Saturday, January 26, 2008

Friday's Feast: January 26, 2008

Feast One Hundred & Seventy Seven

How many times per day do you usually laugh?

i laugh a lot. my friends crack me up a lot. i read a bunch of blogs that make me laugh out loud. and let's not even talk about the number of times a day i make *myself* laugh. a day without laughter is long & lonely.

What do your sunglasses look like?
they aren't anything special, just these cheap, spring-loaded sunglasses that fit right onto my regular glasses. i got them at the outlets in Orlando for $15 and i've had them for like three or four years. if i had spent $100 on them i would have lost or broken them within six months, no doubt. these cheap little sunglasses were a great investment. how about a visual demonstration:

You win a free trip to anywhere on your continent, but you have to travel by train. Where do you go?

i think i would travel to somewhere on the west coast, because it would be cool to see so much of the country go by outside my window. interesting sidenote: "Train Wreck" by Sarah McLachlan just came on my playlist.

Main Course
Name one thing you consider a great quality about living in your town/city.

being mid way between Tampa & Orlando, i have lots of cool places to visit pretty darn close by.

If the sky could be another color, what color do you think would look best?

i am partial to it being blue, but if it had to be something else, i would pick those rich fiery reds & oranges we get at sunset. i love sunsets.

3 with their own thoughts:

Colleen Saturday, January 26, 2008 11:50:00 PM  

appetizer- too many to count...oh, and I'm loud =) (but I bet you could guess that;)

soup- sporty shades

salad-Oh...that's tough, travel cross country...that way Icould see everything, but also traveling the length of California would be fun too.

Main- Mountains -to Sound (Puget Sound) in about 25 minutes...Ya can't beat it =)

Dessert- Love that Blue, baby!

~**Dawn**~ Tuesday, January 29, 2008 8:51:00 PM  

KKT: Yay for trips to Disney!

Colleen: The funniest part is that if I were to guess based on your photos, I would totally think you were quiet! LOL! I so miss mountains...

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