Sunday, December 26, 2004

Everyone should have 5 minutes...

Brett Favre (photo from Posted by Hello

We talk about our idols & our heroes. We discuss things like "If you could have dinner with one famous person, who would it be?" Hands down, I would have to say Brett Favre. I hear sportscaster after sportscaster talk about conducting an interview with Brett Favre & the comments are all the same: Everyone should have 5 minutes to talk to that man. They talk about talent. They say he's one of the best quarter backs to ever play the game. They say he's so real. I say it's one thing that captures me--and I can sum it up in one word: PASSION. This is a man that has a flame burning so hot within him, who walks out on that football field 16 weeks a year for regular season play with the excitement of a child & the love for what he does written all over his face. Snow. Injury. Personal pain. He shows up & he PLAYS. His attitude for every game makes me WANT to watch. It's more than that though. I am both humbled & inspired by a man I'll likely never even speak to. At a time when I question where my life is going, I heard him speak words that resonate in my mind & help me to summon up yet again strength I had no idea existed in me. The last year of Brett's life has included the death of his father & his brother-in-law & his wife being diagnosed with breast cancer. He was asked if he ever wanted to just sit down & ask "Why me?" He responded with such a quiet strength that it awed me: I'd sit here & ask "Why me? Why us?" but there's no point, it doesn't change a thing about what is. I just have to lower my head & keep pushing through & hope I have enough left for whatever comes next...

I couldn't have said it better myself Mr. Favre...I may never experience the 5 minutes but your impact is priceless.

Welcome to my world

Pull up a patch of cyberspace. Make yourself at home. I'm not much of an entertainer, but if you're looking for a peek into my corner of the universe & the random thoughts that hide here, then you've found the right place. Maybe I'm cheering on my favorite football teams...or spilling the secrets in my heart. I could just be musing at the wonderful luck that brought my friends into my life or sharing how perfectly precious my god daughter is. I might be feeling especially touched by some song lyrics or disclosing some personal revelation I discovered during my most recent commute. I may stop in several times in one day...or just once a week. I suppose that is the priviledge of being in charge. Or as in charge as anyone is of the random thoughts that pass through your mind on any given day as we all mark time along the broken roads we travel. May you find the inspiration in my scattered ramblings to look carefully for the beauty that lays hidden in the shadows, waiting for us to stumble upon it & smile...

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