Thursday, December 15, 2005

you're kiddng me right??...and a extra random thought

heard this morning on the radio while i was on my way into work that a Brazillian mayor was outlawing death because the cemetaries are full, there's no room for another & they aren't allowed to cremate. and any caught not upholding the law will be reprimanded. i have to say...this i gotta see. y'all stop dying now!

and on a random note. i am addressing 150 Christmas (yes that says CHRISTMAS & not HOLDAY) letters to our customers. and i noticed that my handwriting suffers from multiple personalities. other than a few common characteristics, no 2 envelopes look the same. half the time my letters don't even look the same on ONE envelope. interesting...

1 with their own thoughts:

k Thursday, December 15, 2005 4:34:00 PM  

After about 10 envelopes, my handwriting wouldn't be very about labels on the computer?

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