what started out as a great game, what should have been a shoot out, both teams out of the gate firing, touch down answered by touchdown...
...rapidly became a case of a downhill spiral by my beloved Patriots. it was like they forgot how to play the game for a minute there. and then never regained their composure. or their heart. or the freaking ball. the game quickly became one of catch-up rather than Simon Says "anything you can do, i can do better". and for the first time ever, i have to wonder in the blue hell Bill Belichick was thinking calling an on-side kick in the 2nd quarter to give Peyton the ball at the New Engalnd 30 yard line--which quickly became the 25 yard line of course since the Patriots had to top his sundae with a penalty. you know, cause he can't move the ball 47 yards at at time all by himself. ARG!!!
they recouped a little just before half time though and my faith was restored a tiny bit as they walked off the field...

...that is until they got back ON the field. it was like they all went in the locker room, removed their cups & left them behind for the second half. they went from a few miscues & errors in judgement to downright sloppy play. they had no defense capitalizing on Peyton's long passes that were (occasionally) batted to the ground (at best) instead of picked off. they had no offense that could do anything more than consistent 3-and-outs. and special teams ran the ball BACKWARD. i'm not even sure what i was watching the 2nd half of what should have been Monday Night Football but someone must have impersonated the New England Patriots team. maybe they're all still bound & gagged in the locker room. because they sure weren't on the field last night. the team on the field last night gave up. and i expect better from the New England Patriots. as much as it kills me to say this Peyton deserved to win that game *gag* (sorry some things just don't feel good coming out of your mouth--or fingertips as the case may be) although the Colts STILL haven't proven a thing to me this season. all they did was get another win against another sub-par team. i am rarely disappointed in the way the Patriots play even when they lose because they never stop trying until the very last second runs out. last night they did & they should ALL hang their heads. every last one of them. they don't deserve to even make the playoffs if that's how they're going to play their games. i've seen better performances from the 1-7 Packers than New England brought to their home field in an important game last night. all roads will lead through Indy this year as it goes right now & the Patriots i saw last night will probably just lay down on the field & hand the Colts the Lombardi trophy. not that they'll get to Indy playing like they did last night.

no more football till next week. i can't even revel in an amusing Bucs Week 9 loss, i am so disgusted. i firmly believed going into last night that NO ONE, least of all Peyton Manning, was coming into Foxboro to win a game, let alone hand the Patriots their butts on a grassy platter. i can see i was wrong. i am disenchanted. Peyton--this one's for you:
3 with their own thoughts:
Oh, and regardless of who they've played, they're still undefeated. They may not have proven anything to you, but they are still undefeated no matter what, so they do deserve at least that much respect.
Just promise me you'll pick Cincinnati when the Colts come into the 'Nati, because we have a thing for beating undefeated teams ;). That, and we don't mind picking up the slack for the Pats lol.
Well, I'm sorry that your Pats lost and that your dear friend Peyton got another win under his belt. I'm neutral on the whole thing, but Phil did want the Colts to win, so I guess that's cool. :-)
You are very right in that whole post. They played like shit. They looked really promising at first but then lost it. Once again, can't stand Peyton Manning. >:(
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