I Want Wednesday: December 29, 2010
**While I have been all about creating my own "personalized" cookbook of sorts, I Want to add The Food Substitutions Bible to my bookshelf. It looks super useful!
**I am pretty resourceful in the kitchen (by product of being very low on storage space!). I use a fine mesh strainer for sifting flour when I need to. So, yes, resourceful, but not so easy to accurately measure. When I go home & my kitchen has magically tripled in size, I Want this Flour Sifter.
**It occurred to me over the weekend, as I scrolled through hundreds of channels, looking for something suitable for background noise, that easily 80% of the channels I pay I will never watch. Sure I scroll through the 450-bajillion when "nothing is on" but I don't ever *find* anything on those "other channels." Some people respond to this by canceling their cable service, but *that* is not going to happen in my home. See, I watch enough tv that it justifies the expenditure--I just watch it all on maybe 25 channels in all. What I Want is "cable a la carte" where I can select & pay for the channels that actually get used.
**Even though I am still happily in the midst of my Winter stash of scents (and yes, still some Autumn ones because they still "work" for me in Winter as well), as soon as I see the previews, I can't help it. I Want to sniff the new Spring Yankee Candle scents!
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