Tuesday, May 27, 2008

One-Word Sarcomical Sunday: May 27, 2008

yeah it's not so much Sunday & i'm also like a month late but that's just going to have to do. either way, this post is still brought to you by Sarcomical.

Sarcomical says:

On this week's One-Word Sarcomical Sunday, I'm digging deeper. Deeper into some of the more mundane/self-conscious/unattractive things that you weren't quite sure you'd ever really decide to share with The Internet. Why? Because those are the things all of us really want to know about each other anyway, yes? It makes us feel proportionally less mundane/self-conscious/unattractive in a larger company of the same. Isn't online community grand?

*Okay, here are the Newbie Ground Rules:

1. After reading my answers, copy and paste the list into your comment.
2. Change my one-word responses with yours (yes, only ONE WORD, even if it makes you want to pull your brains through your tear duct - and I design the statements to make it possible if you're clever enough, which of COURSE you are).
3. Submit your comment.
4. And hey, you can always post your finished list on your blog, too. (Yes, a post idea! You're welcome.) Link back here if you're feeling nice. Enjoy!

One-Word Sarcomical Sunday #17

If you get something out of a vending machine, it's most likely the: chips
A word you sometimes catch yourself misspelling: exaggerated
You least want people to see you as: miserable
You're a little scared of: spiders
The least attractive thing you do in your sleep: unsure
The number of contacts in your cell phone: 24
How many of them are restaurants: zero
You lose your cool when someone: mistreats
When you go to the drugstore, you often can't leave without buying: Reese's
Your dance moves can best be described as: non-existent
The majority of your underwear is: cotton
Something you eat even though you hate how bad it is for you: hotdogs
You think you're really not a great: singer
How much cash is in your wallet right now: $42.20
The majority of your shoes are this color: brown
You don't think you'll ever be able to get rid of your: wariness
If your breath is bad, it's most likely because you had the: garlic
You feel embarrassed when you: stumble
The last public place where you used the restroom: Disney
Something you don't like to debate in mixed company: money
You don't think you can pull off wearing: shorts
Something you own entirely too much of: t-shirts
Someone you would love to see in concert who might bring down your street cred: Brickman
The last thing that you spilled on yourself: yogurt
If you were on a reality show, the producers would likely portray/characterize you as the: geek

5 with their own thoughts:

Mega Tuesday, May 27, 2008 10:30:00 PM  

"Your dance moves can best be described as: non-existent"

My dancing is epic. I can do the washing machine, wheel barrel, water sprinkler, lasso, fly fisher, robot, cabbage patch, tootsie roll, and much much more. Ye shall learn someday.

Debi Wednesday, May 28, 2008 7:59:00 AM  

Geek...nah. How about sports nut?

Scott Wednesday, May 28, 2008 12:04:00 PM  

Wow, I can leave comments again! Our IT techies must be asleep at the wheel.

I'll have to copy this for my blog as well, although it might take a few days.

Hope you are doing well.

Colleen Wednesday, May 28, 2008 12:15:00 PM  

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, Yeah. We'll definatly keep Dan in the trunk on our Road Trip.

Janet Wednesday, May 28, 2008 4:53:00 PM  

If you get something out of a vending machine, it's most likely the: chips
A word you sometimes catch yourself misspelling: dog
You least want people to see you as: miserable
You're a little scared of: spiders
The least attractive thing you do in your sleep: snore
The number of contacts in your cell phone: 45
How many of them are restaurants: 2
You lose your cool when someone: lies
When you go to the drugstore, you often can't leave without buying: balm
Your dance moves can best be described as: hysterical
The majority of your underwear is: cotton
Something you eat even though you hate how bad it is for you: hotdogs
You think you're really not a great: friend
How much cash is in your wallet right now: $60ish
The majority of your shoes are this color: black
You don't think you'll ever be able to get rid of your: ugliness
If your breath is bad, it's most likely because you had the: garlic
You feel embarrassed when you: are
The last public place where you used the restroom: work
Something you don't like to debate in mixed company: politics
You don't think you can pull off wearing: braless
Something you own entirely too much of: BPAL
Someone you would love to see in concert who might bring down your street cred: none
The last thing that you spilled on yourself: crumbs
If you were on a reality show, the producers would likely portray/characterize you as the: idiot

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