Friday, October 31, 2014

What I Learned in October: 2014

1. I get very draggy in the mornings in October. The sun rises so late (closing in on nearly 8am) that I just cannot get moving very easily.

2. It's much more difficult to convince myself to get out of bed when the weather cools enough to warrant the use of the fuzzy blanket at night. Combine that with the super dark mornings, and i practically have to pry myself out of bed with a crowbar. It's not that I don't feel rested. My internal clock just can't wrap itself around that fact that I must exit my cozy nest before there is light.

3. Three-wick candles burn very evenly but far too quickly. I recently purchased some delicious-smelling candles from Bath and Body Works, on sale and with a coupon, for a crazy good price. Based on how quickly they burn, though, I would never consider buying them for any more than I spent this time, simply because they just don't last.

4. Bitterness, like orange jumpsuits, flatters no one, and yet those who insist on bitterness act dumbfounded when it turns people off. I understand that people have bad days. I'm sympathetic to that, truly. But there is a difference between a bad day and being bitter, and I suppose I'm surprised how often people slide into being bitter. It reminds me to be extra vigilant of my own attitudes.

Every month, Chatting at the Sky shares what she learned. Big things and little things. Life lessons from the serious to the silly. I've decided I want to participate. Just another means of capturing who am I along this broken little road called life.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

This Week on My TV: October 25, 2014

Disclaimer: Consider the fact that there could be spoilers ahead. You read at your own risk!

**(Once Upon a TimeS4E2 "White Out") I realize they are all from Fairy Tale Land, but this is Storybrooke. Why is no one questioning Elsa's attire? -- Long hair on David. LOL. -- Wait. "Many years ago..." Exactly how long has Anna been missing? -- Henry: What do you suppose babies dream about? David [without missing a beat]: Bullfighting. Emma: Laser tag. -- Henry [about the gift basket he's putting together for Regina]: I Googled 'how to get over a breakup.' It didn't include your boyfriend's wife time traveling back from the past, but close enough. -- Of course Regina delivers messages via raven. -- David: I think it's time you and I had a little talk about your intentions with my daughter. Hook: That's a little old fashioned, even by my standards, and I still pay with dubloons. -- Bo Peep is a war lord in the Enchanted Forest?? BAAAHAHAHAHAHA! This may be the best spin the writers have concocted yet. -- They are tying Anna and Elsa's story into David's backstory very well, but why didn't David mention his evil twin brother while he was telling Anna the story of his father? -- How *did* Gold end up with that necklace anyway? -- Mary Margaret [to the townspeople who are whining about the lack of power caused by Elsa's ice wall]: I'm starting to get why Regina was evil. It wasn't her, it was YOU. You have survived your entire lives without light bulbs. Buy a flashlight! -- I was just about to ask why David doesn't seem to know he met Anna when he recognized the picture of her snowflake necklace. -- There's very few things quite as fun as an opportunity for a sword fight. -- When Elsa managed to release the nearly frozen Emma from the ice cave, the first thing I thought was: Hook will get Emma warmed up. Heh. -- Just who is *that* in the ice cream shop that seems to have the same icy powers as Elsa?

**(Once Upon a TimeS4E3 "Rocky Road") Why do I suspect that whatever the ice cream lady did to Marian's free ice cream has something to do with her choice of phrase "really warms my heart"? -- I have lost track of whether or not Belle has the real dagger that controls Rumplestiltskin. -- Hmmm. Regina has managed to get Henry on board with her plan to get happy endings for the villains. -- Ouch. Rough request from Robin, asking Regina to help the ice-stricken Marian. -- Regina [looking at a painting of bluebirds hanging in the the Mayor's office]: Whose idea was *that*? Mary Margaret: Oh. Thought I would put my own personal touch on the office. Regina: Well, you've succeeded...hideously. -- True Love's Kiss didn't work when Robin tried to free Marian from the magic spell that has her frozen. Regina indicated the magic must be too powerful. I suspect it's that it wasn't true love offering the kiss. There's powerful magic, all right, and it's between Regina and Robin, whether he denies it in honor of his marriage or not. -- Elsa [after Hook tells her the sheriff's station is the opposite direction they're taking]: And what's that way? Hook [with a twinkle in his eye]: With any luck? Danger! -- Will Scarlet!! I'm glad he's found his way here, following the ending of Wonderland. -- Lots of secrets revealed: Will Scarlet spilled the beans on seeing all the ice cream at the parlor unmelted during the power outage, and Hook has figured out that the dagger Belle has isn't the real one. (Thanks for clearing that up for me, by the way, Hook.) -- Elsa [to Hook about Emma]: I think your self appreciation is blinding you to fact. -- Elsa doesn't remember meeting "the ice cream lady" because of the rock trolls who can erase memories that are too painful, and claims Anna trapped Elsa in the urn because of them as well? Whaaa...? -- ::snort:: Emma called the ice cream lady "Dairy Queen." -- Is the Snow Queen *really* the sister of Elsa's mother? I'd be willing to bet that there is more to this story. And why would Rumple ask her if Emma recognized her and implied it was lucky for her that Emma hadn't?

**(Modern FamilyS6E4 "Marco Polo") OMG. Five Dunphys smooshed into one tiny hotel room while their house is de-molded. And the "wifi corner" and someone having to sleep in the tub. And the hotel "bar" filled with divorced guys. It's as if Phil found the seediest hotel ever for them to stay in. -- Cam's sports superstitions. Totally crazy...unless you're a sports fan, of course. -- LOL: Lily calling in a complaint to "either Harry or David" because she's so disgusted by the contents of all the gift baskets being sent to Cam. -- Gloria: So you're only fifteen and you go out with a senior? Manny: Are you sure you wanna play that game? Jay: Are *you*? -- Awww. Manny's older first girlfriend was only using him to make her old boyfriend jealous. Jay was so kind to him. I like when they show Jay's softer side.

**(A to ZS1E3 "C Is for Curiouser and Curiouser"Oops. It's bad enough when someone overhears you talking about them when you don't realize they're nearby. Even worse when it happens to be your boss. -- Oh no! Zelda fell down the rabbit hole and started Googling Andrew! No good ever comes of this! -- Zelda was married?!, it was to allow a college friend to stay in the country. But that's a big one to "not mention." -- I don't care one iota about the boss at Wallflower or her adoring assistant or the IT couple or Stephie and Stu, but Andrew and Zelda are still the cutest thing I have ever seen.

**(The Good WifeS6E4 "Oppo Research"So, she's really going to run, isn't she. I bet her partners are going to be thrilled to learn that she's pulling out of their fledgling firm to run the other side of the courtroom. -- How big is Grace's bedroom? It looks like she fit two dozen high school Christian chorus girls in there. -- I would hate to have someone throw down a book of the skeletons in *my* closet. -- Holy crap. Zach's 16-year-old girlfriend had an abortion?? That Alicia *clearly* didn't have any clue happened. -- Priceless: The look on Eli's face when Alicia informed him about Kalinda and Peter having a one night stand. Which *he* clearly didn't have any clue happened. -- Alicia [to potential new campaign manager, Johnny Elfman, after he calls her Mrs Florrick, following the skeletons in the closet discussion]: Alicia. Anyone who's pawed through my underwear drawer should call me Alicia. -- I can't not like Finn. But I really hope he wasn't behind Alicia getting pulled over for possible DUI. -- If anything illustrates Bishop's intimidation factor, I'm pretty sure Kalinda looking like she wanted to bolt from the back seat of his car, while he questioned her why Alicia would want to drop him as a client, was it. -- Eli looked like he was 2.7 seconds away from a stroke when he thought the fired intern was in Peter's office behind closed doors. But I also think being on the verge of stroke is the only way he's happy. -- After all the skeletons and surprises and sneak attacks (likely by Castro), can running be worth it? That's what I'd be asking myself anyway. -- OMG *Bishop* is behind the PAC?? The look on Alicia's face slayed me when he let her in on the secret.

**(The Big Bang TheoryS8E6 "The Expedition ApproximationWell, Penny, *I* thought it was funny when Leonard slid the shaker back to you on the envelope of money, when you asked him to pass the salt. -- Instead of arguing about who takes the money from Penny selling the car Leonard bought her, now that she has a company car, why don't they just use it for the wedding?? (Ha, and then later that is exactly what Leonard suggested.) -- OMG, Howard, Bernadette, the chore chart, and the allowance stipend.

**(The Good WifeS6E5 "Shiny Objects"Well then. That trip into Elsbeth Tascioni's mind was mildly terrifying and disturbingly hilarious. -- How stupid can Diane be?? YOU DON'T CLICK RANDOM POP-UP LINKS IN EMAILS. -- Rayna Hecht: Objection your honor. Alicia: What is she objecting to? I haven't finished the question yet. -- Eli [sitting in Florrick Agos, with all the computers showing the hacker's countdown]: Why are all the computers here counting down? I feel like I'm in a Bruckheimer movie. -- Why does every favor Kalinda calls in with some woman result in said woman whining about how she hates that Kalinda only shows up when she needs something. How many...involvements does Kalinda have dangling at once (not to mention Cary)?? And is "whiny woman" really Kalinda's type? -- David Lee [to Diane, when she asked him to get the key code email accidentally sent to her old Lockhart Gardner account]: Certainly. As soon as monkeys fly out of my butt. ... I loathe David Lee, but his sarcastic, bitter lack of class kills me. -- I don't like that they are making me suspicious of Finn saying he wants to endorse Alicia for state's attorney. I like Finn. I don't want to be suspicious of him. -- Oh, Peter. You knew Alicia was right. Actually, she was kind. You need her more than she needs you at this point. Good thing you had that change of heart about showing up to give her your endorsement.

**(Madam SecretaryS1E3 "The Operative") Oh look. A Snowden reference. I guess I can see how a political drama would use current events to base its storytelling, especially while it's establishing itself and figuring out who it will be. -- I like that they balance Elizabeth's work issues with her home life, even reflecting the latter in the former, as she and Henry discussed the propriety of peeking at their 15 year old daughter's texts. -- Elizabeth: Remind me again why we had kids? Henry: They were supposed to be cute? -- Elizabeth: So should I meet with him or will I have to worry that he's always going to be Jackson's guy? Nadine: Everyone is someone else's guy...until he's your guy. -- Oops. Henry is super ticked that Elizabeth told the Russian guy his daughter would be given an A in Henry's ethics class, in order to broker a three way deal to save an American operative with a death sentence in Pakistan. Talk about irony. I see his point though. It would compromise his integrity if it ever got out, and these things always seem to find a way out. Just remember, Henry's ethics *are* sexy, Elizabeth. even if he won't bow down to being your rabbit out of the hat.

**(The BlacklistS2E5 "The Front"Surefire way to make me gasp: have a person trying to flee run directly into the path of an oncoming vehicle that doesn't stop in time. -- Man, if *Red* finds something chilling... -- You "can't assume something is true just because Red says so," Harold? Have you learned *nothing* yet? -- Whoa... that stolen painting had a map hidden in it that led The Front/Maddox Beck to an ancient strain of the pneumonic plague. -- Red: You're most gifted tracker I know, Glenn, but your mouth runs like a scalded dog. ... Red has the best lines in the history of ever. -- I'm amused that Liz is faking out Red's guy with an impostor, and the whole time, he's convinced it's her. I wonder how Red would feel about that? -- Red's obsession with the broken vending machine at DMV, to the point of replacing it himself. He is certainly a man of action. -- Red [to Liz]: As a rule, I consider jealousy a base emotion, but in this case I find it endearing. -- Who was that guy Liz met and WHAT IS BEHIND THAT DOOR??? -- Why on earth were they chasing a guy with plague while not wearing protective gear?? It's like the CDC is running this operation or something. -- That's some kind of loyalty, that Liz would expose herself to an infected (and shot) Samar so she wouldn't be hurt, sick, and alone. And it's the first time we're hearing Liz deal with anything related to Tom. -- Red: You two, out here, playing grab-ass in the woods, just smacks of something Biblical. Maddox Beck: Who the hell are you? Red: I'm the snake in the grass. -- Famous last words from Red: "My business is finished here. I'll leave the two of you. I'm sure you have plenty to discuss." -- What was that key Red took from the bottle?! -- Of course Red's going to get that antidote. The second he heard Liz was exposed, it was a done deal. And he was so tender, sitting with her in the hospital. -- I loved Red watching the old home movie. Was that his daughter as a young child? He watched with so much tenderness. -- We are assuming, because Liz said so, that Red was searching for his daughter. But was he? And was the woman he found his daughter or not? Are Jennifer. his daughter, and the woman in the food truck all one and the same? And was the guy in the food truck someone important to her or was that the guy Red had tailing Liz, now relocated to another assignment (it sort of looked like him a little, but the scene was too quick for me to say for certain)? -- With Naomi gone (for now? forever? I hope not forever, because I really like Mary Louise Parker), something popped into my head. Remember when Berlin mailed Red one of Naomi's fingers? I don't recall seeing her hand bloody or bandaged at any point, nor do I remember seeing her with only nine digits, so... error by the writers? Scam by Berlin to get Red's attention?

**(Law and Order: SVUS16E4 "Holden's Manifesto") It's the "ripped from the headlines" disclaimer, but we were never able to figure out which headlines. -- I never knew whether to be creeped out by Holden or feel bad for him. -- Baby Noah's doctor sure lacked bedside manner with Liv. So, they discovered that Noah's ribs had been broken at one time and it's affecting his ability to breathe now? Hmmm. I also thought Noah's caseworker was rather harsh with Liv. It's no secret what she does for a living and the case is all over the newspapers. What else was she supposed to do? She left people who clearly love Noah to sit with him in the hospital while she was working the case. -- I do not like the (new?) Chief. He's abrasive, thinks he knows everything, and has no sense of compassion at all. -- Ugh, that sniper shot that took out Holden March and splattered his blood all over Rollins' face.

**(Person of InterestS4E4 "Brotherhood") Finch: Are you at the school, Mr Reese? Reese: Academics really aren't my thing. Maybe you should be on this assignment, professor? Finch: I have quite a few assignments of my own, including papers to grade. Or I *had* papers to grade. [flash to Bear laying in a pile of shredded paper] Reese: You're going to have to tell your students your dog ate their homework. -- I just can't reconcile Reese being police. He doesn't *look* like one! -- Reese, Finch, and Shaw are often seen walking alone in public, communicating with one another, but appearing to be talking to no one. And yet none of the regular people on the street ever seem to give this behavior so much as a second glance. -- Not too often you see Elias out of his compound these days. and yet, twice he met with Finch on the subway. -- Reese [to Malcolm]: You wanna be the man, start taking care of your family. -- I finally figured out who Reese reminds me of: Clint Eastwood. Not his looks. The way he talks. -- Score one for me! I called DEA Agent Lennox as the law enforcement mole. -- Only Reese would excuse himself to take a phone call while a drug gang big wig has a gun pointed at him. -- Two for two! I called that "Mini" was actually the guy they were looking for: Dominic! BAM.

**(ReignS2E2 "Drawn and Quartered"Oof. That has got to be a knife in Mary's heart, seeing Lola cooing over her son with Francis. And then Francis has to gush over him, practically while he and Mary were still in bed together, swearing to be part of his life, not to treat him as Henry treated Bash. -- Edward's father, Narcisse, is one scary man. Powerful, aware of his importance, greedy, fearless. -- Nice, Francis. You, coldly, tell Mary she acted alone, when she threw Edward to his death in a rage over poisoning an entire household, when *you* were the one who left her alone, while you raced off through The Plague to be at Lola's side while she birthed your son. -- I feel like Conde is the angel on Francis' shoulder, and Narcisse, the devil. -- Well-played, Nostradamus. Catherine railed at you for serving Mary, and abandoned you to the fate of being drawn and quartered, but that she would have you remembered by sonnets and a statue in Paris...and then you lower the boom: Clarissa may not have died, after all, from the blow Mary gave her. Which means Francis may still be in danger, based on your vision. And in response to the panic you knew this would cause, her begging you for more information, asking of you've had more visions, a simple retort of "ask your statue." -- Mary showed great poise, grace, and strength by telling Francis to give his son with Lola his name when she so badly wants an heir of her own. -- Creepy! That exchange with the baby's nurse when she appeared possessed by Henry, with a sinister message for Francis! I kind of like that they add some spookiness to this show. First, with the masked Clarissa living in the walls of the castle. Now, the ghosts of the dead haunting this world instead of passing to the next. It creates a fun twist.

**(Sleepy HollowS2E4 "Go Where I Send Thee..."Crane: I have faced many enemies on horseback. Horsemen without heads. Even discovered my own son is the apocolyptic Horseman of War. Thus, how challenging must it be to guide the power of three hundred horses using only one's right foot. -- Crane: You can drop the facade, Leftenant. I'm also aware of why you insist I learn these skills. But hear me, Grace Abigail Mills, it is not our fate for one of us to bury the other. We should be victorious or defeated, together. -- The Pied Piper: Officially creepier than Peter Pan on Once Upon a Time. -- Crane: I haven't had to do this much sneaking about since the Second Continental Congress. Abbie: Let me guess: this was when Betsy Ross had the hots for you. Crane: Ugh. That woman was relentless. Once, Adams found me hiding in a broom closet. [Abbie looks at Crane] *From* her. Abbie: I'm sure that's because you were just the cutest Continental courier. -- If Crane was correct that this Pied Piper was responsible for Sarah going missing, lured away by the haunting melody of his flute, and that this was the same guy who killed off that entire group of British soldiers back in his day, why on earth would drawing a gun be an effective plan of attack against him, Abbie? Wouldn't he be more supernatural than that? -- So, is Hawley going to be a permanent character on the show, playing both ends against the middle? -- I remain thoroughly impressed by the way they weave history and legend with a thread of creativity, in order to build the show's mythology. -- I spend more of this show than I'd like to admit peeking at the screen from between my fingers. I think that's why I so appreciate the moments of levity. -- That was an awful lot of time spent talking in the woods, in negotiation over the flute, when there was a TERRIFYING DEMON a stone's throw away! -- Quite an exchange between Irving and Henry, when Irving told him he knew Henry was the Horseman of War, and then he figured out that Henry tricked him into signing in blood, then took his soul. -- I kind of figured that when that shady dude approached Hawley about the bone flute, he was working on Henry's behalf. But it seems Henry doesn't care that it was snapped in two. Why was he pulverizing it with a mortar and pestle into dust???

**(Last Man StandingS4E5 "School Merger") Mike [to Ryan]: You say trick in your neighborhood, you get a girl named Candy. -- Mike [to Ryan, who dressed up Boyd for Halloween as the "scariest thing of all," a lump of coal]; I suppose you drove over here in your windmill powered car? -- Kristin: Ryan and I were registering voters out in front of Whole Foods. Mike: Ah, that's where you get good voters. People dumb enough to pay $16 for a kumquat. -- I love the Larabee episodes! The banter between Mike and Chuck slays me. -- Even better than Mike and Chuck exchanging insults with each other? When they gang up on Ryan! ... Ryan: Mike, Brown vs Topeka was sixty years ago and our schools are still as segregated as they were in 1954. Mike: What do you know about integration? You're from Canada. You've got, like, one black kid in that whole country. Chuck: They probably integrate by sending him to different schools every year. Pass him around like the Stanley Cup. -- Chuck: Hey, we moved out of the hood. I'm not sure I like the idea of the hood following me here. Carol: I don't mind the hood following me, as long as it's not white and pointy. -- Vanessa: Something's gotta change! I mean, if I'm not going to get a second husband, I might need a second career. Mike: Well, this is big decision and it's your decision. Whatever you do, I'll support you. Vanessa: Really? Mike: Yeah, I'll have to. We'll only have one income. -- Sometimes I think they go too far with the "Kyle and his grandma" thing. -- Funniest thing ever: How quickly Mike's outlook improved when Carol decided to join Vanessa teaching at Taft, because now Chuck isn't thrilled either. Misery loves company, eh, Mike?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Food and Wine Fest 2014: Round Five

I have a hard and fast rule: There is no whining at Disney World. I mean, seriously, look around you. If you see things about which to whine, then I question why you spent all that money to find yourself there in the first place -- whether that money was spent on a week-long vacation or a Florida Resident Annual Pass. I mention it, because this last round of Festing, the weather was a sunny, breezy 78 degrees. And there were people waiting in line around me complaining bitterly about the heat. The wha...? Good thing you weren't there a week earlier, when it was 89 and sticky humid! 78 in Florida in October is a gift. Shut your pie hole.

Or, better yet, fill it with some of that amazing Festival food! Like where I started in...


Seared Rainbow Trout with Bacon, Frisee, amd L8 Harvest Minus 8 Vinaigrette. Neige Bubble.

Oh, what a way to kick off a round of Festing. Honest to God, I remember liking this dish when it debuted last year, but I had forgotten just how delicious it really is. The trout is nice and light, and the greens are so delicate--I love them together. The bacon needs no justification (obviously); if a dish is good, it's better with bacon, right? (Especially crispy bacon.) But the part that I really feel the need to mention is the vinaigrette, which married everything together. I didn't give it much thought, last year, but as I sat in my quiet little hidey spot (you've all likely figured out Fez House, at this point, but I have them all around World Showcase, and I only divulge them all if you're Festing with me--I can't give away all my secrets!), I started wondering what was so special about this vinaigrette that it gets actual named notoriety on the menu. So I've done a little digging. It turns out L8 Harvest Minus 8 is the vinegar they use...and it's not just any vinegar. Look at this description! "The super-ripe grapes used to make Minus 8 Vinegars are gathered well beyond regular harvest time, after the first Canadian frost. The juice collected for pressing the crystallized frozen grapes (collected at -8 degrees Celsius or colder), is extra concentrated and would traditionally be used to make rare, honey-sweet ice wine. Minus 8 uses the juice instead to make hand-crafted wine vinegar. Minus 8 L8 Harvest is a rich, fruit driven, brilliant amber vinegar that is sweet and crisp with balanced acidity. Minus 8 L8 Harvest works wonderfully as a dressing for a bibb lettuce salad with avocado, makes a rich sabayon to serve with fresh berries, and can even be enjoyed as an after dinner digestif." Ice wine vinegar! I almost wish I had looked this up beforehand, so I could have *really* stopped to appreciate what I was enjoying! On the topic of enjoyment, the Neige Bubble. Digging into the deep, cobwebby recesses of my brain, I was pleased I could remember that "neige" is French for "snow." (Hooray, four years of high school French!) That little trivia aside, I *really* enjoyed this wine. It started out on the sweeter end of the spectrum, reminiscent of a sparkling cider, and then ended crisp and a bit more toward the dryer side. Add in the bubbles (because I am always, always in favor of bubbles!) and it is truly the perfect Dawn wine. Prompted by my investigation on the vinaigrette, I did some poking around about the Neige Bubble and learned that it *is* a sparkling cider, dosed with Neige Premiere, which is their apple ice wine! Mind. Officially. Blown. (Both by the amazing deliciousness and the fact that as few as eight years ago, I *never* would have had enough knowledge to pick that out! BAM.)

Taste buds singing like angels, I was on my way to...


Griddled "Yard Bird" with Braised Greens and House-Made Habanero Sauce.

Before you get all nervous, "yard bird" wasn't pigeon or some little song bird. It was just a chicken thigh, I promise. This dish got all "southern home cookin'" with its chicken and greens (kale and collard greens, wilted down with some onion and, possibly, bacon). And now I am going to say something that I rarely need to at Food and Wine Fest: I was vastly underwhelmed. The greens were good, and kicky, thanks to the habanero sauce, but there was nothing, not one single thing, special about that chicken. It was just...bland. It could have used a squirt of that sauce or some salt and pepper. Something. *Anything*. And given its rather generous portion (remember, this is a tasting size, not a full meal), I was a bit miffed that I wasted so much precious stomach real estate on something so utterly forgettable. Also, those juices were not well suited to a little paper dish, and they leaked through, and that made me cranky.

I really needed something to make up for that raging disappointment, because, as you will recall, I cannot tolerate whining at Disney World. Over to...


Spicy Shrimp Roll with Cilantro and Mint Sauce. Mimosa Royale.

I cannot speak for the cilantro and mint. Together with the other flavors and spices, they didn't stand in the forefront, but this was flavorful and tasty, and warm, if not so much spicy, and I was pleased. This was a new menu item, replacing the Harissa Chicken Roll from Fests past, which I liked, but dare I say, I think I liked this one even more. I decided that, to compensate myself for the previous dining fail, I was getting the mimosa with this one (bubbles!) and it was exactly what I needed. The sparkling wine was mixed with orange juice and topped with orange liqueur, and by the time I finished sipping it, I no longer wanted to kick that tasteless yard bird in its tail feathers.

While I sipped, I contemplated the state of my appetite, and decided I wasn't ready to move on to dessert yet, so off I went to...


Tartlette aux Escargots. La Passion Martini Slush.

I've been worried about this pairing since I first perused the menus upon their release. You see, I was a huge fan of the former offerings (Escargots Persillade en Brioche -- bite-size garlic-butter filled bread bowls with the escargot inside -- and the Eiffel Sour Cosmo Slush). It can be difficult to measure up to old favorites, even with the excitement of trying something new. The tart was light and filled with garlic, spinach and Parmesan, with three little snails lined up on top, under three pieces of bacon. Score one for not having to actually *see* the snails. It's mind over matter for me. On the one hand, I am so furious at the snails who spent most of the six month long summer happily eating up all my herbs. On the other, I have actually *seen* all those snails, and, well, ew. Suffice to say, I want my revenge not served cold but drowned in lots of tastiness and preferably only suggested. Buried under bacon doesn't hurt, either. The slush was more bright and fruity (Grey Goose Le Citron vodka with cranberry and passion fruit juices) than tart and tangy (the Eiffel Sour was Grey Goose Cherry Noir vodka, Grand Marnier and cranberry juice), but it was plenty refreshing. Overall, I would say that I still like the former menu offerings better than these new ones, but I liked the new versions just fine.

Definitely time for dessert. Onward!



Otherwise known as the cutest little jelly-filled yeast doughnut you have ever seen. And you know there was no way I was passing up a doughnut, unless...have we just met? Hi! Nice to meet you. I am Dawn and doughnuts are my vice.

Look inside! That is apricot jam (and if you also watch The Blacklist, you will appreciate that I could absolutely picture Red waxing poetic about this little delight). Just the right amount of tangy-sweet. Just enough powered sugar to create a fine dusting on the fingers (and, let's face it, probably my face, my shirt, and the bench where I was camped out). I loved this. It replaced the apple strudel that has been the dessert option on the Germany menu for as far back as I can recall, and I do love some apple strudel, but a doughnut? If you're going to change things up, Germany, this was the way to go.

Almost out of space (stupid yard bird), but I think there's room for one more stop...


Frozen S'mores featuring Monin Toasted Marshmallow Syrup.

How best to describe...? Have you had a Coffee Coolatta from Dunkin? Its consistency was like that, after it's had a little while to start melting. As in liquidy with tiny ice bits in it (rather than thicker and creamier like a milkshake or semi-melted soft serve). It was chocolate flavored and rich tasting, but not extremely filling, and I could taste a hint of marshmallow from the syrup, but it was subtle. My issue came in with the toppings. For once, I could have done without the generosity. I enjoyed the wee chocolate chunks and the graham cracker, but the graham cracker crumbs got mushy very quickly, which made them like a layer of sludge (I figured this out right away, and ate them post haste with my spoon, thus avoiding most of the sludge) and the marshmallows were a bizarre texture (not airy like an actual marshmallow or crunchy like the marshmallows in Lucky Charms, but more chewy, almost like a frozen Circus Peanut candy, I guess?). I almost felt like they tried to do too much here. The chocolate beverage with the chocolate bits, a bit more heavy-handed with the marshmallow syrup, and the graham cracker "stirrer" would have been perfect. I finished it, but I don't know that I would get it again.

Not room for so much a single bite more, I headed out. Three more weeks left to Fest and my list still has plenty left on it. I should have enough time left to try everything I've earmarked, but I don't think I will be able to squeeze in a "victory lap" of all my favorites. Such problems, huh?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Currently: October 19, 2014

Digging... a couple of new shows I acquired this season. Cristin Milioti and Ben Feldman are pretty much the cutest thing ever on "A to Z," and I found myself sucked into "Madam Secretary" far more quickly than I anticipated.

Wearing... a t-shirt and shorts. We don't do autumn the same as the northern folks. No sweaters, no scarves, no boots. We're just relieved to be able to shut the a/c off and open some windows without melting into puddles.

Enjoying... the run the Kansas City Royals have been on this post-season. My team was long ago eliminated even the possibility of October baseball, so it's been fun to see fans who haven't seen baseball this late in the year for nearly three decades soak in the wonder of it all.

Coveting... weather forecasts that show no signs of anything over 75 degrees for highs.

Drinking... water. Always water.

Devouring... so many delicious foods at Food and Wine Fest. I'm five rounds in and it still seems as if I've hardly made a dent in my list!

Wishing... I weren't seeing 86s and 87s in this coming week's forecast. These past few days of low 80s have already spoiled me so.

Working... some photo editing, some DVR backlog, and a few more magazines. Sundays at home are my favorite.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

This Week on My TV: October 18, 2014

Disclaimer: Consider the fact that there could be spoilers ahead. You read at your own risk!

**(The MiddleS6E3 "Major Anxiety"Axl [to Hutch]: You were being responsible behind my back? -- Sue is on the committee to choose the homecoming committee. ::snort:: -- Sue [hyped up on caffeine and cleaning under her bed]: Even the dust bunnies have dust bunnies. -- OMG Sue on coffee = me on coffee. -- Axl wants to be an engineer because he's "always liked trains." -- Frankie [voiceover]: So Brick decided to go stag to the Fall Fantasy Dance, the fantasy being that this was a good idea. -- Sue: I rode the caffeine pony and it took me to the depths of hell. -- I audibly gasped when I just knew Sue was going to fall off the roof...and then she did. -- Cindy returns Brick's shoe that was left at the dance. BAHAHAHA. Cindy...Cinderella...lost shoe at a dance.

**(The Big Bang TheoryS8E5 "The Focus Attentuation") Sheldon: Well, don't feel bad. I think we've all been distracted since the girls entered our lives. Howard: You admit Amy's a distraction? Sheldon: Oh, very much so. Listen to this. This is from two days ago. 'Hi. Hope you're having a good day.' Who has time for this constant sexting? -- Penny: Bernadette. Girls weekend. Vegas. You in? Bernadette: Hell yeah. Penny: Yes! I'll check flights. Bernadette: I'll check hotels. Amy: I'll check my underpants. I'm so excited, I think I peed! -- This was the second show I watched so far this season that mentioned the Back to the Future 2 hover boards. -- Wardrobe did a fabulous job finding character appropriate black sequin outfits for each of the girls in Vegas. Sexy for Penny. Understated sexy for Bernadette. And a long sequined skirt for Amy. -- Raj: So what kind of name is Biff. Sounds like when you pop open a can of Pillsbury dough: bifffff. -- Punishment for not staying focused on the guys' science weekend was ripping off a strip of tape applied over their arm hair? I don't know whether to laugh hysterically or be horrified.

**(A to ZS1E2 "B is for Big Glory") I love the window phone calls between Andrew and Zelda. -- They try a little too hard to give the supporting cast more prominent stories in the episodes, but they just feel like filler, especially because the audience doesn't "know" them yet. It will take time to care about what is going on in the periphery of our two main characters. For now, just give me Andrew or Zelda on the screen at all times, with the supporting cast members...or better yet, Andrew and Zelda together, because holy chemistry, Batman! -- Andrew opens up, tells Zelda that he hears his "Big Glory" music in his head all the time since he's met her and she replies "That's sweet...thank you." OUCH. No one ever wants to be that's-sweet-ed! -- The ending, when Zelda hears her own "Big Glory" music after coming to thank Andrew for the cobbled together "Zelda" mini license plate and telling him to never stop saying sweet things to her, and then she does this happy little bounce of joy on her way out of his office. She is just the cutest thing. In fact, this whole show is.

**(ScandalS4E3 "Inside the Bubble"Michael the guy (?) looks like he could be related to Owen Wilson. -- When they showed the video clip of the guy falling off the cliff, I gasped so loudly, T actually got up out of bed and came to check on me. (Oops.) -- Well, at least Mellie has graduated to eating the largest apple I've ever seen. That's an improvement from chips and generic Froot Loops, I suppose. -- Awkward: That exchange between Olivia and Rowan outside his house when she "just stopped by to say hello and bring him coffee" and he insisted on inviting her and Jake to dinner. And speaking of enormous: Rowan's front door. -- I approve of Jake standing firm and telling Olivia she isn't his girlfriend, so he isn't going to dinner with her at her father's house, and to call him when she wants him to do that thing. -- Jake: C'mon, Charlie, use your head. ... and Jake then proceeds to use Charlie's head to bang the front of the vending machine holding Charlie's snack hostage. ::snort laugh:: -- I was a tad concerned that, with all the interest Mellie was taking in the newlywed bride suspected of pushing her new husband off a cliff to his death on their honeymoon, that she may have been...plotting. -- I got really nervous that I would have to watch Jake torture Charlie "Huck style" and I really don't want to see him go there. Even if it was Charlie. -- That was some move Quinn used on Charlie. -- Cyrus, how are you falling for Michael's agenda? Normally, your suspicious nature would have you immediately wondering who (in this case, Lizzie Bear) was trying to set you up for something (which she clearly is). -- Oh, Fitz. You're still thinking about Vermont. I *want* to pity you, but I'm Team Jake now. -- Abby [to Olivia, who just said that, ethically, she could not discuss a client with Abby, because she isn't a gladiator anymore]: rigger of elections?! -- Wait. *David* is going to blackmail that Justice into voting the way Fitz wants? Good David, with his white hat? All for what? To stay "inside the bubble" with Fitz? Oh, David. You sold out. And then the Justice took his own life. Now what? -- Quinn kinda had a point about being gone for 24 hours and no one noticing, much less coming to look for her. That isn't how the gladiators have each other's backs. -- For a brief passing moment, I felt sorry for Mellie. She just needed something to distract her, to make her feel useful, maybe inspire her out of her deep grief...and it turns out, even though she was correct, the bride did NOT push the her new husband, the local police had already figured that out without her help. Someone find Mellie a project! -- I was wondering what Fitz's hangup was with learning that Abby's name was not "Gabby" and then it all becomes clear. He pours her some scotch, pays her a compliment on the job she's doing for them...and then starts asking her about Olivia. Yeeouch. -- I jumped when Rowan stabbed that carving knife into the dining room table between Jake's fingers, but Jake never even flinched. Heh. -- I admit to being disappointed when Jake did finally accompany Olivia to dinner at Rowan's...until I realized that he went so he would have the opportunity to let Rowan know he was onto the fact that it was Rowan who had Fitz's eldest son murdered and that Harrison may have figured that out as well, so Rowan had him killed. Your move, Rowan, which scares me to say, but I can't help wondering if you've finally met your match.

**(The BlacklistS2E4 "Dr Linus Creel") Red is decent, deep down. He knows he wasn't a great husband to Naomi and he's truly trying to keep her safe from the repercussions of his actions. -- Based on that exchange between Red and Naomi regarding Liz and "how much she knows." I am dying to know what it is they know about Liz!! -- Red: Strap on your tin foil hat, Lizzie. -- Red's eyes and ears, aka Samar, are hard at work at the FBI Task Force headquarters. Especially when Liz asks Aram to pull Frank and Naomi's phone records. -- Who keeps watching Liz?! One of Red's people? Tom? Someone we don't know yet? --  That whole mind control bit, which at first appeared far fetched, started to feel just possible enough to be really creepy. -- What was with Dr Creel ripping out his own hair in clumps?! -- Senator: You're asking about mind control. This government can't make up its own mind, let alone control one. -- Naomi: Carla Reddington was a miserable housewife, married to a miserable man. That woman no longer exists. -- Frank and Naomi, you are so foolish to refuse Red's help out of sheer stubbornness and pride. -- Red has a great story with everyone he knows. A falling out with Haskell, the redacted documents genius, at a craps table? There's always a woman, a wild time, some food. -- Vargas in Monica's house, berating her for not taking better care of her dog. Possibly the weirdest break in ever. -- Frank was cheating on Naomi??? -- Frank: Monica, what did you to... Red: She's fine but from this point forward, there is only Naomi. She believes you to be an honest man, Frank. Faithful. And that is what you will become. You're going to accept my protection and leave Philadelphia. Frank: No. I'm going to call the cops, turn you in. You're not going to get away with this. Red [after snapping a stick into a point and holding it to Frank's neck]: You make her happy. That is the only reason you're still here. -- I get so worked up when they are rushing, trying to steal some info under great constraints. These scenes are so tense, I feel like my heart may beat out of my chest. And course Liz got the scrap of paper with the password on it, Aram. As if! -- I did *not* expect Creel to pull a gun when he took Liz hostage. -- It's that guy from where Liz is living! On the roof, shooting Creel, all sniper-like! That gun wasn't to attack Liz, it was to *protect* her. Because of course he was hired by Red. -- I wanna be chauffeured around like Red. -- Samar: So you think Reddington could have known, when he gave you this case, that you'd find out? ... FIND OUT WHAT??? -- So where *is* Jennifer? Red doesn't know and is trying to find her and protect her. Naomi claims she doesn't know. -- Naomi: And there's no one on earth who can make a woman feel like the center of his universe more than Raymond Reddington. -- If anything indicates when Red is furious with Liz, it's when he addresses her as "Agent Keene." -- Must be awkward to be Frank, watching Red stare into Naomi's face, tenderly brush hair from her forehead, lean in and give it an almost lingering kiss.-- Red: My associate saves your life and instead of saying thank you, you try to get him fired. If I knew better, I'd say you were hiding something. -- Where was Liz in that final scene? What's behind that door to which she appears to have the key? Where did she get it from? AAAHHHHHH!!! I cannot wait a whole week to (maybe) get answers!

**(The Good WifeS6E3 "Dear God"I am having the worst time reconciling "September from Fringe" being the slimy State's Attorney Castro now. -- I'm really liking Taye Diggs' character, Dean Levine-Wilkins. He brings a certain charm that has been missing in the post-Will-ness of this show.  -- This whole "Cary's bail" thing is wearing a little thin, but I did love his parole officer and how they formatted her meetings with Cary, Alicia, and Diane, with flashbacks that give insight, often contradicting the answers given to her questions. -- Fear a woman who gets cold and clipped in her speech, like Alicia did when Castro said she would run against him as State's Attorney "as retribution for the death of her lover, Will Gardner."

**(CSIS15E2 "Buzz Kill"I thought the dispensary owner was going to be behind the whole kidnapping of his wife and kids for ransom. Nope! The wife was behind it. Good twist! -- I'm glad to see that the Gig Harbor Killer case isn't being tabled any time soon. -- Hmmm. Finlay is back in Seattle (thank you skyline with the Space Needle and the cliched rain on the window for the locale hint) and she's alone, digging up history on the twins. How long before she finds herself in some sort of danger?

**(Person of InterestS4E3 "Wingman") Captain Moreno [to Reese]: Is this the third or fourth guy you've knee capped this week, Riley? -- Shaw [about Bear]: Don't you want him to catch it? Finch: Not if it means rat entrails in our new office. -- Reese saying "not it" is about the most ridiculously hilarious thing ever. -- Lionel gets stuck with the "professional wing man." And I'm thinking he wishes he had thought to call "not it!" like Reese did, because he looks, shall we say, less than thrilled. ... Lionel [to Shaw about the latest number, Andre, the wingman]: I think I know who's gonna kill our guy. -- Finch and Root got out of their missile purchase location just in the nick of time, before the police raided it. Thanks, Machine! -- Andre [to Lionel about meeting potential women to date]: Smile, but not too much. You don't want to look like a crazy person. -- Lionel in training for the dating scene was particularly painful to witness. -- I'm liking Reese with his five o'clock shadow. -- The three nicotine patches Captain Moreno is wearing can't really be safe, can it? -- We sure are seeing an awful lot of Shaw all dressed up. It's weird. -- Who does everyone who meets him think that Mr Egret actually is?? They all seem awed and slightly intimidated by him. But Badass Finch is so *not* Finch that I think I would fall to the ground laughing if I had to actually interact with him.  -- HAHAHAHAHA. Lionel finding a use for his cuff links to get himself and Andre out of handcuffs. -- Reese [to Lionel after rescuing him and Andre from the container]: I'm about to close my third case of the day. Wanted to make sure you didn't die before I had a chance to brag about it. -- The Machine is hooking them up. Weapons. Big black bags of untraceable cash. "Ill gotten gains put to good use" indeed, Root.

**(Modern FamilyS6E3 "The Cold"Claire with DayQuil in her wine glass. -- Cam [about being sick with a cold on his way back from their honeymoon]: I may have whined a bit. A crying baby complained about me. -- I don't know what was more funny: that video from the wedding, showing Phil sneezing all over everything, proof that he started the great family cold or his editing of the video. -- Whoa, that kiss between Haley and Andy. Haley may be in for the biggest shock of her self-important life. -- Jay [when Claire shows up at family dinner, stricken with The Cold]: Can we catch this again? -- Why do sitcom colds always seem to also involve nausea? I've had a lot of colds, but none that also affect my stomach.

**(Law and Order: SVUS16E2 "American Disgrace") Let's see which headline(s) Shakir Wilkins' case was ripped from. -- Mr Bauer: Have you read his autobiography? I don't even know if he read it. -- That look the Barba and Rollins exchanged when the father told Cordelia he was "glad she was a good girl now and he forgave her for everything" totally said "we are so going to discuss this in the elevator, because what the hell was *that* about?" -- Able to pinpoint three headlines used for this episode's inspiration: Blaming senility on racist comments made by someone of prominence in the sports industry that were recorded. A scene in an elevator. Accused athlete losing corporate sponsorship.

**(About a BoyS2E1 "About a Vasectomy"Were Marcus and Fiona seriously re-enacting Marcus' birth? As Will said "I'm so glad things didn't get weird while I was gone." -- Andy *faked* a vasectomy? Duuude. Also, instead of 'fessing up, I might just tell the possibly pregnant wife that the procedure must have, ummm, failed. -- Sell the San Francisco place? I can't fall for that. The show would cease to exist. So, how long before Will and Dr Sam split and he moves back?

**(Sleepy HollowS2E3 "Root of All Evil") Very clever spin on Benedict Arnold and quite the well-executed creative license by the writers to link this evil coin back to the thirty pieces of silver Judas received for betraying Jesus. Anyone who has possessed one since, betrays his deepest loyalties with no warning. There is, obviously, plenty of creative license in this show, but I'm impressed with the spins they make and the people, places, and events they weave together to fit the premise. -- There are an awful lot of connections between the Mills family and Chief Reyes. I am suspicious. -- Henry Parrish is popping up everywhere, with that smug smile. His being a lawyer is bad news. -- Crane's beer rant when he saw the bottle of Sam Adams. Priceless. -- Blondie posed a valid question I had but couldn't articulate: How to take possession of this evil coin without it taking possession of Crane or Abbie? -- Priest: How long has it been since your last confession? Crane: Ohhhh...feels like centuries. ... HAHAHAHAHA! -- Abbie: Even without an evil coin, telling the friends from the enemies gets harder all the time. Crane: That's why we so appreciated the British wearing bright red coats. -- Hawley: Good? Or evil? (He's no match for Crane in the swoon department, though.) -- Crane: And again, your silence in the matter of my wife is most telling. Do you believe I should not have allowed her to remain with the Horseman? Abbie: Allowed her? She's 1) a grown woman, 2) a witch, 3) a redhead. You couldn't have stopped her if you tried. -- Crane [to Abbie]: Trust is the only currency with any value. All other forms are too easily counterfeited. -- Crane is correct. The battle lines have been drawn and all that matters, now, is upon which side each of the players fall. Some of these players are pretty obvious. Abbie, Crane, and Jenny are on the side of light. Henry and Abraham are on the side of Moloch's darkness. Where will Katrina, ultimately, fall? Reyes? Irving? Hawley? All seem to have or could have reasons to straddle the line, but no one can stay with a foot on either side. A choice must be made. -- It seems Katrina is right about Henry on some level. He is still strongly connected to her, as her son, but based on his pyrotechnics on the bed where he was born, that connection it, at best, complicated and conflicted, and at worst, a fuel for his dark destruction.

**(Marry MeS1E1 "Pilot") They nailed tirade of a typical single girl in her 30s. Been there, felt that! -- I about died when Jake called everyone out of hiding. Way to kill the moment, Annie, by slamming almost everyone waiting to jump out and surprise you, to celebrate what should have been your engagement! (This is why I wanted no witnesses to my engagement: fear of mortifying myself.) -- I am glad Dan Bucatinsky found some place to land after his abrupt departure from Scandal. -- Annie's gay fathers are both named Kevin? I'm not sure whether or not I find this funny enough to actually laugh. It worked for that one scene in the car, but I could see the joke getting old quickly. -- I approve of the way they use flashbacks to tell Annie and Jake's story from before the point where the show picks up. -- Annie doing yoga is precisely how I would look. -- Annie [about goofing up Jake's attempted proposal]: I waited 32 years. If I had just waited 32 more seconds... -- Annie [on yoga]: My body doesn't go these places. -- How did annie not rip that lace dress while squeezing past the mail cart in Jake's office? Lord knows I would have. And probably gotten it dirty too. -- Whoa, Jake and Annie dated a year before saying "I love you"? Are these the rules? No wonder I didn't end up married until just before my 36th birthday.

**(Blue BloodsS5E2 "Forgive and Forget"Jamie and Janko argue like cats and dogs. Or, ya know, people in denial of their feelings for each other. Janko is a *itch though. I don't know what Jamie sees in her. -- Erin looks like she's ready to choke Danny half the time, usually as a result of him needing a favor. They are certainly at each other's throats more than any other Reagan pairing on the show. -- Was that the speed dating opposing counsel guy that Erin met last season who she had for a sleepover while Nicky was away on a field trip? Who is potentially going to be her interim boss? Complicated and awkward! (Also, I hope Erin does a better job than I do remembering your name, buddy.) -- Heavy on the "right thing to do" when it comes to cops making bad choices and how it should be handled this episode. Between how cops treat one another when one makes a statement against a partner, and when one of Frank's old friends, who is about to retire, is in an accidental shooting situation with his partner (who was non-fatally shot). -- When Janko called in Kara getting hit, she asked for "a bus, forthwith." She isn't a Reagan, so is she authorized to use that phrase? -- Ouch. No backup showed up at that drugstore armed robbery scene...because no one would back Kara (and subsequently, her interim partner, Jamie) up after she testified against her partner. -- Frank: Past heroism is no excuse for present misconduct.

**(Law and Order: SVUS16E3 "Producer's Backend"Ripped from the headlines: Gee, could Tensley Evans be Lindsey Lohan-ish much? -- Awww, Amaro with baby Noah. -- Donna Evans[Tensley's mother, when asked to leave the room while the detectives speak with her daughter]: She's my baby! She needs me right here! ... OMG, shrieky and annoying and also, your baby is 24 years old, lady. -- I'm glad to see that Amaro is back with the unit, but I still don't like Sonny. Why couldn't they have made Murphy a regular after last season? I liked him a lot. -- I love when Barba finds a loophole. He gets this hungry gleam in his eyes. -- When liv said "he doesn't just spit up on anyone" and then asked the nanny to dry the baby's hair after his bath because he still had a cough, I had a feeling something was up with baby Noah. Confirmed by the episode ending with Liv racing out of the squad room, after getting a call that the nanny was at the ER with him. -- I don't know how much of that kind of disgusting behavior actually goes on in Hollywood, but it sure would make me hope any daughter of mine would stay out of professional acting. Yikes.

**(Last Man StandingS4E4 "Sinkhole"A sinkhole? In Colorado? -- Kristin: Why even argue? You can't settle anything. Everyone has their own set of facts and a cable show to back up the opinions he already has. -- Ryan: Mike, false machismo isn't going to make him feel any safer. Mike: Well, real machismo would be better, but we get what we get. -- I rarely laugh during Ryan and Kristin scenes, unless Mike is making fun of one of them, but I was pretty amused when Kristin showed more resolve than Ryan, and threw Boyd over her shoulder and carried him out to the car, with a firm "enough is enough" over Boyd refusing to leave Mike and Vanessa's house due to fear of the world, following the near run-in with the sinkhole.

**(ScandalS4E4 "Like Father, Like Daughter"When Olivia asked Huck if he could shut down cell service so no one could get video of her and Quinn extracting the drunk First Daughter from a party without people posting videos all over the internet, I realized that now I am going to wonder every time the internet or cell service hiccups. -- Fitz [after learning of his daughter's escapades and the *ahem* video that was made]: And then find a convent in Switzerland to stick her in. Olivia: That didn't work when my father did it to me. -- Cyrus [to Abby, after she told him he makes he feel small when he keeps things from her]: Red, there are things that happen in this big White House, with this particular President, that you will never, ever know about. Some of those things, many of those things *will* involve Olivia Pope. Several of *those* things will make it hard for you to do your job. But you are a patriot, you are a fighter, and so you will solider on. As for feeling small, I don't do that to you. I suspect that jealousy does that to you. My advice on that is this: you are not Olivia, you will never be Olivia, and hating Olivia for your own shortcomings will not change that fact. Also, have you ever stopped to think what it must be like to actually *be* Olivia Pope? Doesn't seem like that much fun. -- Jake: Rosen. David: Hi. Am I due for a good threatening? -- Mellie [to Fitz, in a rage, after learning Olivia had been in the White House]: A magical fairy granted your wish and POOF! Olivia Pope appeared in the Oval Office. -- I actually approve of Fitz's response to Mellie's temper tantrum over Olivia being in the White House. ... Fitz: I have dealt with drunk Mellie, bad hygeine, wait, I've got it smelly Mellie. I have dealt with Drunk mellie, smelly Mellie and screw everything to hell Mellie, crybaby Mellie and eat everthing that is not nailed down Mellie, and I have not complained, but I will not put up with whatever righteous history re-writing Mellie you have going on right here right now. -- Quinn is pretty hardcore these days. -- I'm so mad that Olivia had a moment with Fitz. I'm mad for Jake. I'm mad that Fitz won't respect what's left of his marriage. I'm mad that Olivia allows herself to be sucked in. -- I'm a little weary of Fitz's poor me routine. Olivia left him and he nearly died. YOU ARE THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD. Get *over* yourself, Fitz, and do your job. -- I was impressed by what Mellie said to Karen about her wild night. -- Fitz sent Rowan in to question Tom?? About the mission *Rowan* sent him on! The orders he received to get the vial that ultimately killed Jerry Grant?? And now Tom lied, framed Jake, and Rowan gets away, literally, with murder. Jake, who Fitz hates more than anyone else on the planet, because Liv took him with her when she ran away, leaving poor Fitz all alone ::eyeroll::. is going to believe it's true because he wants it to be true.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Food and Wine Fest 2014: Round Four

Round Four was another unseasonably warm day (oh, who am I trying to kid? it was sticky hot), but I was back at it, plan in hand. I had kind of wandered aimlessly the first three times, and now that we're getting to the midway portion, I have to keep an eye on my list and attempt some kind of balance for the remaining rounds. I don't want to reach the end and be eating four desserts! Or ::gasp:: four savory dishes and *no* desserts.

Kicking off in...


Venison Sausage with Pickled Mushrooms, Baby Arugula, and Black Currant Reduction.

This is probably one of the most surprisingly balanced dishes of the Fest. The sausage is very flavorful (though there is minimal greasiness, probably due to leaner venison), and somehow it manages to match up well with its complements without overwhelming them. The peppery arugula. The zingy pickled mushrooms. The sweetness of the black currant reduction. They each add this layer of flavor, which is amazing all together, but also stands up well in smaller pairings of the dish's components. I'm not a huge fan of mushrooms. I'll tolerate them in the right circumstances. I can't say I ate them all, but I certainly added the smaller ones to my carefully constructed forkfuls because the zip of their being pickled really is a tasty addition.

I needed a little bit of food in my stomach to execute my plan, so venison sausage devoured, I was on my way to...


Kimchi Dog with Spicy Mustard Sauce. iCing Grapefruit Sparkling Rice Brew.

I'm still unclear what makes the dog that orange color (and with a hot dog, sometimes it's best just not to know too much, if you know what I mean), but it's a delicious combination. It's like an American classic -- the hot dog with mustard and sauerkraut -- had a little Asian makeover. The kimchi slaw provides a nice zippy crunch, and the mustard sauce gives it kick (although, unless I miss my mark, I'm pretty sure there is a low to mid level heat to all the pieces of this dog, except the bun). I've had this one before, so I knew what to expect from it. Every good baseball fan knows that a beer and a hot dog go together (whether you actually consume them or not, it's baseball fact), but I'm also fairly well documented as not liking beer. The taste, and especially the aftertaste, are just not suited to my palate. However, I have discovered that I do like fruity flavored beers, so I decided to get out of my comfort zone and go with the recommended pairing. Oh. My. Rice beer? I'm in! *None* of that taste or aftertaste that makes me put on a yuck face! It was light and crisp and refreshing, and just exactly what I needed to cut through the heat from the kimchi dog. It's also a little deceptive. I am a lightweight, so I make a pretty cheap date, since I get a quick buzz. I felt *nothing* from this rice brew. I attributed it to the half bottle of water, the venison sausage, and the kimchi dog also in my stomach.

Moving right along...

Oh, wait...

The buzz was delayed! About fifteen minutes after I finished the iCing, there it was. The slightly giggly, pink-faced buzz. Not that you could tell by my face, because it was already a little pink from the heat. (But not from the sun. SPF 100, baby! And a Red Sox cap on my noggin.)

Better get some more food in my stomach. I need to be driving home when I'm done...


Sauerkraut Pierogi with Pork Goulash.

If I needed to soak up a little of that alcohol, this new Fest offering was the dish to handle it. I've had my share of pierogies in the past, but they've always been filled with some version of potato. I expected this dish to be hearty (I assumed it was the dough from the pierogi responsible for that), but it was even more heavy than I anticipated, and not in the way I had expected! The pierogi was unexpectedly light. The tangy sauerkraut filling was far less dense than the potato I am accustomed to. But that pork meant business. The tomato based sauce of the goulash was not a combination I would have expected with the pork and the sauerkraut, but I did end up enjoying it. My only real complaint was that the pork was a little dry, but pork tends to do that, so I wasn't overly disappointed.

The heavier dish and the rest of my water diluted my iCing buzz enough that I was ready to do something completely off the wall (for me) (remember, I'm a pretty boring human, so my risks are...well, you'll see)...



Florida Grass-Fed Beef Slider with Pimento Cheese. Stella Artois Cidre.

Thinking back to my kimchi dog, earlier, what more appropriate dish to include on this round, but a burger, right?? This little guy was very tasty, although a wee bit dry (low fat content, I guess, because it wasn't overcooked). What made it pop, though, was that pimento cheese sauce on top. It was more "creamy dressing" than "melty cheese" but was still packed with flavor. The pimentos gave the sauce some texture and there was just a hint of warmth. There were some other diced "things" in the cheese sauce that provided crunch, but I'll be darned if I could actually tell you what they were. Onion, likely? And I could swear I tasted cucumber, but I'm not certain that was actually in there. What I know is that it didn't lack for taste, but the burger could have been a bit more juicy and the roll was not as soft as I would prefer. I'm thinking they chose a more sturdy option than a soft bun that may get soggy. At any rate, it wasn't bad, but not my favorite either. To wet my whistle with the slider, I did something heretofore unprecedented for my Festing: I matched the food with a beverage from another location. ::horror movie scream:: (Hey, I warned you my risk-taking was boring.) As stated, not a fan of beer. Didn't want wine with my slider. No other options at the Hops and Barley kiosk. But I *had* wanted to try a beverage from Belgium that decidedly did not match with the waffle I had gotten there previously in the Fest: a hard cider! I do really enjoy a hard cider. This did not disappoint. It was a great combination with my slider. A little sharp, a little sweet, a little bubbles. I'm glad I decided to go outside the box on this one.

And now to my goofy sense of humor. If you're a real Disney geek, you may have noticed something in the background of that food photo. Hops and Barley...America, if you will, joined up with Belgium...and invaded Morocco! BAHAHAHAHA! (I better disclaimer this, in case some misguided child searching the interwebs for a school project actually believes this happened. America and Belgium invaded Morocco to *eat* there, because it's cool(er) and quiet(er) and I really like sitting in Fez House.)

I know this amuses me more than probably anyone possessing an actual sense of humor, but I chuckled my way (and no, I was not buzzed, so no excuse there, since I tempered the Cidre with more water and I had a fair amount of food in my stomach now) over to...


Cannoli al Cioccolato.

I was pretty stuffed, so dessert needed to be light. A nice, cool chocolate-covered cannoli filled with sweet ricotta, chocolate chips, and a little candied fruit called my name. The problem was finding a shady spot to enjoy it. By the time I found an available spot, I had gotten all the way to China, and my poor cannoli was starting to melt! Not to worry, because it still tasted delightful. The sweetness is subtle and it's just enough to make my meal feel "finished."

Satisfied, I wiped the chocolate off my face -- melted chocolate can make even a fairly civilized adult look like they have the table manners of a two year old! -- and made my way out of the park. I'm crossing my fingers that some more comfortable weather reaches us, because I have so much more left to try and the heat really saps my appetite!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

This Week on My TV: October 11, 2014

Disclaimer: Consider the fact that there could be spoilers ahead. You read at your own risk!

**(Grey's AnatomyS11E1 "I Must Have Lost It on the Wind") Alex [to Mer]: You can't break into my house and wake me up to talk and then tell me to shut up. -- That helipad scene brought by emotions from ER when Romano's arm got chopped off. ::shudder:: But, holy crap, that gurney flying off the helipad and through the roof of a minivan on the ground. -- I'm not sure how I feel about Geena Davis in a surgeon's role. -- I totally bawled with the guy who was lost in the desert when he realized his wife and little girl were probably dead. But seriously, the way he kept freaking out, why didn't they sedate him? We won't even talk about how I wept when his family arrived at the hospital, safe and sound. -- Mer: Pierce is no Yang. She's perky and chatty and I bet she likes cats. --  Ouch, Pierce telling Richard she doesn't need to add any unwanted random blood relatives...not realizing he could well be her father. -- Of course, Callie and Arizona are going to go around and around on new baby vs fellowship for Arizona, which will surely lead to more discord. -- Every time Bailey and Alex "face off" about taking Cristina's board seat, I expect to hear the music from "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." -- Derek chose Mer. And the kids, of course. But he chose *her*. So, what is her freaking problem??

**(ScandalS4E1 "Randy, Red, Superfreak, and Julia"Whoa. Olivia with curly hair. And amusing irony, reading "Gone Girl" while she hides on some...deserted beach island? -- Huck: Are you back for now or are you back for good? Olivia: They found Harrison's body. Huck: I read the paper. Are you back for now or are you back for good? -- Abby working for Fitz? Mellie wandering around in her bathrobe with a box of cereal? And what has happened to Cy's hair?? -- Cy [to some blonde woman he refers to as Lizzie Bear in his office]: Do you need to validate a ticket for your broomstick or can you find your way out of here on your own? -- Jake: Do you remember the last time we were together, Rosen? David: Was that the time you killed three people or another time? All the fear and violence starts to blend together. -- David [to Jake]: I spent two months going through those files. I read them every day. I even created a color-coded system. Orange for scary. Red for very scary. And black for crap your pants and wait for someone to come kill you scary. And most of those files, Jake, are black. Those files are terrifying. -- Abby: Is there bad news? Something abroad? Should I sit down? Cyrus: That might make it harder for you to run when I start yelling. -- Why do I suspect that, despite what Rowan would have Liv believe, Maya is *not* dead. -- I really like Jake. A lot. And he adores Olivia. I'm going to be very angry if Olivia breaks him too. -- As broken as Fitz and Liv were, Mellie and Fitz are disturbingly heartbreaking. -- The show obviously wouldn't work anymore, but I kinda liked Liv-and-Jake-on-the-island.

**(ReignS2E1 "The Plague"I did not catch, in the season one finale, that the girl Leith was making moves on was none other than Lord Castleroy's daughter. This will obviously get very complicated. -- And so with one careless philanderer, The Plague enters the castle walls. -- Lola's baby was a boy. A son. An heir. Illegitimate or not, it's more than Mary has been able to give Francis. -- Go, Mary, telling Catherine to shut it when Catherine was taunting her about her inability to conceive and Francis being at Lola's side for the birth of their child. I especially enjoyed when Mary reminded Catherine who was Queen now. Of course, Catherine will need to be (gleefully) showing Mary the darker side of her newly acquired title.-- Oh no. The sick guy was talking with Kenna and has taken Pascal with him. Ack! By the time Kenna got to Pascal to check on him, the sick guy was dead, Pascal had The Plague, and she ends up locked in their rooms, as Pascal is dying. Bash is coming into contact with all kinds of people with The Plague while he searches for Kenna. At least, with both of them being exposed, they should be able to be together when he finally finds her. -- Ah, crap, there is Plague in Lola's midwife's home now too. With Francis there. Time to beat feet! -- One thing is for sure: Royals must never know who is truly loyal, and who has an agenda and some excellent acting skills. -- Ok, the cannot kill off the entire cast with The Plague, but with the disease running rampant and all of them risking exposure, how are they going to justify the number of them that don't get infected? -- Mary and Nostradamus conspired to infect Catherine with something so she thinks she has The Plague. Freaking priceless. -- OMG, Castleroy's daughter was accidentally murdered by the vengeful Lord who poisoned a whole household for revenge when Mary would not trade favors with him and have the man killed in exchange for a food supply. -- That was a really weird vision Bash had of that little ghost girl. Is he ill? Seeing visions like Nostradamus? Exhausted? -- I thought, for sure, we were saying goodbye to Lola, but now that Francis has fallen in love with his tiny new heir, it appears he will not be sending them off to a new life after all. I wonder how that will fly with Mary?

**(The BlacklistS2E3 "Dr James Covington") I fell, hook, line, and sinker, for Liz's dream sequence with Tom. -- Red: Slushie? Liz: Pass. Red: Oh my gosh. You have no idea what you're missing. Try a Grapefruit Gusher. It's just like you today: a little sour. -- Aram [upon being introduced to Samar]: Whoa, you're...tall. -- Liz: How does an Iranian end up working for Mossad? Samar: How did the FBI end up working for Raymond Reddington? -- Red: Mr Vargas. Sounds like a shady character from a Humphrey Bogart movie. I like him already. -- I wonder if we'll ever know the history of how Red and Mr Kaplan began their relationship. I bet that would be a fabulous story. -- That scene with Babbit, where Red sent him drinks spiked with a drug heart patients shouldn't have, to encourage Babbit to call the special number Convington gave him only for emergencies. Red was so cold and sinister. "Does this feel like an emergency?" -- Harold is a good boss. I like that he doesn't reprimand Liz or put her on leave. Just offers to listen anytime. -- Cross, double cross, triple cross. I almost lost track. Two of Red's business associates betrayed Red by going to Berlin (or so we think). Nico betrayed Reddington to Vargas/Berlin (and also made the other two associates out to be defectors when they weren't).  Surprise, Nico! Vargas actually works for Red and now *your* betrayal has been exposed! -- What a moral conflict: Covington makes criminals pay big bucks for illegal transplants and he uses the money to fund a secret clinic that does organ transplants for children who would otherwise die. -- Red: Value loyalty above all else. -- I knew I had a bad feeling about that guy Liz thought was following her at the beginning of the episode. Her first instinct was obviously right, judging by that gun he was assembling. -- Ouch: that slap Red received from Naomi. I'm guessing she, and maybe Liz, are the only two people who could get away with that move. -- What kind of business deal was Red part of with Niko? Something related to the bigger story? I had a hard time following.

**(Blue BloodsS4E1 "Partners") I was not expecting the mentally unstable homeless guy to get hit by a van when they used the stun gun on him. Holy crap. -- I could have sworn that the scene of the domestic dispute Jamie and Janko responded to was the same place Jamie's first partner was killed. -- Jamie's feelings for Janko are clearly getting in the way of his being professional. -- I yelled out when Danny and Baez got t-boned when their extra detail with the DEA got ambushed. This episode is making me jumpy. -- I do not like the Mayor. It's pretty clear Frank shares that sentiment. -- What is Baez's problem?? She has copped an attitude with Danny all episode. -- You can't go to your sister for advice and not expect her to tell you the truth, Jamie. -- Linda's hair is different every season. I'm not so sure how I feel about this season's style though.-- Frank: Everyone who comes in this office has an agenda. Most people tell me what I wanna hear. Some people tell me what they want me to do. What I don't have is someone with firsthand knowledge of police work giving me the unvarnished truth. Sgt Gormley: I believe, sir, that's because they don't wanna piss you off. -- How long before Jamie gives in to his resolve to keep things purely professional with Janko?

**(The Big Bang Theory, S8E4 "The Hook-Up Reverberation") Finally, Raj's girlfriend makes an appearance! -- I totally didn't catch why Emily would take an immediate dislike to Penny. T, correctly, pointed out it was probably because Raj bragged about hooking up with Penny in the past. -- Penny: No one ever says they don't like you straight to your face. Amy: We have led different lives. -- Leonard: Is Stewart trying to get a loan or find investors? Howard: All I know is he's got my mother buying 4-ply toilet paper. I mean, FOUR PLY. If his butt is so delicate, why doesn't he just use an angora rabbit? Sheldon: For starters, they shed and bite. -- OMG, Sheldon, Howard, and Raj totally not seeing how their idea to offer vans to drive around and pick up children to bring to the comic book store they want to open is a bad bad bad idea. LOL. -- Howard's freak out over his mother calling Stewart 'bubula' and offerinf him the money to re-open his comic book store was spot on and hilarious. -- Bernadette's abrasiveness is still alive and well. Meh.

**(The Good WifeS6E2 "Trust Issues"Alicia has to be torn. She likes Finn but he's making her life rather hellish. -- Taye Diggs! I prefer him in this lawyer role over the police role he has on "Murder in the First." -- The deposition on the ChumHum class action lawsuit was 47 different kinds of uncomfortable. I can't imagine how they feel in real life. -- I still don't get how two male characters on this show are named Cary. It's not that common a name! -- Valerie Jarrett looks so fake from her tan to her facial structure. And it freaks me out that she was playing herself!! -- Holy crap, the tension between Peter and Alicia when she asked him to sign the second mortgage so she can get Cary out of jail and he refused. -- Diane is shaping the future of Florrick Agos the way SHE wants it. I don't believe that is what Alicia and Cary have in mind. -- Who sent Ernie Nolan with that check if it wasn't Eli? -- I really like the bronze colored suit Diane was wearing toward the end of the episode. -- OMG, all those LG attorneys coming with Diane and Dean now. Things are spiraling out of control and Alicia doesn't even realize it. -- Eli is going to bust over wanting Alicia to run for State's Attorney. -- Lorraine Joy [to Alicia, after Alicia ate for her lunch in that series of depositions]: I should have hired you. You'e an assassin. -- Diane was dressed appropriately fierce in that leopard print dress she wore the day she, Dean, and their entourage walked out of LG. -- Lockhart Gardner Canning going to need a new name, now that one has "retired" and another is dead, leaving just Canning? Because it's kind of weird, but I could see the firm wanting continuity. I could also see David Lee wanting to be a named partner.

**(A to ZS1E1 "A Is for Acquaintances") Pretty sure, after her role in How I Met Your Mother, I would give almost anything Cristin Miliotti was in a shot. -- It isn't (I checked), but you could have totally sold me that the girl who plays Stephie also played Larissa on "The Carrie Diaries." -- After all the horrendous chemistry issues on "2 Broke Girls," I feel like I judge all new comedies on where the chemistry falls in relation. This show has more of it in the opening scene than "2 Broke Girls" has had collectively in three complete seasons. -- I do believe I will be giving this one a shot. It's cute. It made me chuckle. I like the two leads. -- Ohhhh, the kiss that ended this episode. Love!

**(Person of InterestS4E2 "NautilusI will guess that saying math is 'boring and stupid' to Harold Finch is pretty much akin with blasphemy. -- When those guys took Harold's money for "shooting out" their car window, I would have been amused if that would have been a wad of singles. -- Reese [to Finch]: Code cracking. Sometimes you forget I was an internal spy. -- Kid in coffee shop [to Finch]: Who are you? Shaw [holding the kid's arm pinned behind his back]: The guy who tells me when to let go. -- BAHAHAHA! Reese asking "excuse me does this thing work?" about a payphone and then planting the receiver right between the biker's eyes. -- Very interesting twist making the nautilus game's host be Samaritan. Well done, POI. -- Reese and Shaw exit an elevator, with unconscious bad guys in their wake. It's just like old times! -- Hooray! Finch is back in!

**(The BridgeS2E13 "Jubilex"I had half a dozen heart attacks when Hank was pulling over that tractor trailer truck. -- Linder!! Muttonchops is NOT dead! Almost but not quite. -- I am so confused. How did Eleanor regain possession of her father? I thought the Marines that chased Fausto as he escaped from his compound and discovered the father locked in his cage had taken him. -- Adriana: You're drunk and stupid. Daniel: I'm not stupid! -- Why does Sonya always use earbuds with her phone? -- Weird ending. Abrupt. Eleanor cuffed beneath the tree where Sonya found her being strangled by her sick, deranged father. The father's body lying where Sonya shot him. And Marco telling her how he's going to make it all ok.

**(ParenthoodS6E1 "Vegas"Amber being pregnant was probably the worst kept secret ever. Her not being sure what to do about it was a bit more surprising. -- Uh. Who is Julia in bed with?? -- I just don't see Hank and Sandy married and having Ruby (who, by the way, is a major brat, like on Sydney levels). -- Ugh Drew is still with Natalie. Do not like. -- At least Haddie exists this season. So far. -- Whoa. Victor had a growth spurt. -- I think my heart stopped when Zeek fell out of his chair at the blackjack table in Vegas. -- Cliche: young doctor who gets asked if he's fourteen. -- Arg. I am as frustrated with Julia as I was with Joel last season. I get where she's coming from, but ARG. -- I feel like I know Zeek's doctor from something else, but I've looked and looked, and I can't seem to find anything. It's kinda bugging me. -- Tears: Max went to Chambers for his mom.

**(Law and Order: SVU, S16E1 "Girls Disappeared"Demotion, it seems, for Amaro after beating that psycho last season. -- Looks like Liv took baby Noah into her care. But I saw how quickly she hid the pacifier that fell out on her desk. Is she trying to prevent people from knowing? -- I don't like this new detective. I miss Murphy. -- I was so jumpy through this entire episode. Every time someone shot a gun or banged open a door. -- What the heck happened with Liv and Cassidy? I am still confused by what, I guess, was the weirdest breakup ever last season.

**(The MiddleS6E2 "The Loneliest Locker"Sue: Guess what? Axl: Nobody likes you? Sue: Can't ruin my day, Axl! Axl: Ooo, a challenge! -- I'm trying to decide whether I found Axl stealing everything from home to furnish is unfurnished apartment, or Frankie's second job as a airline customer service rep made me laugh more. Sue's play and Brick's basket of noisy toys made me twitchy though. -- OMG that dump Axl and Hutch live in. Gross! -- I have no words for Sue's and Brad's senior play. But so exactly what I would have expected from those two.

**(Modern FamilyS6E2 "Do Not Push"Mitch: Ok, easy on the filters, Cam. This is a family picture. We don't need sepia tone. Cam: You know what other tone we don't need? -- Manny [to Jay about getting a gift for Gloria]: I once gave her a bag full of hugs and she definitely prefers stuff. -- I love when Lily messes with Mitchell and Cam. -- Awkward flirting between Alex and that guy Jason. Totally awesome! My guess: Alex decides to stay local for college.

**(ScandalS4E2 "The State of the Union"Olivia: They care about you. They want you to live. Cyrus: Sons of bitches. -- Olivia has got to look at this bickering couple, who are the "face of gun control," and think "I left a tropical island paradise with a sexy man for THIS??" -- Abby is looking a bit overwhelmed by her new job in the White House. I think she finally found a tiny bit of confidence when she told Mellie that she was not the only parent to lose a child and that all those Americans who have also lost children needed to see Mellie put on a dress and appear at the State of the Union, despite her grief. -- Cyrus: A broken heart is a broken heart. To take a measure is cruelty. -- I think I like the position Jake is taking with Olivia. She cannot keep stringing him along. He is in his hotel room, she knows where to find him for a booty call, he is not her lapdog. ... Olivia [on the phone]: I don't like this! Jake: Don't like it then. ::click:: -- Charlie's baaa-aaaack! -- Oh, it makes me mad that Lizzie Bear is preying on Cy's loneliness. That's about the lowest of the low.

**(Sleepy HollowS2E2 "The Kindred"This new sheriff is in for a surprise. She has no idea what she is up against in Sleepy Hollow. -- I will never understand why the Headless Horseman looks around. How can he *see*?? HE HAS NO HEAD. -- Abbie: Just stand in line and go with the flow. Crane: Two statements which mean the opposite. Abbie: You founded a country. Figure it out. -- Crane [looking at the pen on a chain]: These people entrust you with their fortune and you cannot entrust them with a simple inkwell? ... His observations are the best. -- Crane: It is this kind of gross invitation to indulgence that mocks the power of the invisible hand to foster the true wealth of nations, a boon to your industry, I'll grant, yet cementing pains me now to say it, *our* lot as an insolvent flock of debtors. -- Katrina is very brave to stay behind with Headless Abraham to learn as much as she can about Moloch's plan in order to help Ichabod and Abbie. -- John Noble is freaking brilliant, even just sitting in a chair, albeit controlling that demon suit of armor Moloch bestowed upon him. -- What a kiss between Ichabod and Katrina! ::swoon:: -- OMG, Henry is Irving's new lawyer?! *That* has to be bad news. And did he just sneakily get Irving to sign that document in blood?! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

**(Last Man StandingS4E1 "Here's the Kicker"Justin: I'm going to go to the concession stand. Does anyone want anything? Mike: Yeah, a beer. Justin: Oh, but I'm not 21. Mike: Then you're going to be gone a while, aren't you? -- Why is Kristin doing her laundry at her parents' house? GROW UP. -- We totally called that Eve would end up getting hurt. We didn't count on it being playing soccer though!

**(Last Man StandingS4E2 "War Games"I. Hate. Ryan. Episodes. -- Ryan left for a hair appointment...and came back with his hair looking....exactly the same? -- I loved the whole "Vanessa looking sexy, age be damned" bit. -- Mike [to Kristin]: You know, the best thing about your moving out is I get to see so much of you. ... Yes! YES!! Thank you for acknowledging it!

**(Last Man StandingS4E3 "Rediscover America"Two episodes ago, Kristin was disparaging Eve for playing on the boys' football team "because girls playing on boys' sports teams sends the message that girls' sports teams aren't as good." Now, she's all "Eve is inspiring girls everywhere to believe they can be every bit as good as boys." Pick a side already and stick with it. -- Joely Fisher's character as Ed's girlfriend is kinda annoying. -- I kinda love that Mike and Ed know that a box full of steaks being delivered means "I'm sorry." 

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