...as cold in Florida yet??

and before anyone calls me a wimp: at what temperature did you turn on your heat this Winter? because despite lows in the 30s and now 20s, i have not turned on my heat in three Winters now. it's just me here and i refuse to pay for *heat* in FLORIDA.
9 with their own thoughts:
That's even colder than it got here last night. I saw a bunch on the news about the freeze in Florida and how much they are worried about the citrus crop.
To answer your question, if it was getting in the 20's, you betcha that I'd have my heat on! I hate to be cold!
Burr!!!!! Frost on the lawn this am! First time in the 4 years I have lived here. Looks like the hibiscus took a hit too!
I have no choice but to turn on the heat and its set at 68! In CT in the winter I kept the thermostat at 69. Here the stupid heat pump seems to run all night! I dont want to see my electric bill for this month!
oh good grief! girl, that's cold for down there - if you're not going to turn on the heat, I hope you have a little portable something to keep you cozy!
my heat goes on when I get cold - I don't particularly care what the temperature is! I refuse to be cold in my old age! ;)
Well, I hope you at least had a brandy or something. That's damn cold (and I'm in Boston, so if I say that's cold, you know it is.)
Stacy: Locally, they have been saying that cold snaps this time of year are good for our strawberry & cirtus crops because it makes them nice & sweet. I guess the key is to keep sprinklers on them to create a layer of ice which protects the fruit from frostbite? I don't know the science of it but I know that's what they are doing. One more cold night tonight (only around 30 though) and then we will be back to highs in the 70s, lows in the 50s.
Marc: This is the first time you had frost? I could have sworn I had some just after moving in the new house back in 2006... I know I scraped my car. I have not turned on my heat even once since moving out though. Actually, to be honest, I did, once, for about 30 seconds & the dust burning off it stunk so bad, I shut it right back off & grabbed a blanket instead. =P I refuse to have huge electric bills year round!
Marianne: I have a nice cozy blankie. ;-) I may just be stubborn based on principle but I haven't gotten cold enough to give in yet! By Saturday we're supposed to be in the mid 70s again anyway. I can warm up then. ;-)
Suldog: No brandy but I did have some yummy homemade clam chowdah and some hot apple cider!
At 30/20 degrees outside you can BET my heat would be on! LOL I keep my heat on (in the winter) around 63 and it's perfect. :-)
P.S. HA HA! My word verification is MANIC. Just WHAT is blogger trying to tell me???
That's very cold! I would have turned the heat on! Hubby turns it on here if it's like 50 or 60. :)
Hope it warms back up for you soon.
Frost again on Friday morning....
We usually dont get any as we have a lot of moisture coming off the lake but the past 2 mornings have browned the grass.
Well soon it will be in the 70's at night and 90's in the day. Perfect beach weather!
Wow, that is pretty cold. I live in Colorado, and it was 64 yesterday, and 71 on Wed. The whether is reversed!
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