Sunday, August 7, 2005

a celebration of friendship

there are lots of people who roll their eyes at the "Hallmark holidays", claiming that it's all a ploy to get consumers to spend more money...i for one though think they may be onto something here that we might otherwise overlook: the celebration of the important relationships in our lives. this is not to say that we shouldn't be showing our appreciation for these special people each & every day but i kind of like the concept of a special to day really celebrate these people who make our lives full & complete. think about it. what's really so wrong about having an extra day where we single one special person or group of people we love & taking that opportunity to make them feel good? not one thing in my opinion.

on that note, today is Friendship Day. i want to take just a quick moment to celebrate my friends--my best friends, my good friends, my old friends & my new ones. friends that are close by & friends that i don't see nearly often enough. friends that have been there for me & friends that will be. friends i've met through the internet & friends that haven't even come into my life yet. i can't imagine where i'd be without each & every one of you. thank you for the times you've listened, the times you've made me laugh, all the great memories we've made & all the ones that we'll make.

You've always been
Time and again
The one to take my hand
And show me
It's okay to be
Just the way I am
With no apology
You've always been
And you will till God knows when
Yes you've always been
A friend to me
(from "A Friend to Me" by Garth Brooks)

1 with their own thoughts:

Anonymous,  Sunday, August 07, 2005 2:32:00 PM  

Here, here, I second this! Great post, Dawn, and thanks for reminding us to celebrate every day, not just the big ones or "Hallmark" ones. My DH is like that too, he often gets me flowers before or after Valentines, 'just because', he says he'd rather get them for me when he wants, rather than when someone else tells him he's supposed to. :)

I'm so glad to count you among my "Internet friends", and I love reading your blog! :) And, can't wait to play fantasy football against you! :)

Have a great weekend, and a good week at work next week!

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