Monday, October 3, 2011

Let me ask you something.

If you could ask one question of the following .....what would your question be?

1. Your iPod

*What* is your obsession with Dave Matthews? I have a total of four songs out of 869 that are his. How is it that I hit shuffle & I get at least two of them every single time?
2. Casey Anthony
Do you avoid all mirrors? Because whatever the verdict, there is no way you don't at least know what happened & I cannot imagine how you look at yourself.
3. Your ex's last ex
Better you than me? Other than that...not my problem.
4. Your pet
I don't have a pet, but could you learn to speak English or grow thought bubbles over your head? Some of those antics, facial expressions and reactions are priceless & I would *love* to know what they're actually thinking!
5. John Lennon
I know you're universally loved & all, but I have to admit that (before it totally turned me off), when American Idol did "Beatles" weeks, I fast-forwarded. Don't hate me, ok?
6. Your great-grandmother on your father's side
Would you tell me all about Gram (or Gramp -- it didn't specify which great-grandmother!) as a child? As much as you can. And go slowly, because I need to record every detail.
7. Your mirror
I know you can't help being honest, but could you at least learn to do so with a little compassion? Sheesh.
(courtesy of The Queen's Meme)

1 with their own thoughts:

Desert Songbird Monday, October 03, 2011 8:29:00 PM  

I'm cracking up, as I flip through your blog, that you blog about food and sports. While I am not a baseball fan (I know, you hate that), I can and do wax poetically in the spring about college hoops. And food? Well, photos of such regularly appear on my FB profile (as you know) and used to appear regularly on my blog. I shall return to such food love again. :)

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