i know you're out there in the great unknown
i know how it can be. you follow some links, down some crazy haphazard internet path, and somehow land on the blog of some person you don't know. and you read. and you read. and you feel some sort of connection. maybe with something they shared. or maybe you enjoy their writing style. whatever the reason, you keep coming back. and you really really want to leave a comment, but it seems like everyone already knows each other and you don't really know to ease in gracefully. (ok maybe that's just me...)anyway whatever the case, you read but you just don't leave a comment. you want to, but something is stopping you. you feel funny jumping into the established group. you don't quite now what to say. you've been anonymous for so long, you wonder if you even should say anything. we all have our reasons.
well, today is your chance. it is the actual official Delurking Day, on which all those blog viewers who read in silence--lurking, if you will!--have the opportunity to make their presence known, to join in the fun, to say their piece! you don't have to...but you know you want to. who knows? once you break the commenting ice, you might decide to stay in the conversation.
so c'mon in! tell me who you are! what brought you here & what keeps you coming back? or you can tell me what's kept you quiet (because i bet i can relate!) til now. or something about yourself. and? you can help me out too: maybe i can start saying i have nine readers instead of six. ;-)
18 with their own thoughts:
That's all I got.
My name is Joe.
(HI, JOE!!!)
And I just want to say Jim Rice is swell.
poke, poke
...then again you knoow about me already. SO I guess I was never a lurker in the first place! :)
Ha! I'm a lurker, but you already knew that! :)
Um, will you hurt me if I say "Go Twins!"? Or will you just laugh yourself silly instead? ;)
I come here because you make me cookies! :)
I kid, I kid! You know I love you! I come here because secretly I want to be a Red Sox fan! But shhhh don't tell hubbie yet or Pocklock! :)
You meant 900 instead of 600, didn't you?
Sorry I do lurk so I am outting myslef today!!! :)
Your blog was actually one that I couldn't lurk on. I just had to knock on the door to play. It's true though Google Reader makes it so easy to follow along in someone's life we'll never know.
I come here because I hope someday you will make *ME* cookies LOL :) Well, there's that, and the interesting writings, the photography lessons I get from your photos, and of course, the constant razzing about the evil empire / Satan's Minions / NY Spank-me's -- because we both dispise them THAT much! Even if my O's finish in last place, they finish in last place with my support!! :)
Let's see - why else do I keep wandering back? You DO have great topics (20 questions, Food & Wine Festival endeavours, etc)..honestly, you have a very interesting blog, and I like you said, you make a connection along the way...oh happy clicking has landed me here...I dont see an eviction notice yet so that is a good sign! :)
well, I don't always say something, but I'm not really a lurker... we go back aways. besides, I just like you, so I keep coming back. :)
You guys are so funny! =D
No one is getting any eviction notices.
And Celtic Buffy: We don't discourage baseball fans here! And we *certainly* do not invite the bad baseball karma associated with pointing & laughing at other teams' misfortune. We DO take great pleasure in Yankees & Rays losses though. And we definitely try to convert the few Yankee-fan visitors we get here (though they are still quite wonderful people).
Totally NOT a lurker and look, you're up to thirteen! I'm not sure how I found you - another comment box? A comment on my blog? I can't remember. Glad I clicked your way, though.
Darn it! I missed the Delurker Day!
I look at my blog stats all of the time and see all of these page hits, but I rarely receive any comments. It makes me wonder what people think of my site. Do they happen upon it by accident and decide they have absolutely nothing in common with me (and therefore never come back again)? Or do I touch some people who come back but just never "say" anything? I guess I'll never know for sure!
Any old way ... I just wanted to stop in, say "Hey," and wish you a great week!
a day late, but "hi!"
I hope you enjoy the warmer weather down there. We are expecting 4 freezing cold days, down to -8 degrees!
Dawn what can I say? I'm a FL girl and I love my warm winters! But the weather today was wonderful. FL dress code is always short-sleeves or tanks with a jacket/sweater on top that way you're always ready!
Hope you enjoy the cold this week but 30 is way too daggum low for me!
btw, my captcha was moses. really? weird!
I'm not a lurker, but saying hi anyway!!! ;-)
I don't lurk...but I also don't get here in a timely manner lately! Sorry!
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