to plow overnight but didn't warn you to move it (not that you could have parked in the street what with the parking bans so the snowplows can keep the streets clear) and of cousre you don't own a shovel since you live an apartment building & clearing the walkways is *their* problem.

*and* just because absence makes the heart grow fonder...

10 Things You Actually Miss About Winter

1. making snowangels.

2. watching picture perfect snow fall from inside your warm cozy home.

3. having the potential for a white Christmas.

4. the patterns frost makes on your windows.

5. when the sun rises on snow that fell overnight & the whole world is pristine & glittering.

6. how the chilly air is invigorating & gives you rosy cheeks.

7. evergreen trees decorated with fluffy snow.

8. the way tree branches look encased in ice.

9. Christmas lights shining through the snow. there is just something that is lost when a house decorated with lights isn't also covered in soft snow.

10. being able to wear a sweater more than a half dozen times each year.

7 with their own thoughts:

Michelle Quinno Tuesday, March 10, 2009 3:57:00 PM  

Yep, #1 is what happened to me when I went to lunch yesterday! Grrrrrr.....

~**Dawn**~ Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5:30:00 PM  

Ugh. That really is the worst because then you're stuck walking around in a soggy sock & a squishy shoe.

Janet Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5:32:00 PM  

re: the heating only smells bad when a mouse dies in one of the ducts ;-)

~**Dawn**~ Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5:34:00 PM  

Ewww! Janet! LOL I also think the slight burning smell it makes is stinky too. From the dust in the ducts, especially the first few times you run it for the season.

Ted D Tuesday, March 10, 2009 9:47:00 PM  

//and never mind trying to drive when you're bundled up like Ralphie's little brother Randy in A Christmas Story.//

This line made me giggle snort.

Nichole M Tuesday, March 10, 2009 10:10:00 PM  

As much as I love the malls, I *hated* shopping in the winter. Because of the layers reason. If it weren't antarctic cold, I would park in the garage (hopefully underground), leave my coat in the car, and run to the elevators.

And once we actually had to get a tow truck to pull our little car out of our parking space after it got plowed in. That was when we decided we needed an SUV.

~**Dawn**~ Wednesday, March 11, 2009 10:59:00 PM  

Ted: Now that I kinda wish I could have heard. ;-)

Nichole: The time my car got completely buried, I called into work. They got mad at me when I said I couldn't come in but I told them I would be happy to if someone wanted to come & get me but I wasn't walking down 84-West from Bristol to Middlebury. =P

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