Friday, August 11, 2006

just one more reason i am glad i don't have a baby right now...

New Airport Security Rules

ok so we've all heard about the thwarted terrorist attempt yesterday by now. and none of us are shocked that there are some new rules being enforced as a result. i respect that & i would rather be inconvenienced & spend a little more time hanging out at the airport if it means i will actually reach my destination in one piece. but this??? Mothers can bring baby formula on board, but only after drinking it in front of security officials first. i have to tell would be an ice skating rink in hell before that nastiness ever passed through MY lips. i did daycare for 4 years. have you ever even just SMELLED that stuff?? ::gag:: and that's just the regular old formula. what about those babies that are on soy, or worse, that Nutramigen FUNK that they make for babies with very sensitive tummies?!? it just goes downhill from the original grossness, people, let me tell you, for those who have never had the pleasure of partaking in the olfactory sensations of various baby formulas. i am so repulsed, i cannot even tell you...

3 with their own thoughts:

Anonymous,  Friday, August 11, 2006 11:12:00 AM  

I know what you mean, and we have family traveling today and tomorrow that are going to have to go through this. My sister and her family are out in Colorado and my niece, her husband, and their 8 month old daughter are flying home today. They called me last night to check online for the rules, and I didn't see the part about the parents having to drink it in front of the security people. Ack. I just read them the notice on their airlines website. What a pain. As if traveling with an infant isn't hard enough!

*~*Michelle*~* Friday, August 11, 2006 1:27:00 PM  

Well, *I* am just glad they are allowing breast milk (it is specifically identified on the sign, which cracked me up)...because without specifically saying it -- could you imagine having to empty *that*? There would be payphones, data ports and breast pumps all lined up there in the terminal.

k Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:59:00 AM  

Ew-definitely NOT drinking that stuff...gag is right!!

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