Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday Fiver: September 7, 2007

And maybe I should do the same

1. Have you ever run away?

like from home? no. i never even threatened to. i always liked home. i have left places and avoided certain situations, but i've never run away.

2. What is the longest you've dated someone?
six years. twice. apparently after that, i expire.

3. What don't you like to think about?
people i love getting sick or hurting.

4. What was your last illness?
just a simple cold or a touch of a stomach virus. can't remember which. it's been quite a while. ::knocks on wood::

5. Do you like to get revenge?
playfully, yes. like if someone gets me to be gullible. or plays a funny joke on me. on a more serious level, i don't believe in getting revenge. i will make sure that someone who is... behaving inappropriately or inconsiderately gets their due, but only in an effort to stop them from continuing their actions. i try to adhere to this quote, as best i can though: "The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you." (John E Southard)

1 with their own thoughts:

Heather Saturday, September 08, 2007 7:34:00 AM  

well you definately do not expire with friendships after 6 years which i am very happy to report.

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