Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Want.Need.Wear.Read: January 19, 2016

For ages, now, I've seen people blog about using this method of gift giving for their children at Christmas time. I've always felt it would be a fun format for a blog post. So, here we are.

WANT| Whilst browsing my feedly content this morning, the blog, Flowers in My Hair, shared a link to those pajamas. Hi, have we met? Do you understand how I feel about donuts? I probably don't love these enough to drop $54 on them, but they are super duper cute. And also, donuts.

NEED| This is quite possibly the best facial moisturizer/sunscreen I've ever used. It's so light and the SPF is enough for everyday use, even in the vicious Florida sun and it doesn't anger my sensitive but oily skin and it truly is unscented. I need to get some more, but Sephora is out. I am impatiently waiting for them to replenish their stock, which I hope happens before my bottle is empty.

WEAR| I am so.flipping.excited that it is finally cool enough to wear my slippers again. These things are the best thing I've ever (ever) slid my feet into. I call them my feet blankets. They make me happy. (Mine are the red ones. Not that anyone cares. But red also makes me happy.)

READ| I already include my book reading in my weekly snapshot posts. No need to be redundant. Instead, I want to tell you about a piece I read a couple of days ago. It's a few years old (hey, I'm making progress on my magazine intention!), from the December 2011 issue of Redbook, but they have it online and honestly, it was such a feel good story, of a mother and daughter, reunited many years after the daughter was given up for adoption. It made me teary. "We had your birth date inscribed in our wedding rings, and we've celebrated every one of your birthdays. I just want you to know," he said gently, "you were loved all along." There is just so much negativity in all forms of media, it seems, but this story was filled with so much genuine love.

No one has offered me anything to include these links. I've never been paid or otherwise compensated for a blog post in my life, and I don't intend to start now.

3 with their own thoughts:

Kate at Green Fashionista Tuesday, January 19, 2016 2:59:00 PM  

That donut tee is too cute, and how comfy looking are those slippers?! <3
Green Fashionista

*krystyn* Thursday, January 21, 2016 3:28:00 PM  

Those pjs are super cute but I really want to know how you made that graphic????

~**Dawn**~ Thursday, January 21, 2016 3:29:00 PM  

Krystyn: I played around with a collage in PicMonkey until it looked the way I wanted!

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