1. Name something you have in common with all of your siblings?
ummm... our last name. our father. our blue eyes.
2. Do you fold your underwear?
well, as well as it can be anyway.
3. Do you like to drink the juice out of freeze pops?
i did when i was a kid, which was the last time i had a freeze pop.
4. Who is the last person you wrote a letter to on paper?
does writing in a card count? assuming it does, i wrote one just this week but i don't think it's arrived at its destination yet. so... in the interest of letting "happy mail" be a surprise, i'm not saying who!
5. What was your first real job?
i would say the steady babysitting job i had. i know you're rolling your eyes at "babysitting" but i sat for the same family almost every single weekend (they had a band that played parties & weddings & such). pretty nice being paid cash, under the table & all! if that doesn't count, then the first job requiring me to file taxes was working at a sandwich shop. cured me of ever wanting to work food service again.
6. Aside from Driver's Ed, who really taught you how to drive?
the guy i was dating at the time.
7. Wanna taste?
not if you don't tell me what it is first! i'm no dummy.
8. What's the one thing you love/miss about your Grandma's cooking?
everything! there was nothing in the world like Gram's cooking. (well except for Spam & red cabbage. ::shudder::)
9. What color is your favorite hoodie?
white with yellow stripes on the sleeves. (stop laughing at me, Nichole!)
10. Who was like your second Mom or second Dad?
for a long time, Michael's family felt like *my* family. now, i barely have my actual set of parents, let alone anyone else.
11. Name a sound that disturbs you?
anyone or anything throwing up.
12. What's your typical ice cream order at Dairy Queen?
i haven't been to a DQ in probably ten years. at least. but *i* can get Dole Whips (pineapple & vanilla swirl please!) at Disney World, so there!
13. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
14. What did you do today?
get up. shower. get dressed & ready for the day. made my lunch. ran the dishwasher. took out the trash. packed the things i used this morning that i will need (toothbrush, face cream, etc). drove to work. ate breakfast. checked email. blogged. answered the phone at work. laminated some things. typed a letter to a customer. printed some delivery tickets.
15. Are you emotional?
not at the moment. but i am a girl, so i am more than capable. ;-)
16. Have you ever had the same dream more than once?
yes & i was *just* thinking about this! i used to have a recurring nightmare when i was a kid. it involved the school i went to & savage Native Americans trying to kill me & a wise old man under the stage in the gymnasium who told me how to escape but in order to do so i had to run across the parking lot that was filled with human skulls. i probably had that dream every couple of months. and i always knew what would happen next, even while i was dreaming, but it still scared the bejeezus outta me. what made me think of that dream was that i recently had another dream i had as a child, also in the halls of my old school up above all the lockers were glass boxes containing angry animals (cheetah, lion, bear, bobcat, etc) trying to break free & attack me. yeah, i don't know either.
17. Name a song that makes you happy?
"Old Blue Chair" by Kenny Chesney
18. Do you use chap stick?
no, but i do use SoftLips which is sort of the same thing. tastes good, does exactly what it advertises & has SPF in it.
19. If you were in an emergency situation and you had to deliver a baby, could you?
i probably could. i'm not sure i'd *want* to, but i think i could do it if i had to. it's not like i would be the one doing the hard work. oh dear God... i hope i wouldn't have to deliver my own!!
20. What was the most recent thing you bought?
a couple of new sleeveless shirts. i had to retire a couple but i couldn't afford to have fewer, especially this time of year!
21. What is on your refrigerator door?
a photo of Baby Girl & Baby Brother from Christmas. a photo of Alison's kids from Christmas. Krystyn's son's birth announcement. a card from Nichole. and the first card posted here from Lisa which is so pretty that it makes me smile every single time i see it. =)
22. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
hang out with Heather! yay!
23. What was the last movie you watched?
88 Minutes.
24. Do any of your friends have children?
actually many of them do! i am going to see a bunch of them tomorrow!
25. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
if you are going to make me drink it, it better be chocolate but i would rather just pass on it all together, thanks.
26. When was the last time you had Starbucks?
December 2006. i wanted to try the Caramel Apple Cider.
27. Can you whistle?
a little.
28. Do you have a trampoline at your house?
i do not. i also do not have a house, for that matter. =P
29. What movie do you know every line to?
Major League. Ocean's Eleven. Father of Bride & Father of the Bride II (with Steve Martin).
30. Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?
i don't even want to swim *without* the sharks.
31. Do you know how to do a cart-wheel?
nope. i've never been able to do one. coordination is not my friend!
32. Do you maintain any friendships originating from elementary school?
yes!! Heather & i have been friends since we were three!! i've also gotten back in touch with a couple of other elementary school friends via Facebook but other than high school when Heather & i briefly lost touch, we've always been friends!
33. What're you wearing?
light khaki cargo capris. a white tank top with a palm tree on it made of tiny sequins. a hooded sleeveless hoodie that is the same color as the capris. socks & sneakers.
34. What was the last thing you ate?
an oatmeal raisin granola bar.
35. When was the last time you did the dishes?
this morning! no dirty dishes allowed to sit in my sink while i am away! it was just my juice glass from this morning & the pot i cooked my pasta in when i made my lunch.
36. Do you own any band t-shirts?
nope. i have Sox t-shirts. and Patriots t-shirts. and WDW t-shirts.
37. Last song you sang out loud?
"Fallen," by Sarah McLachlan.
38. When was the last time you slept on the floor?
40. Would you chew gum that's already been chewed?
no but i know someone who would! LOL! (depending on who already chewed it of course)
41. Who have you talked to today?
Debbie. Dale. Bobby. Troy. Jean. Randy. Dane. Phil. Mike. John. and a bunch of people who have called here.
42. What comes to your mind when I say pumpkins?
43. How old are you?
i turned 31 on my last birthday.
44. What is your background on your computer?
which one?

45. Do you wish on 11:11 PM
can't say that i ever have.
46. Good advice if you ever go camping?
yeah: don't. =P seriously, camping is so not my thing. bugs & sleeping on the ground & not having my own private bathroom. so not for me.
47. Besides your mouth, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?
that information is on a "need to know" basis & i'm thinking the odds are pretty high that you don't need to know.
48. Were you happy when you woke up today?
eh. i wasn't in a bad mood or anything but i didn't really want to get up. too comfy.
49. How about now?
i'm ok. kinda hungry. if you were paying attention yesterday, you know what that means. ;-)
50. Would you rather have chicken or steak?
right now? chicken.
51. How many of your friends have seen you naked?
how about none?!
52. What were you doing at 10 am?
working on this survey between phone calls & work tasks. and discussing last night's Sox-Rays brawl with Bart via Twitter direct message.
53. Are you different now than you were six months ago?
OMG *yes*! =)
54. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
most likely water since that's almost the only thing i drink.
55. Who was the last person to text you?
56. Who was the last person to call you?
57. What month is your birthday in?
58. Can you live a day without tv?
sure i could. i can watch the Sox play online. ;-)
59. When was the last time you saw your dad?
60. How many houses have you lived in?
11, i think...
61. How many city/towns have you lived in?
62. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
that depends? am i inside? outside? is it warm or cold? too many variables to pick just one.
63. What is your favorite color?
a nice warm rich red and navy blue.
64. What are you doing for your next birthday?
beats the heck out of me. it's not for another four months.
65. What are you thinking about right now?
going upstairs & heating up my lunch!
66. Any plans for the weekend?
flying to CT, seeing my girlies, meeting baby Gracie & celebrating Baby Girl's fourth birthday!
67. What were you doing at 12 last night?
sleeping soundly.
68. Do you smile a lot?
yes, i do. unless i am hungry or someone ticks me off.
69. Have you ever had a life-threatening injury?
thankfully, i have not.
70. Do you like flying or driving?
flying doesn't bother me & in some cases it's far more time-efficient. i don't mind travelling by car but i would prefer to be the passenger.
71. Do you know how to drive a stick shift?
i tried to learn but was not very successful.
72. Do you wear any jewelry daily?
i usually wear a necklace & i used to always wear a watch until the battery died & i've been too lazy to drive all the way to the other side of town to have a new one put in.
73. What is your ringtone?
"Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond! happy!
74. Skim, 1%, 2%, or whole milk?
whole, if i must. it's usually just for cooking, baking or in cereal though. i can handle 2% as well. anything less than that just looks like cloudy water & that kinda grosses me out.
75. What time did you go to sleep last night?
around 10:30. i was tired. that Sox game was exhausting.