Monday, July 3, 2006

you've been meme'd; July 3, 2006

catching up on some memes that have been accumulating. =P

from Monday Madness

June 5, 2006

1. I have broken one bone in my lifetime. (and never wore a cast--it was in my foot right where my toes meet my body & like a broken toe, all you can do is hobble till it heals.)
2. I have had to get zero stitches.
3. The worst I've ever injured myself was when one of my daycare babies--30lbs at 1 year of age mind you--dislocated my shoulder by falling into me in an awkward position as i was standing him up to pull up his pants after a diaper change; his size made him a little unbalanced & i blocked him from falling & ended yp with a shoulder that still grinds & aches to this day.
4. I've had to go to the Emergency room 3 or 4 times.
5. On a scale of 1 (being the highest) to 10 (being the lowest), my pain tolerance is a 7 or 8 probably, i hate pain.

June 12, 2006

1. I have a picture of THIS on my computer desktop.
2. There are
no pictures hanging on my living room walls. (yet!)
3. My big goal for this week is to get those last straggling boxes unpacked.
4. I plan to visit my favorite blogs this week.
5. The weather we're having right now is hot & humid, but it's par for the course in FL for July.
6. I really should call Alison more often.

June 19, 2006

1. How many cop shows can you name? CSI. CSI: Miami. CSI: New York. NYPD Blue. Law & Order. Law & Order SVU. Law & Order Criminal Intent. Miami Vice. Barney Miller. Homicide: Life on the Streets. Third Watch.
2. Do you send text messages? very rarely
3. If you could be on a gameshow (current or old), which one would you be on and why? none! i hate to be in the spotlight & pressure always makes me stupid. =P
4. What are some of your favorite websites?
FOX Sports
and anything you find in my side bars!
5. What are your favorite things about the internet? the way it allows people to connect who may have never met otherwise. the abundance of information available at your fingertips if you make the effort to search for it.
6. What about least favorite? the way it is so often abused.
7. What are some good ways to deal with a pet loss? i haven't had to lose one yet...and i don't want to start thinking about it either.

June 26, 2006

1. Do you own a digital camera? yes i do! =)
2. What is your camera of choice? the one seen here
3. If you're a digital camera fan, do you print your own photos, or do you send them in to be printed? If you send them in, do you have a favorite place? i send them in to be printed--usually emailed for 1-hour pocessing at Walmart (too impatient to wait!), but if I need a really nice quality photo, either Snapfish or
4. How many pictures do you take a month? oh Lord...more than i could count!
5. How many of those pictures actually get printed? maybe 25%
6. Are you planning on purchasing a new camera in the near future? nope! my new baby is only a couple of months old!

2 with their own thoughts:

k Monday, July 03, 2006 1:48:00 PM  

Wow-I can't believe you haven't broken ANY bones or ever had stitches..I can't say that!!

Anonymous,  Monday, July 03, 2006 7:34:00 PM  

I love I usually get thing printed from them, if I have the foresight when I'm doing some pages. Otherwise, I just end up using the inkjet printer my sister gave me!

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