Thursday, March 5, 2009

Monday-Friday, 8-4:30

Krystyn posted The Working Woman's Meme on her blog. i thought it would be fun to play along!

1. How many post it notes are stuck to your computer screen?
normally, none, but just before i left work today, i put up two. one to remind myself to prepare paperwork for some employees that are taking a refresher course for a certification this weekend. and one to remind me to post a sign on the timeclock reminding everyone that Daylight Savings starts this weekend. the tasks will get done as soon as humanly possible so i can throw away the notes or they will drive me to distraction!

2. Do you have one of those plastic floor covers for your desk chair to roll on?
i do at home to protect the carpet but not at work. no need. the floor is tile.

3. How many (work-related) emails to you receive & send per day?
very few. maybe two?

4. At what part of the day are you the most productive?
first thing in the morning, when i have the most energy. and from 2:30-4:20 when i am invoicing--and on Tuesday & Friday, even busier during this time when i am collecting timecards and handing out paychecks, respectively.

5. How often do you go out to lunch?
maybe once every six or so weeks? i usually just eat at my desk & keep answering the phone.

6. Does your boss pop the collar on his trench coat?
i don't think my boss even *owns* a trench coat.

7. Is there someone in your office that you just can't stand?
::biting my tongue::

8. What percent of time each day would you say on non-work related tasks? i.e. blogging!
oh man... some days i have time for very little other than work but most of the time, i'm only answering the phone from 10am-2:30pm (see Question 4) so i'm surfing the internet and my personal email & Twitter app are open all day. i have complete permission to play online when my work is done though.

9. Do you have a favorite pen that you use everyday?
not a specific pen but a specific brand (Bic Velocity, black ink). and when i order the office supplies, i get myself a pen that no one else uses at work so i know when someone steals it.

10. Do you listen to music while @ work? If so, what kind?
i don't listen to any music at work. i do try to listen to the radio broadcast of any Sox day games though which inevitably leads to the arrival of The Loud Talkers who feel the need to stand by my desk & talk over the game. ::sigh::

1 with their own thoughts:

k Friday, March 06, 2009 7:39:00 AM  

great list. Fun!! Thanks for playing along.

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