Sunday, March 28, 2010

20 Questions: March 28, 2010

1. What is your favorite salty snack?
Chips. Usually just regular flavor (sometimes sour cream & onion), the lightly salted version if possible. And if I'm really splurging? Some dip.

2. Mayo goes on:
On a tuna sandwich. And maybe a bit on a ham or turkey sandwich or my burger.

3. What is your local weather forecast?
It's very stormy today. It's supposed to clear up around mid-morning tomorrow, followed by a bit of a cool front. Then it's predicted to be sunny & in the upper 70s & low 80s for the rest of the week.

4. What is your favorite song whose title begins with the letter E?
Maybe "Everybody," by Keith Urban.

5. How many weddings have you been in?
Hmmmm... I was a flower girl in my Aunt Barbara & Uncle Peter's wedding when I was about 7, and also in my dad's cousin David's wedding when I was 4. I was in my mother's wedding when I was in high school. In my dad's wedding in 1990 & again in 1997. And most recently, I was in my friend Alison's wedding last July.

6. How many have you *attended*?
Oh wow... Ummmm... Those five for brother... and probably a half dozen or so various relatives along the way? So 20-25?

7. What color(s) is/are the towel(s) hanging in your bathroom right now?
My bath towels are a warm tan. My hand towel is pale yellow. And I have a decorative hand towel as well that is cream with band of brown, yellow and robin's egg blue stripes.

8. How do you remind yourself so you don't forget to do something?
I make all kinds of notes in my planner. I also employ random Post-it notes, and have been known to set reminder alerts on my cell phone. Sometimes I will email myself if I'm about to leave work & want to remember to do something when I get home.

9. How many times do you go to the beach during the Summer?
Most likely none. I haven't been to the beach in the entire eight years that I've lived in Florida thus far. And I bet I went a total of a dozen times, at most, when I lived in Connecticut.

10. What brand of peanut butter do you prefer?
Jif. I don't care if it's creamy or crunchy, but it must be Jif. I've recently switched to Simply Jif & I really like that.

11. What was the last thing you had to wait in line for?
To shake hands with Pastor P on my way out of church this morning. I actually didn't have to wait in line at Target *or* Publix, or even when I stopped for gas this morning!

12. Do you use a written list when you grocery shop or do you rely on your memory?
Unless I'm just running in for a couple of things, I use a written list. I would never remember all the items I need without it. I actually get some really good pre-printed ones that Publix supplies free of charge!

13. What is the secret to life?
Working hard to be someone you really like. If you can't like yourself, you aren't going to be happy. When you're happy & at peace with yourself, you can make the lives of the people around you better too...but you have to start with yourself. Also: learn when & how to say 'no.'

14. What's the worst mess you've ever had to clean up?
I worked in daycare. Use your imagination. And then know that what ever you came up with? Wasn't even close. ;-)

15. What was the last thing you highlighted?
A bunch of forms in a new hire packet for work.

16. What is the longest period of time you've gone without electricity?
About 18 hours I think. Which is actually pretty good when you consider that I was already living in Florida that year all the hurricanes came barreling through!

17. How do you feel about Tuesdays?
Tuesdays are ok. I'm usually back in the work groove by then.

18. Which pain reliever do you reach for first, when you find yourself in need of one?
Advil. A handful of jelly beans would be more effective than Tylenol for me.

19. Chinese takeout or pizza?
Pizza. I have to be in the right mood for Chinese.

20. How many windows are open on your computer right now?
One window (plus my Twitter widget). Six tabs: Gmail. Google Reader. Facebook. Blogger. A Google "Help" page, in an effort to help out a bloggy friend. ESPN Fantasy Baseball.

5 with their own thoughts:

k Tuesday, March 30, 2010 3:46:00 PM  

So just curious...are you not a fan of the beach?

What is Simply Jif? I haven't seen that in the stores yet.

Did you know that you and FG both picked a song called "everybody" but by different artists?! Funny!

penuttpie Wednesday, March 31, 2010 8:00:00 PM  

i feel as though #13 was meant for me ;)

~**Dawn**~ Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:04:00 AM  

K: I burn. So I don't have much use for the beach. ;-) I don't hate it though. I like to be there at sunrise & sunset especially! I just don't ever go. Simply Jif is just more natural, and less sugar & sodium. That is really funny about the song! I was torn between that one & "Edge of Desire" by John Mayer.

G: Not specifically, but yes, you could definitely apply it to yourself! ;-)

Janet Thursday, April 01, 2010 2:02:00 PM  

1. What is your favorite salty snack?

2. Mayo goes on:
On a tuna sandwich, potato salad, potato chip sandwich.

3. What is your local weather forecast?

4. What is your favorite song whose title begins with the letter E?
Everybody is a star by Sly & The Family Stone

5. How many weddings have you been in?
Mel's, Betsy's, Julie's, Megan's

6. How many have you *attended*?

7. What color(s) is/are the towel(s) Blue stripe, they match my sparkly shower curtain

8. How do you remind yourself so you don't forget to do something?
Post its, google calendar, phone

9. How many times do you go to the beach during the Summer?
This summer, probably more often now that I've lost 30 pounds!

10. What brand of peanut butter do you prefer?
I really like almond butter, but it's so much more expensive...right now I'm using Jif crunchy

11. What was the last thing you had to wait in line for?
Coffee this morning at DD's

12. Do you use a written list when you grocery shop or do you rely on your memory?
A list! Else I forget :-)

13. What is the secret to life?
Trying to be positive and happy.

14. What's the worst mess you've ever had to clean up?'s pretty gross, and I'd rather not to into it just now

15. What was the last thing you highlighted?
consultant paperwork

16. What is the longest period of time you've gone without electricity?
Not sure...

17. How do you feel about Tuesdays?
Tuesdays are ok!

18. Which pain reliever do you reach for first, when you find yourself in need of one?

19. Chinese takeout or pizza?

20. How many windows are open on your computer right now?


~**Dawn**~ Friday, April 02, 2010 9:56:00 AM  

2. How did I forget potato salad??

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