Thursday, March 1, 2012

Snapshot From Along the Broken Road: February 2011

A photo of me:

By the way? It is way hard to take a photo of yourself in the mirror and actually capture what you set out to photograph. This is one in a series of about sixty photos. Of which I kept eight.

1) Candle scents this month:
None. Has anyone seen my candles?

2) What I am reading this month:
Instruction manuals for all my new appliances. Who has time for recreational reading these days?

3) Top three songs I was drawn to:
"Stand," by Rascal Flatts. "I'd Just Be With You," by Julianne Hough. "The Woman With You," by Kenny Chesney.

4) Movies I saw:
Moneyball. And it was pretty darn good. Not at all sorry I inadvertently ended up owning it when I merely went out to rent a copy.

5) Favorite tv moments of the month:
Alcatraz - This show is blowing my mind; you cannot blink or you're going to miss some subtle detail that will be important later. Your best bet? Find a tv-viewing buddy, and after you've both watched an episode, compare notes.

6) Something yummy I made:
Has anyone seen my kitchen? Are the candles there too?

7) Restaurants where I ate:
Arby's. Hollywood and Vine (Disney's Hollywood Studios).

8) Five things I am loving this month:
1. All the natural light filling my house. I finally don't feel like a cave-dweller anymore! And I don't have to have a light even during daylight hours. And this whole "showering by the soft glow of morning light" thing? Pretty much the best way to wake up and ease into the day. 2. The new comfy couch with its reclining ends. I feel like I lounge in the lap of luxury. 3. A washer and dryer that I don't have to share or pump handfuls of quarters into or don't get my clothes entirely clean or make my clean laundry smell burnt. And my washer is so smart, it actually knows when a load is off-balance AND REDISTRIBUTES THE CONTENTS ITSELF. 4. The ice and water dispensers on my (brand new, humongous) refrigerator. We drink a lot of water and it is so nice to not have to haul gallon jugs home every other week of grocery shopping and shuffle bottled water around the inside of the refrigerator. 5. I cannot tell my dishwasher is running. I am not even kidding you. Even standing right next to it, if it weren't for the little blue light telling me it is working, I would not know. A far cry from the apartment-grade dishwasher that sounded like a jet engine.

9) A goal I had for this month:
Rebalance myself after moving and feel some kind of rhythm to my days again. We're getting there.

10) This month I looked forward to:
Living in a house. Having space to breathe. Feeling like our monthly payments are going toward an investment that benefits us and not someone else.

11) Something I want to be thankful for this month:
That my camera didn't end up broken.

12) A photo I took this month:

3 with their own thoughts:

k Friday, March 16, 2012 8:26:00 AM  

Oh no...I think I should be thankful that your camera did end up broken either as I suspect I was present when that could have happened. So sorry!! :(

~**Dawn**~ Friday, March 16, 2012 8:48:00 AM  

No worries, Krystyn! All's well that ends well. The camera was in my backpack and was well-protected. It just occurred to me that I could have had it around my neck, which probably wouldn't have been good for me or the camera. ;-) These things happen though. It could happen at any time. We just get complacent because it doesn't. It's just a good reminder for me to keep it stowed in my bag when not in use. =)

Ingrid Saturday, March 17, 2012 3:30:00 PM  

It's funny that you have this particular picture of Small World displayed, I noticed that sun right off! It's such a simple thing but I always notice it and love it everytime we go on the ride!

I'm so excited for all that you have going on! And yes, showering in gentle, natural light is an incredible way to start your day. This is my first time living in a house that just lights up with sunshine. How many times have you walked to a room to turn off a light thinking you left one on just to find it's only natural light coming in? Love that!

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