Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Random Thoughts: January 16, 2008

** Alison's little peanut may have been exposed to RSV. poor baby isn't eating, has a fever, is coughing her wee self silly. and she has a date with the pediatrician this afternoon. please keep Gracie in your thoughts, prayers, whatever you've got. it's bad enough to be sick. it's so much worse when it's a bitty baby.

** 26 days til pitchers & catchers report, people! that is less than a month. do you have *any* idea how excited i am?!

** apparently, being thankful has even more benefits than simply being gracious. people who actually write down the things they are grateful for are more optimistic about the upcoming week, exercise more often and get sick less frequently than those who spent time writing about hassles & mundane events. and it doesn't even have to be something big. even being thankful for a funny email or a fresh pot of coffee counts! i have to say that i am a big believer in venting to get out the negative stuff that builds up, but i think that -- for me, anyway -- it helps to fill up that freed space with something positive, even if it seems trivial to everyone else. there are days that this is a bigger chore than maybe it should be, but it does seem to help. kind of like a mental deep cleansing breath: out with the bad, in with the good.

** speaking of out with the bad, i was reading an article in a magazine just the other day that was really interesting to me. i don't know about the guys, but i think every one of the girls i am friends with will identify with the need for a good cry every so often. and it's amazing how relieved it can make you feel, and this article gives an explanation that makes a lot of sense to me: "Humans evolved the ability to cry in order to remove in their tears chemicals that build up during stress, so they are literally crying it out. Research has shown that emotional tears have a different chemical composition from those generated by an irritant stimulus. ... Many people will try to stanch those tears, but that's not good because our bodies will internalize that grief, which can lead to all sorts of problems, such a hypertension, gastrointestinal distress and anxiety. So go ahead and let yourself cry."

** i have been suffering from a mysterious craving for about three days now. i cannot, for the life of me, figure out *what* it is. i have looked through my well-stocked pantry about 837 times now, and it's not in there.

** i am really over this writers strike. i understand (to a point) and agree that they have a legitimate beef. but doesn't Hollywood understand what i have been forced to resort to watch on tv as a result?! have mercy on me! at least Boston Legal is still turning out new episodes. and there is at least one more coming, since they showed previews for next week!

7 with their own thoughts:

jenny Wednesday, January 16, 2008 3:06:00 PM  

After hearing nothing but complaints for the first week of school I had my son tell me two good things about his day...anything counted - from who he sat with at lunch to making a clutch catch at recess or a good remark from a teacher.

IT WAS AMAZING. The change was immediate...and by the third day it was the first thing he'd tell me when he got off the bus.

You are onto something here :)

Anonymous,  Wednesday, January 16, 2008 4:23:00 PM  

I definitely sometimes feels so soothing to let go and have a good cry! Usually afterwards I'm nowhere near as upset as I started out!

April Wednesday, January 16, 2008 4:37:00 PM  

I love a good cry!! And I totally LOVE Boston Legal ---its now my new favorite show, and Dirty Sexy Money. But yeah, we need this strike to come to an end. Ugh. Oh, and BTW, I just tagged you in today's post. :-)

Ted D Wednesday, January 16, 2008 5:42:00 PM  

//i have been suffering from a mysterious craving//

Beer? No wait, thats usually MY craving.

I need to work on being more thankful; I've got a lot to have thanks for, it's just I don't have the time to think.

::makes late New Year resolution thanks to Dawn::

k Wednesday, January 16, 2008 5:47:00 PM  

I know I need to work on being more thankful but just the thought of attempting it stresses me out right now.

Yay for 'almost' baseball season.

I'm OVER the writer's strike too!!!

Reverend Ref + Wednesday, January 16, 2008 7:44:00 PM  

i have been suffering from a mysterious craving for about three days now. i cannot, for the life of me, figure out *what* it is. i have looked through my well-stocked pantry about 837 times now, and it's not in there.

Ding Dongs. I can almost guarantee it's Ding Dongs.

~**Dawn**~ Thursday, January 17, 2008 1:49:00 PM  

Jenny: I'm telling you! It's like any other habit. Just have to make yourself do it.

Smitty: There's just something therapeutic about getting it out. It's like whatever was so bad in the first place no longer feels insurmountable.

April: Boston Legal really makes me laugh. I haven't watched Dirty Sexy Money. With everything in rerun now, I could probably catch right up to speed, huh? ;-) I saw your tag! My goal is to get to it today if I can!

Ted: You know how sometimes you need to stop & count to 100 to keep from killing someone under four feet tall? Do it then. ;-) It's like counting with a bonus.

Krystyn: You've got a lot on your plate right now. I am sure it's hard to see the forest for the trees when you're in the middle of a mental storm.

Rev: Hmmmm... You may be onto something here...

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