Monday, February 13, 2006

the truth revealed

how about those answers to Saturday's 6 truths/4 lies game! (truth is until i read someone else's, i had completely forgotten i needed to do this. actually...i had remembered but then i forget. but that's neither here nor there lol...)

1. my math skills leave much to be desired. TRUTH: scary as it is, i was an accounting clerk for not one but TWO car dealerships for well over a year & a half lol...

2. i finally gave in & washed my car today. LIE: lol...unless the rain counts ;-)

3. i haven't taken a photograph in over 24 hours. TRUTH: that has since changed. in fact i took some & posted them on Sunday!

4. i love college football. LIE: i hate all college sports though i do love some of their professional counterparts!

5. i no longer have to take the highway into work now that i've moved into the new house. LIE: i actually take 1/2 mile of highway travel to get into work--just on a different highway than before

6. i have 3 god children. TRUTH: one is my sweet Baby Girl whose photos appear frequently on my blog. one is actually my almost 8 year old half brother Zach. and the 3rd is my old boyfriend's niece.

7. i nap with my puppy almost every afternoon/evening. TRUTH: usually just for a half hour or so on the couch when i curl up to relax after dinner or on the weekends, mid-afternoon. the most comfy couch ever & a warm furry little body curled into your stomach is the best lullaby. =)

8. i only drink water. LIE: i actually drink 1 glass of cranberry juice in the morning when i get up. then it's mostly water all the rest of the time. an occasional deviation but i'm sure to most, it *seems* as though all i drink is water!

9. i haven't been to Disney park since before Christmas. TRUTH: shocking isn't it?! i changed that on Sunday too when i took some photos lol...

10. i get hiccups from drinking anything with carbonation. TRUTH: i hiccup EVERY time. it's kind of annoying as the hiccups are usually of the painful variety.

2 with their own thoughts:

SuburbanMom Monday, February 13, 2006 10:23:00 PM  

You are too funny (and LOVE the music :)

Michelle W. Tuesday, February 14, 2006 2:12:00 AM  

I only got 2! Ugh. I think this has prove that I need to stalk you more from now on. Can't believe I got some of the easy ones wrong... The shame!!!


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