Saturday, December 19, 2009

Grace in Small Things 331:365

1. this quote from the Grey's writers' blog on the Thanksgiving/Christmas episode (which i finally watched):

My friend Peter called me today and when I said, "How are you?" He said, "I’m trying, actively, to renew my faith and my hope and my joy and my optimism. They’ve all gone missing, which is not okay with me." I love Peter. I love that when his faith goes missing, he doesn’t sit and feel sorry for himself. He goes turning over rocks and stones, looking for it. He prays and he calls friends and he says out loud what he’s feeling. Which, in itself, demonstrates that his faith is not as far away as he imagines. That’s the feeling I hope this episode left you with. That miracles are possible…That a simple song can lift your spirits…. That speaking your truth, or opening your checkbook, or offering a simple apology or making an attempt to understand another’s point of view can turn your whole day or your whole year around. That life doesn’t always happen the way we hope or plan but that that doesn’t matter. How we greet what life throws our way is all that matters.

2. dinner at Five Guys. yum!

3. getting my eye exam out of the way.

4. freshly tamed & highlighted hair.

5. being warm & snuggly in my bed.

Visit Grace in Small Things

3 with their own thoughts:

*krystyn* Tuesday, December 22, 2009 10:40:00 AM  

1) I need to re-watch that episode, maybe even tonight. I am loving Cristina & Owen's passion right now. Wowser!!

2) I ate at 5 Guys the other day for the very first time. Yum indeed.

~**Dawn**~ Tuesday, December 22, 2009 1:39:00 PM  

K: 1) That really was a fantastic episode. This whole season has been very good. 2) So tasty. So not healthy but so so tasty.

penuttpie Wednesday, December 23, 2009 11:10:00 PM  

amen to the bed! that's just the best ;)
sorry to say...i gave up on grey's this season. i'll try to watch it again but who knows...silly izzy.

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