Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday Stream of Consciousness: February 15, 2010

i've been thinking about my weekly blog format. now that it's been going for about a month, home internet interruptions not withstanding, i'm ready to make some tweaks. or perhaps i should say just a single tweak. i love doing my "A Picture's Worth" posts, but i'm finding that the pressure of forcing myself to match up a quote with a photo is stifling my creativity. i used to have so many ideas for this & now...i come up dry. so i think i will make that an "as inspired" occurrence (i'm not even going to tell you how many attempts i had to make to get a spelling of 'occurrence' that FireFox didn't leave an angry red line beneath), which means i need to find something new to plug into Tuesday. i have an idea i plan to test out. we'll see. it's a little similar to my monthly "Snapshots" though, so i may find it redundant & abandon it in favor of something yet to be determined. i'm feeling totally uninspired today. i think it is a direct result of envying those who had today off for Presidents' Day and a severe Girl Scout Cookie deficiency.

1 with their own thoughts:

Jeanne Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:17:00 PM  

It was wonderful having yesterday off. Of course I don't get paid for it but it was worth having that extra day and going to the movies with husband. Go with the flow Dawn. I find the same thing when I try 'forcing' creativity.

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