Sunday, September 21, 2008

what you might need to know if you invite me for dinner

blatantly stolen from Jenny

1. How do you like your eggs?
scrambled. egg salad. devilled. omelettes with cheese, tomatoes & green peppers. and i like the whites from eggs done sunny-side-up or hard boiled, but *not* the yolks.

2. How do you take your coffee/tea?
the closest i get to coffee is ice cream or a rare Coolotta from Dunkin Donuts and i do not care for tea.

3. Favorite breakfast food:
waffles. probably because i don't have them very often, so they feel like a treat.

4. Peanut butter:
mmmm... i have yet to find peanut butter i won't eat.

5. What kind of dressing on your salad?
i like a robust Italian... or some Ranch... or some Honey Mustard... or a good Balsamic Vinaigrette.

6. Coke or Pepsi?
no thanks. except on the rare occasion i need a major caffeine boost. then it's Pepsi.

7. You’re feeling lazy. What do you make?
pasta with tomato sauce. or soup.

8. You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order?
tomato, mozzarella & basil.

9. You feel like cooking. What do you make?
all *sorts* of things: you can see some of them on my recipe blog.

10. Do any foods bring back good memories?
many. my Gram was an amazing cook. you know the days when you crave comfort food? it's hers that i wish i could have. i have so many wonderful memories associated with food... and i think it's why i enjoy cooking now. i learned by her side. and i have been lucky enough to make more good memories the last several holidays that are centered on incredible holiday meals as well.

11. Do any foods bring back bad memories?
chicken nuggets. hot dogs. frozen pizza. and criticism that shook my cooking confidence.

12. Do any foods remind you of someone?
bacon & lettuce salad reminds me of my Gramp. blackberry pie makes me think of my dad. i associate my mother with Shepherd's pie.

13. Is there a food you refuse to eat?
bananas. hot cereal. Spam. red cabbage. liver. veal. lamb. i'm not a picky eater at all. i will try almost anything (barring the very extreme) before i say i don't like it. sometimes it just takes me a while to work up the nerve to try something.

14. What was your favorite food as a child?
potatoes in almost any form. tomatoes. strawberries.

15. Is there a food that you hated as a child but now like?
spinach. brussel sprouts.

16. Is there a food that you liked as a child but now hate?

17. Favorite fruit and vegetable:
fruit: any kind of berries, seedless green grapes, cantaloupe. vegetables: broccoli, peas, carrots, summer squash. i also love tomatoes but never know where to list them. i know they are a fruit but i feel funny listing them there. i really love quite a few veggies to be honest.

18. Favorite junk food:
chocolate chip cookies or chips. depends on if i want sweet or salty.

19. Favorite between meal snack:
depending on the day: chocolate or some fruit.

20. Do you have any weird food habits?
i don't think so...? but maybe someone else thinks my food habits are weird, i dunno.

21. You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on?
lots of fruits & veggies.

22. You’re off your diet. Now what would you like?

23. How spicy do you order Indian/Thai?
whatever gives me enough kick to make my mouth a little warm but not so much that i am uncomfortable & cannot actually taste the food.

24. Can I get you a drink?
sure! a Gimlet would be nice... or... a fruity martini. i had a Pear Martini when i was in California & it was very yummy.

25. Red or White Wine?
it depends. am i eating? then i will have whatever my wine advisors tell me would work well with my meal. if i am just having a glass of wine, though, i tend to lean toward the whites.

26. Favorite dessert?
warm apple pie a la mode. warm chocolate chip cookies. ice cream. a brownie.

27. The perfect nightcap?
i'm not sure... not a big fan of the different kinds of port i've tried... what are my other options again?

5 with their own thoughts:

Janet Monday, September 22, 2008 12:56:00 PM  

You know what my favorite snack is right now? Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels. OMG! To DIE for!

Debi Monday, September 22, 2008 1:00:00 PM  

Whew...good thing I just had lunch or I'd be on a serious pantry raid about now!

Anonymous,  Tuesday, September 23, 2008 11:03:00 AM  

Mmmmm...all I can focus on is eggs. I'm craving eggs now!!

Colleen Tuesday, September 23, 2008 7:18:00 PM  

Woah, what was #11 all about?

#13.No Bananas?
When I was a kid I used to eat SPAM sandwiches with a fried egg and soy sauce on white bread...AND I LIKED IT!

Also, I love liverworst and mustard sammies:) (What a name, eh?)

~**Dawn**~ Thursday, September 25, 2008 2:20:00 PM  

Janet: Mmmmm... peanut butter & pretzels. I have been snacking on the Snyder's Peanut Butter Pretzel Sandwiches!

Debi: This meme is dangerous!

April: LOL! I like them but I don't think I ever crave them!

Colleen: 11 ties in with my recent 2-year Personal Independence Day post. ;-) And NO BANANAS. ::shudder:: I can't even stand the *smell* of them.

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