Monday, March 9, 2009

Grace in Small Things 46:365

1. a free movie ticket that Jenny won for me on Blingo. this is the third time i've won something--once with myself actually doing the winning, and twice with Jenny winning and because she signed up under me, we both win!--and even when it's something small, it's never any less fun to win. go over to my right sidebar, scroll down til you see the blue button that says "win with me on Blingo" and go sign up right now!

2. sour gummy worms. i don't know what it is about them but they are addictive.

3. is there anything that embodies joy more than a dog riding down the road in the backseat of a car with his head hanging out the window?

4. having friends with whom to suffer through the excrutiatingly long Sox Spring Training game with the mind-numbingly boring monotone Pirates radio announcers. i swear listening to them made time move in reverse. they even managed to take the excitement out of a grand slam. never mind that the game went 10 innings & lasted over four hours. the Sox finally won & i still can't believe i spent most of the game wanting it to just end already. but having friends with which to groan & make wisecracks makes just about anything bearable.

5. having my windows open in the evening to let in the cool breeze.

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1 with their own thoughts:

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane Tuesday, March 10, 2009 10:48:00 PM  

I LOVE when you win something on Blingo!!!!!!!

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