Wednesday, March 23, 2005


we talk about being a "morning person" or a "night owl". i'm something of both. it's that middle of the day slump, 1-3pm, that i struggle to keep my baby blues bright. and open lol. i just drag.

and i mean d....r....a....g

it doesn't matter how much or how little sleep i got the night before (although 6 solid hours is my optimum). it doesn't matter if i went to bed early or stayed up half the night. it doesn't matter if i was up with the sun (typically the case) or if i slept in. it doesn't matter what i'm doing (or should be doing as the case may be) when 1pm rolls around. all i know is that day in & day out, for those 2 hours, i would be perfectly content to just close my eyes & take a nice little nap.

so...if anyone needs me, look under my desk where i am likely curled up, peacefully snoozing. i think i missed my calling in life: i should have been my dog. =P

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