Sunday, January 17, 2016

Snapshot from Along the Broken Road: 2016 - Week 2

Checking in for the week of January 10 through January 16.

O Is for Outlaw (Sue Grafton) - I'm so glad I didn't give up on this series. It's gotten so much better!

Creamy Chicken Florentine. Ring of Meat. Steaks, mashed potatoes, and some carrots. Breakfast wraps with a hashbrown casserole recipe that we won't be repeating, because, it turns out, we like our hashbrowns crispy and this...was not. And a new recipe for some angel hair with scallops and clams that was good the first day and even better the second!

White Christmas (YC)
Gingerbread (YC) - I don't care if we're past Christmas. It can still smell like cookies any time.
Red Berry and Cedar (YC) - My favoritest of all my favorite winter scents. Maybe even in my top three overall.
Merry Marshmallow (YC) - This one works much better in the bathroom, where the room is more enclosed and you can smell its marshmallow-y goodness.

Finally, perfect weather for snuggling in bed with the comforter!

Put on my Wakey shirt, totally without knowing in advance that they'd announced he was being inducted into the Red Sox Hall of Fame earlier that day!

Our baby orange tree gave us an orange! A sweet juicy orange!

Blue sky and swirly clouds (and a reflection of my phone) on my drive home from work.

Saturday sunrise.

This was the only part of the window that didn't fog up. Totally the silhouette of the Patriots logo! Must have been a good omen, since they won and all. ::wink::

After 22 years (!!) of blonde-ing it up with highlights, I'm taking it it back down to warmer and darker.

2 with their own thoughts:

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane Tuesday, January 19, 2016 5:26:00 PM  

Lots of good eating this week! I'm not cooking as much as usual, due to someone's dietary restrictions at the moment. As my dad used to say, "this too shall pass". :D

Cute orange, can't believe you grown your own! And yeah for Florida weather for Dawn that is not hot, and actually can accommodate a blanket and some snuggle time in it! :)

~**Dawn**~ Tuesday, January 19, 2016 6:01:00 PM  

Stacy: LOL! Yeah, we definitely don't eat with any restrictions. ;-) We're pretty much "everything in moderation" people, which works for us.

I got T a young orange tree for his birthday last year, so this is the first year we've had any homegrown oranges. I think we'll get three total. Hopefully more next year, now that the tree is growing!

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