Sunday, August 20, 2006

survey says!

so had to borrow this from Krystyn!

1) Do you talk in your sleep?
yep. not a lot. but if i am in that semi-concious state & you ask me a question, i will carry on a relatively coherent question & answer session with you--enough so that you probably would think i was awake!

2) Ocean or pool?
couldn't care less. i likely won't put more than my feet in the water either way. =P

3) What's your favorite song at the moment?
"Ever the Same", Rob Thomas

4) Current Crush?
ummmmm...Mike Lowell?

5) What's your favorite color?
navy blue. red. silver. (ha! see current blog colors!)

6) Window seat or aisle seats?
aisle, unless i am a) sitting alone in the row or b) flying with someone i like

7) Ever met anyone famous?

8) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?
when you love & are much more successful can you *really* be? =)

9) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?

10) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
i don't watch *any* daytime tv.

11) Basketball or Football?
football football football! the *American* version.

12) How long do your showers last?
anywhere from 10-20 minutes

13) Do you know how to drive a stick?
no. two different people tried to teach me. i just don't get it, or maybe i don't *want* to get it--i don't know.

14) Cake or ice cream?
what's cake without a scoop of ice cream?!

15) Are you self-conscious?
aren't we all to some degree or another? some of us just hide it better than others.

16) What color is your hair?
used to be brown with some blonde highlights...until my last appointment. now i'm blonde with some natural brown lowlights. =P

17) Whats 2+2?
a double date =)

18) Where do you wish you were?
well THERE is a long list! anywhere from out to CA.

19) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
thankfully, no

20) Can you tango?
i'm a stereotyipcal white girl. i so have no rhythm.

21) Last gift you received?
time with a very wonderful friend

22) Last sport you played?
played?! excuse me while i laugh. i lack a certain...grace required to play sports. most of you call it "coordination". =P i will watch though!

23) Things you spend a lot of money on?
i don't spend very much money on anything...

24) 24 hours ago?
watching the Angels game on tv & emailing

25) Last wedding attended?
my brother's in June

26) Do you play any instruments?
flute & piccolo

27) Most hated food(s)?
Spam. red cabbage. bananas. liver. bran muffins. hot cereal.

28) Can you sing?
keeping Krystyn's answer: Sure, but you wouldn't want to hear me.

29) Last person you called?
called? like, not for work? probably...Alison? yes, it's been *that* long.

30) What's your least favorite chores?
cleaning the shower. figuring out what's for dinner.

31) Favorite Drink?
ice cold water

32) Are your parents married or divorced?
yes, divorced from each other & married to other people

33) Are you a vegetarian?
*heck* no! give me meat!

34) Do you believe in Heaven?

35) Have you ever come close to dying?
not that i am aware of & i would prefer not to know if i have.

36) Are you eating?
for once, no. i did have a bowl of coffee ice cream about an hour or so ago.

37) Do you eat the stems of broccoli?

38) Can you dance?
i refer you back to question 20

39) Would you ever have plastic surgery?
not unless i was horribly injured or something of that nature.

40) What do u wear to bed?
track pants or pj pants & a tank top

41) Have you ever done anything illegal?
i *might* have disobeyed a few traffic rules... ::looks away::

42) Can you roll your tongue?

43) What kind of shoes?
no shoes in the house please! (and i am barefoot)

44) What is your eye color?
various shades of blue that are affected by my mood

45) Future kids name?
some i like--Boy: Jack. Aaron. Ethan. Girls: Emma. Meghan. Lauren. Claire.

46) Do you snore?
only if i'm sick

47) If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
right now? CA =)

48) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
i do not. i don't even *have* any stuffed animals!

49) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
get some very good investment advice

50) Gold or silver?
silver please

51) Hamburger or hot dog?
either if they're cooked on the grill

52) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
i practically do that *now*. =P probably pasta since there are so many different ways to fix it.

53) City, beach or country?
country. i love the quiet...

54) What was the last thing you touched?
right before typing this? the delete key. before that? my water cup.

55) What did you eat last?
like i said: bowl of ice cream

56) When's the last time you cried?
early Friday...but we're not talking about that anymore.

57) Do you read blogs?
LOL! do you need to ask? really??

58) Have you ever dressed like the opposite sex?
not counting clothes that are unisex? no

59) What's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap?
i've been using Herbal Essences lately; like the way it smells. and right now i'm using Skin Milk, which, surprisingly doesn't smell like vanilla! ;-)

2 with their own thoughts:

k Sunday, August 20, 2006 11:48:00 PM  

Good list...oh and I forgot to mention the other day...what about those DETROIT TIGERS!! Whoop!! :-) Almost a sweep...

Anonymous,  Monday, August 21, 2006 1:51:00 AM  

Good list. I'm gonna play, too.

lol... you said track pants. it's been a long time since track pants have made a meme...

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